Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 6

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Great, the competion was today and all last night, i kept thinking about Justin and that kiss. I didnt get as good of a sleep as i had hoped for. Great, thats exactly what i needed, me falling aslepp or messing up during the routine. Ugh why did i kiss the hotest teen pop sensation of well ever...ugh

jumped out of bed as soon as my alarm clock said 6:30am i decided i needed a shower so i got in the shower, washing my hair and body longer then usual, i needed to look and smell good. i put my lotion on my legs and got dressed. the competion started at 10 but all dancers were needed at 8. i put on my dance outfit

read description on the set when u go to the link

I put my hair like this

I wanted to look cute. I picked up my phone and called chaz. he was gonna be at my house in twenty minutes so i got breakfest and waited for him to come and get me. I ate a bagle with cream cheese and some orange juice. As i chugged the last part of my juice, chaz honked his horn. i grabbed my keys and my gum and walked out to meet chaz. My car was broken, somthing to do with the batery. i hopped into his car and we made out way to the competion. It was an hour away so me and chaz needed to hurry if we were gonna make it before 8. we stopped at the gas station and got waters and some granola bars. i ate my peanut butter one and rested my head against the door and couldnt wait till we got there

We were there before i could even have time to close my eyes. the rest of the team was there and we chated and warmed up. we were going up first so it was alot to handle. they called our names and we made our way to the floor. they were intruducing the judges when i stopped...

"And introducing pop teen sensation, justin bieber as our guest judge for the competion" the announcer said. i stopped dead in my tracks and everyone bumped into me. i felt like i was gonna throw up. if i could barely concentrate without him here, i was more of a nervous wreck now. i like justin and what if i made a complete fool of myself. i stared blankly at chaz and pulled him by the ear over by ourselves to talk.

"why the hell didnt you tell me he was a judge. you know how nervous i am and now that hes here.."i said, fuming. i was so mad that he hadnt told me, at least i couldve prepared my self otherwise.

chaz looked at me. "im sorry, i thought it wouldve been nice to see justin, seeing as though how you practicaly made out with him last night" he said, smirking at the end of the sentence. I stormed off, waiting by the curtain until we were called to go on...this was gonna be a long/intersesting competion....

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now