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I blinked open my eyes slowly. Everything was bright and I had to blink repeatedly to get used to it. The first thing I noticed were the white walls, the flowers in the room and the weight that made my bed dip on one side.

Shit. I was in a hospital.

What is going on? What happened?

It all came back to me in a rush and I just... didn't feel anything. It felt like my feelings were numb. I didn't want to cry, I wasn't mad, I wasn't sad. I just was. I looked back at the person whose head was resting on my bed. His eyes were closed, arms folded beneath his head. Aizen had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was rough like he kept running his hands through his hair. He had on a black hoodie and black sweatpants. Even in his sleep he looked worried and I wondered what he was dreaming about?

I opened my mouth, wanting to say his name and ask how long I've been here but once I opened my mouth, I just started couching. My throat was hoarse and scratchy and fuck, I need water. My coughing seemed to wake Aizen.

He jerked up, immediately reaching for me before his eyes were even open. I wanted to laugh at him but my throat was so dry. When he finally notices I was awake, his eyes went so wide and it made me wan to laugh. I've never seen Aizen look so shocked. He was always composed, small smile, small frowns, big smiles here and there, face stoic but he has never looked this shocked.

He hands me the cup of water that was all the way across the room and holy shit, what the fuck is this room? It's so big and it looked like a hotel suite. He placed the straw between my lips and I suck in, the cold water making me feel so so much better.

"Thank you." I said, my voice coming off deeper than it usually is. I had to clear my throat before taking another needed sip of water.

"Any time." Aizen said as he placed his cup on the table beside the bed. "I am so glad you're awake?" Aizen said as he reached put to press a button beside the bed.

"How long have I been here?"

"Two weeks. You sustained a lot of injuries and you were in so much pain and you just wouldn't wake up." Aizen said, running his hands through his hair, blue-green eyes looking shaky. I was about to ask about Mason when the door to the room was pulled open and a man walked in. Blue scrubs, white coat. His blonde hair flopping into his face, glasses resting on his nose.

"I am so glad you're awake, Mr. Deri." the man said. "I am doctor Sam and I have been in charge of your treatment for two weeks now. And I am also this crazy person's best friend." Sam said, ruffling Aizen's hair. The blonde man was smiling so widely while Aizen glared at him, arms crossed.

"I...can't really feel anything right now?"

"Yeah. You're on pain meds but since you're awake, you would be taken off them." Sam said as he picked up a chart from the end of my bed. I watched him look through it and nod. He walks back to me and Aizen moved closer to the bed. "Deri, you suffered fractured ribs on both sides, sustained hits to the head, multiple cuts and bruises on your body. You had an MRI scan to make sure everything was alright and someone in this room also pressed us about it. He said you hit your head pretty badly."

"Yeah I... remember."

"How are you feeling?" Aizen asked, resting a hand on the bed, fingers resting on my arm.

"I don't really feel the pain or anything." They didn't need to know that I literally meant it. Mentally, physically and emotionally.

"That's understandable, Deri but like I said earlier, you've been on pain meds for two weeks and you will be taken off it gradually." Sam said, the hand holding the chart was placed behind his back. "I am so glad you're awake. I really am." he said. "I'll leave you two to talk but I'll be back soon with some nurses."

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