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"You're not missing work to go on a picnic with me."

Aizen just raised a brow at me as he popped a berry into his mouth. I already knew there was no use arguing with him but I am bound to win at some point. He looked like he was seconds away from laughing at me and I would have loved to see that.

For the thousandth time, I found myself thinking what if.

What if I had met Aizen first?

"Work is boring though." Aizen said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You own the company." I reminded him. We were both in the kitchen, me standing and dicing up fruits so I ca put it in a little picnic bowl. I had already packed some cheese, some ice and double cream. Instead of helping me, Aizen was stealing my berries. The criminal.

I should not have told him about my plans for today because he was going to shift his meetings and join me today. I also had an impromptu session today with Dr. Fletcher. I had called earlier to book it so as not to surprise the elderly man.

I should take him a little muffin basket. He might like that.

"I want to go to the park with you. Maybe even take you shopping." Aizen said and I narrowed my eyes at him. He gives me this big grin as he slides off the kitchen stool. He rinsed his hands at the sink and dried them. It might be fun to go shopping with Aizen.

"What if I don't want to go shopping with you?" I huffed, sliding the rest of the pineapple into the bowl. I smiled to myself as I placed the knife on the chopping board. My eyes went wide when I feel arms going around my waist and Aizen's breath on my neck.

"We both know that isn't true." He said, the cold press of his nose on my neck. I could feel it down to my toes but there was a faint sound of warning bells in my head. Not yet. It was instances like this, times when it feels like Aizen looks for an excuse to touch me, when he reaches for my hand, ruffles my hair, it was things like this that made me think that he might like me.

More than friend, like.

My body reacts but my heart and head agree that this isn't the time. There's still this fear.

I let my hands fall from the chopping board and held my breath as I placed my hands on Aizen's. Traumatized or not, I could admit that he made me feel safe. He made me question and think about everything. He made me want to be okay.

"You should let me win an argument sometime."

"Only if you have a better come back, Deri." He said. I could feel the barest trace of his lips on my neck and he holds me close for a second and then he was gone, walking away from me, keeping enough space between us.
"Fine. You can crash my picnic but you're going to pick a book with me too, we're gonna stop at the library." I said as I packed up the rest of my basket, the sandwiches, sodas, a bag of fresh croissants, pudding cups, trifles and two slices of cheesecake because that is my weakness.

Aizen and I both went upstairs to change. Him, out of his suit and me into something comfortable yet good enough for hanging outside. I slipped on black jean shorts and a grey shirt that was loose enough for the weather. It was sunny today. Since I decided to grow my hair out, my red hair has gotten down my neck, the front reaching the center of my ear, very soon I would be able to pack it up but for now I ran my hands through it, pushing it away from my face.

It made me feel very main character. Those ones in movies.

Bella did it a lot in twilight.

Ooh, I should probably pick that up at a library. It's been a while since I read it.

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