Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 10

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The warm ocean breeze hit my face as I made my way to the picnick, justin holding my hand as we walked. I never really thought of Justin as a ceebrity, but more as a normal boy. I sat down in the beach chair, my feet burrying themseleves in the sand. I could barely see my neon orange nail polish peeking out of the sand. Justin grabbed the picnick basket and began diving out the food. He packed some turkey sandwhiches with american cheese and mayo. There was fruit salade and for desert, some chocolate covered strawberries. We fed eachother, me tossing grapes from the fruit salade into his mouth. Justin stood up from his spot and we made a game into it. I would toss the grapes up real high and he would catch them in his mouth.

When he was getting ready to catch them, i threw the whole bundle of grapes and they hit him in the face. i fell to the ground, laughing at his expression. He was like WTF

"Charolette Annabell Evens, your gonna regret this." he said, trying to look at serious ut failed miserable. I had gotten up but fell again at his posture cuase he had his hands on his hips and was trying to look all tough. I started to run away.

Now, i play soccer and i dance but Justin does those things too. It was a footrace.I was ahead at first but then as soon as Justin saw my plan, he chased after me. I got to a big rock, almost like a cave thing and it was a dead end. Oh shit i was dead. I screamed like a girl and covered my face. Justin causght up to me and wrapped his arms around me, falling ontop of me. He started poking me in the sides and tickling me. I was gasping for air. I guess i was regreting it. He looked into my eyes and smashed his lips to mine. It was WOW.I guess he was giving me payback. Payback is Sweet!!!

I broke the kiss and jumped up nad ran away to the water. Justin looked confused and came and joined me. I splashed and laughed. Really laughed. I mean i laugh all the time but its like natural with Justin. I fell backwords as i tried to make a huge splash but of course, failed miserably. I went underwater and came up laughing. Justin ran over to me, picked me up bridel style and kissed me. Oh boys and there hormones, alwayse wanting to kiss people. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head into his neck and breathed in his scent. He had a musky sweet smell.

"why do you kiss me so much?"

"becuase you are the most beautiful person i have ever met and i want to make sure that this is real. you like me for who i am, not that im famous. i want to make sure that one second, we are together and when i turn around, i find out you only like me for fame."

"aw justin, i didnt agree to be your boyfriend becuase you were famous. I agreed because you make me feel better about everything" i said, jumping down from his arms. I got down to my knees and started to look through the sand. I found a shell that was different from the rest. It was in shape of a heart and was split just a little bit down the middle.

"justin as long as you have this, you will always know i am with you" i said, putting it in his hand and closing it. We walked a little ways down the beach and we found tidle pools. We glanced at them and of course, i slipoped and fell into one. Of course, it was finally getting a least bit romantic and i fall. great.

As I did that, i felt a pinch of my foot and on my butt. i stood up quicky. I fricken crab was pinching me and it hurt like hell. Justin helped me up and i was yelling and cursing in pain. Not very lady like.

There was no serious damage done, just a bruise on my foot and butt. Justin got bandaids out of the car and put them on there with Neosporian just in case because the crab broke the skin. I went and sat down on the Blancket and began just watching the waves go up and down the beach. I tanned and so did justin.when justin was asleep, i took my sillybandz and put them on his stonmach. It was really sunny.

~*~*~ Later on ~*~*~

"charlie im going to kill you." he said, sitting up and looking at his stomach. His stomach was un burned and had crown shaped silly bands and other animals on his stomach. It was even funnier cause there were at least 10 on his stomach.

"awww jusitn doesnt like his new tattoo? the one on the left of you stomach matches the real one." i said, glancing at the real inked tattoo on his side.

"Charlie i have a photo shoot and i have to have my shirt off. How do you think the people are gonna react" he said, laughing as he was trying to finish the sentece.

''Well, your gonna have to deal."i said, pushing my sunglases back to my eyes.

"thats it." he said. before i could react, he pulled me up over his shoulder and was walking down the beach.

"you wouldnt dare!"i said, beating his back with my hands

''oh i will"

I got thrown into the water at the same time and went under

this was an awesome day

A/N sorry if its short. i have an open house showing and i am leaving and i wanted to finsih this chapter..more to update tonite

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now