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The last person I wanted to see today was the one person that came barging into the room just as I slid on my jacket.


I slowly turned around and looked at him. Tommy stood there, hair cropped low and looking very concerned. What was he concerned about? It couldn't possibly be me. Because I have been here for two weeks and even before the cheating incident, Tommy never called.

"Hi." I said, looking right at him. I didn't know what to say and I had nothing to say to him.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" Tommy asked, rushing towards me. I took two steps back to evade his hands and just stared at him. What was he doing here?

"I'm fine, Tommy. Why are you here?" I asked, going straight to the point. Tommy looked taken aback by my question but it was a legitimate one, wasn't it? I was ready to leave after being stuck here for two weeks, different part of my body aching, bruises slowly fading and healing and Aizen always here with books, iPad and quiet conversations. It's the one minute he stepped out that Tommy walked right in.

"What do you mean why am I here? I'm here because my friend got hurt." he said and I just stared at him.

"You should go, Tommy."

"What? Why? Why are you being like this?" he asked, taking another step towards me. This time I stood my ground.

"Do you know... while I was here, in pain, crying my eyes out almost everyday, I had the time to think. To really think, you know. All that time with Mason was just wasted and I know it isn't your fault but I took beatings with the fear that Mason might actually start beating you too, he always threatened me with that, it was actually one of my greatest fear. You might not have known but I, in  my own way, protected you but you... you left me alone. You stopped replying my texts, stopped picking my calls and I was all alone." I said, speaking the truth. I have cried enough and I don't want to cry for anyone again.

"Deri... I didn't mean to . I don't know what to s-"

"You could leave." Aizen cuts in as he walks into the room. Dark hair styled in a middle part and he was in another one of his three piece suits. He was glaring at Tommy, looking very intimidating with said glare and scar on his face. He had rings on his fingers and he raised those fingers to rub at his bottom lip.

"Who is this?" Tommy snapped, taking a step closer to Aizen. Immediately he takes a good look at Aizen, he actually began to start shaking. "Mr. Axel." he said and this time I looked at Aizen who just kept staring at Tommy with an unimpressed expression.

"Was this the friend you told me about, red?" Aizen asked, finally looking away from my former friend. I didn't give Aizen a verbal answer but it seemed like the silence was all he needed. "Are you ready to go then?"

"Yeah. I'm set."

I didn't have anything to say to Tommy, so I simply zipped up my jacket and walked out of the hospital room, Aizen right behind me. I wondered how Tommy knew Aizen, well, Aizen's last name.

Aizen led me out of the hospital and towards the shiniest BMW I have ever seen. It was sleek black but still wonderful. He held open the door for me and shut it when I slipped into the car before making his way over to the driver's seat.

Once he was seated, I asked. "How do you know Tommy?"

"I don't know Tommy." Aizen replied and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How does Tommy know you?" I asked, raising my brow at him.

"He works for me." was all Aizen said and I huffed. I knew if I kept pushing he wasn't going to tell me any more. He didn't even tell me where we were going to. Thinking about it made me suddenly scared, what if he was taking me back to that house?

"Where are we going?"

"To my house." Aizen said and I stared at him. He lived right above me, so that meant we were going back to that same place where my nightmares came to life.


"It's not the same place. I will never take you there. I actually have half the mind to tear down that build and just put a garden there instead." Aizen said and I stared at him, a little puzzled. Sometimes. Aizen would say something that would leave me with more questions.

The ride to wherever we were going was filled with music, Aizen had given me control and had even handed me his phone, so I could look through spotify playlists to play what I wanted. After almost thirty minutes, Aizen finally pulls down a stretch of road that was quiet and finally pulled up to a gate. He pressed a button in the car and the gate slid open.

As he drove in, my mouth fell open. It was such a gorgeous, gorgeous place. It was a two storey white building with huge windows and wood panels, there was a front garden and two other cars in the driveway and just beside the main building was the garage. The garage was huge. It was a two storey garage and I just.... What the fuck is this?

"Aizen, what is this? Is this yours?" I asked once I had stepped out of the car and looked up at the house.

"Yeah. It's my humble abode."

"What in the fudge?!" I cussed and Aizen chuckled. He led me to the house, unlocked the door and let me in. The inside of house was just as gorgeous as the outside. There was a huge living room, a kitchen, a cinema room, a hot tub outside and another garden. Upstairs had three bedrooms, Aizen's study.

"It's so beautiful." I said in awe as I looked around. When I looked towards Aizen, I found him already staring at me. There was this expression on his face, one I couldn't decipher.

"I'm glad you like it." he said and then he asked me to pick out of the two guest-rooms. I picked the room that had a balcony, looking over the garden and the trees beyond. I liked it, it was quiet, the walls were white with colourful abstract painting on the walls, a huge closet and an en-suite. It was more than I could have asked for and I was so thankful for Aizen and for him letting me stay.

"Thank you for letting me stay, Aizen. Thank you so much for everything." I said, honestly, smiling softly at the man in front of me. Aizen simply shrugged.

"You're welcome." he said. "I'm glad you like it. Feel free to move around as much as you like, you can use anything, go anywhere. The keys are in the garage and you can pick any car you want."

"Aizen. I don't know what to say."

"You had your freedom taken away from you, had your choice taken away from you. I want to give that back to you because it's yours, it's what you deserve. You deserved to be treated like a person and I'm gonna do that." Aizen said and I stared at him. That was one of the longest sentences he had ever said and he looked right at me as he spoke, never once looking away.

I take a step forward and then another until suddenly I was standing right in front of Aizen, my arms going around his waist as I hugged him. Aizen doesn't move but he doesn't tense up.

"Thank you." I said again.

After a couple seconds of silence, Aizen hugged me back. "Any time."

Since my head was resting on Aizen's chest, I could hear it. I could hear as his heart beat pick up. It was going really fast. I didn't have the time to think about it because he was pulling back seconds later. Soon enough we were back downstairs and he was pulling out a plateful of food from the fridge.

"If you own this house, why were you at the apartment?" I asked.

"I had to fix some of the windows and redo the kitchen, I didn't want to be here while it was being done. I wanted peace and quiet." Aizen said as he sticks the plate into the microwave.

"And you got the opposite of that."

"I got a friend." Aizen said, smiling softly at me. "Do you have any more questions because I have to get to work, I have a meeting later."

"Who are you?" I asked.

Aizen stared at me for a bit before walking over to me. He holds his right hand towards me and gives me the most dazzling smile.

"Hello. I'm Aizen Axel, CEO of Axel Corp. It's very nice to meet you."

Finally back to updating ❤️
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