Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 30

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Wow thirty chapters already. Time flies. Vote, comment, etc yall know the drill (:


Justins POV

"I did not fucking touch her! This is complete bullshit!" I screamed jumping out of my chair, an officer stepping forward pushing me back into my seat. I growled as I sat down in the silver  ugly chair.

"Son I suggest you keep your voice down" the cop said. I was currently in an interigation room.

"This is total crap though" i said running a hand through my hair. Im glad they took the cuffs off my wrists. They were starting to hurt because they put them on so tight.

Okay, heres the story they told me. A pederstrian off the street was walking home from work. Apparently a girl who had on a black dress with converse was seen coming out of the galla in the back and a guy who apparently looked like me was found kissing her and pushed her into a van and the girl screamed. He then called 911 and thats when the cops showed up. He knew the girl was charlie when they showed him a picture of Charlie and he said that was her.

Great, he can identify charlie but when they show him a picture of me he said that it was me. Apparently I looked like David but not me...good witness! What did I do to deserve this shit?

My mom was gonna have a bitch fit when she finds out. Great.

The officer looked me up and down. "You know you are going to jail for 4 years." he began but I cut him off. "Ask Charlie! She knows I didnt fucking do it!" I screamed and the officer looked at me like I was crazy. Wait, they hadnt asked her if I was innocent! They just assumed because of the fucking witness.

"Go ask her and if she says it was me then you can put me in jail and I wont fight it." I said...but I knew my girl. She wouldnt tell them it was me.

The officer looked to the cornor of the room like he was thinking. He walked out and from what I saw he was making a phone call. I smiled to myself. I knew I would be free soon.


Charlies POV

I was woken up to a nurse rubbing my shoulder lightly. I woke with a start and she jumped a little.

"so sorry" she began saying. I guess she knew about what happened.

"its okay." I said streching a little. From the clock on the wall it showed that I was asleep for 3 or 4 hours.

"Im sorry miss but we need to get ahold of someone who will come and get you.  We also need someone whom we can talk to about what happened.We couldnt find your cell phone when we brought you hear so can you come with me to the hospital phone?" she asked kindly.

I sat fully up and started to walk with the nurse. All around me  could see doctors running around. To one side of the hospital were doors and I could see a pregnant women walking in with her hand on her stomach taking easy breaths. The doctor went and sat her in a wheelchair and yelled something to a nurse who ran and brought her to a room.

The nurse who brought me to the cubical picked up and phone and handed it to me.

"dial 7 first and then the number" and she walked out.

Who was I going to call? I could call Chaz. And then he can call my dad and his mom. I didnt want them to worry. I needed both Chaz and my dad. I needed me mom.

I dialed the hotel number and he picked up on the first ring.

"hello Charlie?" he said.

"yeah its me" i could sence his worry in his voice.

"holy shit Charlie you scared me. where the hell are you? you broke out during the phone call and when I tried to call you back it said it was out fo service and then I started to worry cause you could have been anywhere in vegas and when I went to the place where you and justin were everybody was gone. My mom and your dad went looking earlier and nobody can get ahold of Justin and Ryan is over here punching walls and shit and he wont talk to anyone and Sandy is crying and we dont know where you guys went. Chelsea left with her parents and she doesnt know you guys went missing and I mean like I said anywhere in vegas. Where are you" he said. Damn he said that all in one breath.

"the hospital" i said

"YOUR WHERE?!? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!??!?!?!" I heard him scream.

I explained everything.

"I will kill that son-of-a-bitch" then I heard chaz yell to everybody to come to the hospital but I stopped him.

"chaz I just need you and my dad right now. Please. Just you two."

Chaz thought for a moment and then told me he would be there in 15 minutes. I jsut needed somebody. I was scared to see him though. David made me scared to see my own friends.

I hung up the phone and as I was walking out, an officer came around the cornor.

"Miss Evans?" the officer said.


"You need to come to the poice station. You are needed for questioning.''

I didnt ask any questions I just went and found the nurse that let me call Chaz. She told me I could be realeased once someone signed the forms. No sooner did she say that, Chaz and my dad came running into the hospital and ran over to me. I started crying as Chaz gave me a hug and I winced. He looked at me and understood completly. He stepped back and my father had a worrired look on his face. I walked towards him and burried my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"its okay charlie. Everything is going to be okay" he said smothing my hair.

"Mr. Evans?" the nurse asked.


"charlie can be realeased but she needs to be signed out."

My dad walked over and signed the paper work leaving me and chaz by ourselves.

"I am so sorry this happend charlie" he said and i turned to him and hugged him. He looked a little taken back but kissed my head and I stopped crying.

"Alright time to go to the police station" my dad said and we climbed into the car my dad was renting. The officer was letting me and Chaz and my dad drive seperatly from him. My dad went to the drivers side and got in and I sat in back with chaz, crying whole he hugged me, nervous about what was coming.



sorry i know its short but if i kept going I would have done a cliff hanger and I dont think people would apprecitate that lol

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now