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Like I said, Mason didn't come home last night and I slept over at Aizen's. He made me take the bed while he stayed on the couch.

It's eight am and Aizen was still asleep and I had wanted to do something nice for him, so I cleared up his kitchen, wiped off the counters and washed the plates we had used for dinner and finally packed up the bin.

Aizen was still asleep, a grey duvet pulled over him, stopping a bit before his collarbone. His hair was scattered and in his sleep, he looked so relaxed. I couldn't help but smile down at him. I still wanted to make him tea though as a thank you but there was still something I had to do. I walked back over to the kitchen, gripped the bin bag and slipped out of the house as quietly as I could.

I hummed to myself as I walked down the stairs and out of the building, heading towards the spot where we the bins were parked. I tossed the black bags into it and closed the lid. I walked back to the building, stopping abruptly when I see black car pull into the parking lot. I was close enough to see who was inside.

I stared with wide eyes as Mason smiled at the blonde haired man next to him in the car, pulling their locked hands to his lips to press a kiss to it. This stupid fucking maggot! To make things even worse, the blonde man pulls Mason in for a kiss and yeah, that fucking sealed it. I, funny enough, didn't feel like crying. Maybe I cried it all out with Aizen yesterday.

Now all I felt was anger.

I was practically shaking with it.

Mason didn't even come home with his car. No, he came back home in his lover's car. Had they had that much fun that Mason had forgotten the fact that he drove a grey Hyundai and not this black nonsense!

I didn't move from where I was. I just stood there and waited for Mason to step out of the car. When he finally does, the smile he has on his face slipped off and he at least, had the decency to look shocked. The selfish asshole.

I looked at him and at the blonde, his lover, who gets out of the car. Mason's boy toy, the bitch, was tall, skinny and his hair looked shiny. His clothes screamed expensive while my face screamed bruises.

"Just so you know... Mason did this to my face!" I yelled so boy toy could hear me. Mason ran towards me, his anger clear as day. "Since it's your anniversary, my gift to you is to fucking run away from this man because he is a domestic abuser and a -" Mason slammed his hands over my mouth and I clamped my teeth down on the skin.

He yelled and backed off but I quickly ran towards the car. I wondered what I looked like to him, Mason's lover.

"He's gonna hurt you! He's going to turn you into his personal punching b-" Mason slammed his hand over my mouth hard and I watched as his boy toy gasped loudly. I struggled within Mason's hold and made a run for it when I sprung free.

I don't even know where the courage and strength came from. I just ran, my plan was to run up to Aizen's apartment but I didn't want to pull him into this. So I ran as fast as I could towards our flat. I prayed and prayed that it was open and when I turned the doorknob and pushed...

I didn't have time to catch my breath because I got pushed into the apartment, the door locked shut behind Mason.

"What the fuck did you just do?" Mason spat as he reached for me. He grabbed me by my hair, his palm hitting my cheek with so much strength as he slapped. "I let you have all this freedom and you just run your fucking mouth whenever you want, you ungrateful bitch!" Mason said as he pushed me against the back of the couch, the edge hitting my back and there's a quick explosion of pain.

Even through the pain, I couldn't stop. I couldn't fall. Me... ungrateful.


My body shook as I laughed. This man had to be kidding me.

"You are the ungrateful motherfucker in this room." I yelled, finger pointed at him. "I gave you two years of my fucking life and you turned me into shit. You are just a foolish son of a bitch. A stupid piece of shit that I regret meeting!" I yelled back.

Mason nose flared in anger and he lunged for me. I ran to the side, trying to catch my breath. My heart was beating fast and it felt like I... needed to run. Run away from this man. I couldn't get far. He picked up the lamp and threw it at my head. I let out a loud scream when it hit the wall beside me, some broken pieces cutting through the skin of my cheek.

My eyes widened in fear and it felt like my heart had sunk low and had fallen to the ground. Mason barged at me, his right hand going around my neck while he kept hitting me with his left. It was so painful and I had barely healed from the last hit. The back of my head kept slamming into the ground and it was becoming blurry now.

Still, I fought. I struggled to get out of his grip. Making my way to the kitchen. I grabbed the first thing I saw and threw it right at him.

"You are a miserable man! A big fucking loser!" I screamed, picking up another plate and throwing it right at me.

"You don't get to talk me like that you faggot!"

I let out a laugh. It was loud and sounded strange, sounded manic even to my ears. Is he serious? Is he kidding me?

"Want to know why I'm with Shawn? Huh?" Mason spat, his arms spread out and falling back down as he glared at me. "It's because he's perfect. He is beautiful, can sustain himself, he has a real fucking job and doesn't play with sand all the time. He is skinny, no stretch marks anywhere on his perfect skin unlike you!" Mason spat and I... his words made me stop. My chest rising and fall as I pant. "You are weak, you are small, you are boring, your food doesn't even taste that good. You don't have a real job, all I ask you to do is stay home but all you did was eat and eat and now look at those lines going up your waist! There's nothing interesting about you, nothing you can offer me, offer anyone. That's why I teach you but what do you do, huh?! Huh?!" Mason screamed. He screamed so loud I flinched.

It was jarring. It was jarring hearing him, someone that I thought cared about me, someone I thought loved me, call out all my flaws. Some I knew and some I didn't. It made me want to cover up and hide.

I couldn't do this anymore.

"We're done."

"WE ARE DONE WHEN I SAY WE ARE!" Mason yelled.

"WE ARE FUCKING DONE, MASON!" I yelled back just as loudly. I tried to run out of the kitchen but I wasn't fast enough. Mason grabbed my by my hair and tried to slam my face into the wall. I screamed. I screamed as loudly as I could as I was pushed to the ground. Mason doesn't let up, he doesn't give me space to breathe as he kicks me. Every where was hurting, everywhere was in pain.

I just... I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I kept screaming as hard as I could, tears streaming down my face. Mason kicked and hit, he sneered and called me names. He doesn't stop and neither do I. I don't stop screaming. I don't stop till my vision turned completely blurry from the tears.

I don't stop when the door to the apartment was bashed in and someone rushed in. I don't stop screaming while I heard the sound of people fighting. I don't stop screaming because everything hurt. I don't stop screaming because I just wanted someone, anyone, to hear my pain. I don't stop screaming because I wanted someone, anyone to save me.

I don't stop screaming even when my ears started to ring. I don't stop screaming when someone kneels beside me, their hands on my shoulder. They were saying something. They were saying something but I... I couldn't hear it over the ringing, over my scream. My throat clamped up and then everything fell silent. It hurt.. My body hurts, my head hurts.... My heart, hurts.

My eyes felt heavy and my heart was beating too fast. Maybe this was it.

I was finally going to rest.

"-eri!" Someone was screaming name. "-eri! Don't close your eyes!" the person kept screaming. I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't have the strength to do that. I just wanted to sleep.

Let me rest.


My heart hurts

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