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"Thank you." I said, playing with the hem of the shirt.

It's a bit past eight and Aizen had made me shower here at his home. He had also given me some clothes to wear. He had given me a grey long-sleeved shirt and some sweatpants that I had to roll several times so it'd stay on my waist without slipping down, socks on my feet and his Adidas slides.

"You have to stop saying that. It's getting on my nerves." Aizen said, his arms crossed. He hadn't showered yet but he had cleaned up and brushed in the guest bathroom. I was so grateful to him though and I was going to keep thanking him.

"I live in 22B. Just in case you were wondering." I said, still playing with the hem of the shirt. Aizen nodded and I took it as that. I walked over to the door and pulled it open, turning so I could wave at him one more time.

Once I was outside the apartment, the crippling fear came back. The closer I got to my door, the bigger the fear became. I stood outside the door, wondering if Mason was still inside. I moved closer and pressed my ear against the door, wondering, trying to hear something, anything.

I raised my shaky hand to the knob and turned but nothing happened. It was locked. I quickly moved forward, shaking the knob and banging on the door. It didn't budge and no one was answering. Did Mason lock me out? Did he go to work without looking for me?

I looked up at the door sill. That was where Mason normally kept the spare key. I go on my tip toes, trying to reach for the key but I wasn't tall enough. Oh god. I didn't want to call him though, I didn't know what his reaction would be.

I pushed my hands through my hair, wondering what the fuck I should do? There was no one to help  and I didn't have my phone to even call Mason and the last person I wanted to call was my brother because he also had a spare. I didn't want him to see me like this. The only tall person I knew was Aizen.

I looked back at the stairs. Yeah, I could ask him. Maybe beg him a bit to help me with this. I would never ask for his help again.  I made my way over to the stairs as fast as I could, despite the pain I was feeling. The drugs were starting to wear out and the pain was coming back with a vengeance.

I knocked on Aizen's door, waiting for him to open the door. Aizen opens the door and stares at me, his phone pressed to his ear and he ends the call without saying anything to the person on the other line.

"I'm sorry. I know I just left here but... I'm locked out and I can't reach the spare key." I said, shyly. Aizen looks at me, gaze trailing all over my face. He walks out of the house and locks the door, shoving the key into his pocket.

He followed me down the stairs until we got to my door. I pointed at the key and he just reached up, tapping here and there until he found it. He didn't even get on his toes, he just reached out.


"Thank you, Aizen." I said. I pushed the key into the keyhole and turned. I pushed the door open and walked in, my eyes going wide. The entire apartment was scattered. Mason had left the place just like it was. The couch cushions were flipped, plates broken, everywhere littered. My back ached from looking at this, at how many times I would have to bend down and clean this all up.

"What the fuck." Aizen cussed as he walked in. He looked around the space, around where I called my home. I wanted to cry. I wanted to just drop to the ground and cry. I couldn't though, not right now. I had to clean up the house and then think of what to make for dinner.

I walked forward and stopped when Aizen grabbed my arm.

"Do you really have to do this?" Aizen asked and I nodded. I couldn't find the right words to say and it felt like if I opened my mouth, I might let out a loud sob. I picked up the cushions, placing them where they needed to be.

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