Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 31

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heyyyyy everyone so I currently in the car on the way to the airport to pick up my grandma from...the airport lol and it is 1 1/2 away -_- and I have given y'all a long enough wait...sorry if there are spelling mistakes! I am writing this on my iPod :o and if it's not the longest chapter in the world! Blame the iPod lol okay here's the next chapter! -Kenzie <3


Justins pov

They put me in a cell and I felt like a peice of shit. I know that Charlie would get me out of this soon but it was the whole situation. She didn't deserve this. If I had just went slog with my promise of no concerts or anything, none of this would have happened. Hell, I we didn't go to Vegas, me and Charlie would be at her house or even vice versus and we would be hanging out watching movies or eating a romantic dinner. I was scared. When she didn't want to even look at me before the police came, my heart broke. What if she blamed this on me? What if she thinks I'm a horrible person? The way she looked at me when I touched her knee, it was almost as if I was...a monster.

I didn't want my own girlfriend to look at me and be scared that I'm gonna hurt her. I had never hit or beat he crap out of anybody before. Charlie had told me that David had used to hi her, and when I saw him again after the club night, all of the feelings toward that bastard had come all at once and I did what I felt I needed to.

I just want my babygirl to forgive me


Charlies pov

We arrived at the police staion 15 minutes later. I stopped crying. Chaz had called everyone to let them know that I was safe. Ryan wanted to talk to me but Chaz didn't want me to talk to anyone. Dillon an sandy were crying earlier. They were more scared then Chaz and Ryan put together. I love my girls. And I love the guys. They have felt like my family...and I can't stand to see them worried about me this much.

The cop got out of the police car and led us into the station. It was a normal sized building but he air was filed with the sent of sweat and coffee...GROSS!

The officer led me to a room. It was grey and had a silver table and chairs. It looked like an interrogation room. A man came in a he had a detective hat on. Talk about a cliche. He greeted me and told me his name is detective Mark Sanders.

"now Charlie, why don't you tell me how you know mr. Bieber" he said sitting down in the chair oppiset of mine.

"well hes my boyfriend. I met him through my friend Chaz" i said remembering the memory. It was where we shared our first kiss...even though it was a dare.

"now, I'm guessing that after this party you both hung out alot after the weeks to follow"

"correct. But I didn't really get a chance to hang out with him often"

"and why is that?" he said

"well, I do's my life. I had a big competition comic up so I didn't really have the chance to really hang out with anyone. Chaz had joined the crew and me and him had to concentrate of the dance competition more then anything else"

"and did you win?"

"well originally we did not. We came in second but there was a situation and we ended up being able to come here for the prize instead of the other team"

"I see. Interesting"

"what do you mean interesting sir?"

"well that Justin is not on the team but he got to come to Vegas"

"he was a judge. And what does this have to do with the situation that happened a few house ago?" I asked with a little bit of an attitude. I think the detective realized my tone his but ignored it.

"well I'm just wanting to know the background info"

I didnt say anything back. The room was quiet for a moment and then the detective spoke again.

"now, has there been any mishaps that have happened since you have arrived in Vegas?"

"no...well yes"

"please elaborate"

"well my ex boyfriend David showed up at the same teen club we were at and caused a bunch of crap...and like I tried telling the officer, hes the one that...that d-did this to me" i said stuttering a little.

"What exactly happened tonight?"

I closed my eyes and began telling them what happened. From me getting ready to the little girl singing with Justin to me getting a phone call.

"...and then I had to call Chaz back at the hotel because he broke his phone and I had no service inside the building so I went to the back. I didnt bother telling Justin because I knew I would only be a second. Then I walked outside and then David appeared and started pushing me and he grabbed me and pulled me into the van..."

I looked up at the officer and he nodded his head for me to continue...almost giving me encouraging nod.

"and then he started doing stuff to me and then Justin appeared and started beating the shit...i mean crap out of David."

"what is this Davids last name"


"Your father told me that was his name earlier. david Jacobs has been dead for the past 11 years."

I looked over at the officer like he was crazy. Of course he was alive. I met him at school. We had the same classes. They are making it sound like I made him up.


"yes. We cant catch him if there he is 'dead'."

"then how is it that I met him at school and we had the same classes together. "

"our best guess is that he knew the person was dead and then used his name. Schools are'nt neccesarily required to do backround checks. Thats for the police to do if problems occure."

Wow good system!

"what does this mean, that he just gets away with it?!?"i half yelled.

"there is nothing we can do. We have to just wait and see if something else happens"

"BUT THATS NOT FAIR!"  I screamed

"ma'am sit down." the officer said.

"what does this mean about Justin?"

"we needed you to verify that he was innocent. He can leave now"

We walked out of the room and went to the waiting center. I sat down in the chair and waited for Justin to be realeased.


Justins pov

An officer came to my cell 3 hours later and I ran up to the bars. I had never been this worried/mad/scared before in my entire life.

"Bieber your released"

See, I knew my girl would come through.

The officer opened the gate and let me out. He put his arm on my shoulder and we walked to the waiting room and I couldnt believe my eyes. I say a girl with baggy sweatpants, hair knotted and her makeup was smeared. Charlie.


Charlies POV

I saw Justin walking with an officer to the waiting area where my dad Chaz and myself waited. He came over and hugged my dad, huggd chaz and then he got to me. He looked me in the eyes and he put his hand underneath my chin. I winced a little and he looked like he wanted to cry. I was scarred of him.


Im so glad I got wifi at this airport! Thank god for starbucks...

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