Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 13

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opened up the blinds of the window on the plane as we began to take off. I was having a blast. I snuggled myself into Justins chest and turned on my iPod. it was Love Like Woah by The Ready Set. I began singing along to the music. It was my favorite song. Justin was going thew my iPod.
"Hannah Montana, High School Musical are on your iPod?" he said, laughing.I snatched the iPod from him.
"hey, dont critique my iPod. Its MY iPod."
"whatever shawty"
"okay so maybe my old nickname doesnt fit you. How about Mr.Barkey Von Shonser
(okay i got that from that commercial with the dog)
"okay..?"justin said, kissing my forehead.I closed my eyes while Justin tracced shapes on my hand with his fingers
~*~*~ LATER~*~*~
I woke up to Justin shaking me.
"Charlie, wake up" he said.
"no dad five more minutes."i said, rolling over to my side.
"dont make me get the bucket" he said. I shot right up and opened my eyes, to see chaz, justin, dillon and Sandy(note i made a mistake. i said that sandy was sitting with josh, not ashley. ashley couldnt come lol) laughing at my face
I wobbled up and justin wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck. "morning shawty" he said to me. I pecked him on the lips.
"morning...well i mean hi from my nap" i said, him pulling me in for another kiss. He deepened the kiss and he hungrley kissed me like never before. His hands trailed up and down the sides on my waist.
He moved his hand to the back of my head, deepining the kiss. He bit my lower lip, asking for entrance. i accepted and he explored my mouth.
"justin, we have little kids in the room" i said, breaking the kiss.
"screw them" he said, kissing my neck
"Justin Drew Bieber, you can get in her pants later. Now Lets GO!"chaz said. i ran up to him and acted like i was gonna give him a hug but took ice from the capartment next to me and stuck it down his pants.
"what the hell is wrong with you" chaz said, screaming like a girl.
We walked off the plane and went to get our bags. We made our way to a taxi without anyone spotting us. The hotel was the most fanciest one i have ever been in. Me and the girls were sharing a room and the guys as well. We unloaded our bags and decided to hit the pool.
I got into my sebra printed bikini and the sandy had a black one and dillon had on a white and pink polkadotted one. We ran down the elevator and made our way. There was no one there considering it was only 9 am
I jumped off the high board and did a cannon ball. We decided to have a cannonball contest. Girls vs Boys. The girls had to kiss the boys if they lost and be there slaves and the guys vice vs.
Except the guys had to walk around in dresses. The guys won though. Chaz kissed dillon, i made out with Justin and Sandy was with Josh. he was staying at the same hotel.
it was around noon and we went back up to the room. I got changed into shorts and a spagetti strapped shirt. we put in a movie becuase tonite, we were going out.
~*~* Tonite~*~*~
I got dressed into a black shirt with white short shorts. Us girls looked HOT!
We went to a club in las vegas. It was so much fun. we played blackjack and won of course. we had some drinks. i mean, what teenager doesnt have drinks. I may have had more then anybody. i needed to let loose.
I woke up in the hotel room , with justins arms around me. I had a mojor headache. what the hell happened last night? I got up , stretched and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. man, i looked like hell. I cracked my back and went to the kitchen. Dillon was up, and eating frosted flakes. I got myself a bowl out of the cubard and joined her. we started talking about last night. none of us could remeber. yet again, i bet all of us had hangovers
We were tlaking about random crap when Dillon spit out her food. I got up and yelled
"what the hell did you do that for" i yelled. Justin and everybody else came running out of there rooms
"whats wrong dillon" i asked again.
"what the hell is that on your finger?" she asked. i looked at her then my finger. there right on the forth finger in my hand, was a wedding ring. WHAT THE HELL?!?
I looked at justin and as soon as i did that, i fall to the ground, and everything went black.

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