Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 16

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The club was amazing. It had stobe lights, a disco ball, and everything you would think if in a club. I was so excited. I have not danced since I was at the dance competion. Granted that was five days ago, but I normally dance at least three hours everyday. I was excited.

The base from the DJ board was beating and I could feel it like a pulse in my veins. I felt my hand being grabbed by justin and we went to the center of the dance floor. He put his hands on my waist and started grinding with me. His my arms wrapped around his neck as back was toward him. We danced and I played with his hair.

Justin grabbed my chin and kissed me. Our mouths in syncranization as he bit my lower lip, asking for an entrace. He was so HOT! Did I mention what the guys were wearing?

I playfully denied him and he kept trying. I guess I was winning huh? He grabbed my waist and started to tickle my sides and I laughed. And we were doing this while we were dancing.

I played tonsel hockey with him for a few seconds and went and ran away. I was walking toward the middle of the dnace floor when someone tapped my shoulder. It couldnt be.

I turned around to see David, my ex boyfriend. He was on the dance team and was what Chaz was now, the leading man. He got kicked off the team because he would hit me and was sleeping around with my ex best friend. Long story short, he was a snake, a player.

I tried to walk off, but he grabbed my shoulder.

"David stop! your hurting me" i yelled, trying to at least over the music.

"oh honey, you didnt tell me to stop in bed" he said, with a sly smile creeping onto to his face.

He had his lips almost to mine.

"get the hell away from her" i heard from behind.

Justin looked angry, like scary angry. A shadow casted on his face.His hands were balled up into fists and his knuckles were bone white.

"and who the hell are you?" he said, gripping my arm even tighter.

"alright tell you what. Im her boyfriend. How about I make you a deal, I dance you in a contest and if you beat me, you can beat the snot out of me and If i win, you let her go and I beat the shit out of you!" justin said.

"dance? you want me to dance you?" he said, almost laughing.

"Bring it on little man, unless your too much of a pussy to do so" justin said.

"fine." david said, releasing me and throwing me to the ground.

I ran up to the DJ stand and yelled at the DJ to put on a song. I grabbed the mic

"everyone clear the dance floor. theres about to be a little contest."

Everyone started to leave. I grabbed justins arm and ran to find chaz. He was in the cornor, kissing Dillon.

I grabbed his shirt collor.

"what the hell charlie?" he said

"common, i need you to be in a dance compotion with me and justin and josh."

"alright, im in"

The music started and I knew, that this was one competion that we have to win.

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now