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I blinked my eyes open, the movement slow like my body knew if I did it any harder, it would cause even more pain. There was a bright light above me, actually there were servel bright lights on the ceiling and it didn't smell like Mason's house.

I sat up slowly, groaning as I moved. I was still in pain but it was dull, more like a lingering ache. I blinked again and almost jerked out of the bed. This wasn't my home, this wasn't my bed. Where was I?

The room I was in had white walls, the bed was huge with white sheets and black duvet, bedside tables, two locked doors far away and two open doors, one with gold light spilling through it. It was too far away to tell what exactly was in there and the other led out of the room where I could hear someone's voice.

On the bedside table was a bowl of what was once cold water, an ice bag that had melted and on the pillow beside me was a wet towel. There was an empty cup of water and a sachet of painkillers, two out of it used. I pushed myself to get out of bed, following the sound of the voice as I made my way out of the room.

Once I stepped out of the room the voice got clearer. I walked through the hallway, not paying attention to what was hung up on the wall. My movements were slow, each step slower than I'd normally take.

"If he doesn't wake up soon I'm going to take him to the hospital." A man said, his voice husky. Once I got out of the hallway, I saw him. His back was to me and he was wearing a white long sleeved loose shirt and sweatpants, dark hair going every which way.  He had one hand in his pocket and the other holding the phone that was pressed to his ear.

The house had an open floor plan, the sitting room at the centre and kitchen to the side, extra doors to the left and also what looked like elevator doors.

"Um... hello?" I said, my voice low and croaky.

The man turned around and I took a step backwards. I... I...

"I'll call you back later, Damon." The man said, still looking at me as he said those words. The call ended and he just stared at me. The man in front of me was tall, and there was a scar on his face, starting at the mid forehead, underneath his brow, another scar beneath his eye. His eyes were two different colours, one blue, one green.

"You really shouldn't be standing right now." The man said, walking towards me. I was still stunned, so stunned that I didn't notice when he took my hand and guided me towards the chair. I know I hit my head, was that what was causing this hallucination? Was this just a vivid dream?

I sat on the couch and minutes later there was a large mug pushed into my hands. The mug was warm and there was steam coming out of it. Hot chocolate. The stranger had made me hot chocolate. Definitely not a dream then.

"Drink up and go back to bed."

"Where am -"

It came back to me in a rush. Mason grabbing my hair, being thrown to the ground, beaten and kicked. Me running out of the house and up the stairs. I was upstairs. My hand shook and so did the cup of hot chocolate.

"You drop that and you'll clean it up yourself." The man said, his words snapping me back to attention. I looked down at the cup and then at the man again. There was a tick in his jaw but otherwise, he had a stoic expression.

"Thank you." I said. "Thank you for helping me."

"No problem." The man said, still looking at me. I wondered what I looked like. All the bruises must have gotten darker and even though they don't hurt right now, they were definitely going to when the painkillers wear off.

I wondered if Mason was looking for me. Did he... did he know I was up here?

"I wanted to take you to the hospital for your bruises but you said no. So I called a friend and he came over to check on you. He gave you an injection, for the pain and also put ointment on your face. We didn't touch your body but he did press your ribs to make sure nothing wasn't broken or wrong." The stranger said. He was still standing, this time his arms were folded across his chest. "You kept groaning about the pain so I gave you some pain killers at three am and the ointment is somewhere in the room, if you need to apply it somewhere... else." The man said, his gaze trailing down to my chest.

I was still in the same clothes as last night, the only difference now was the dirt and blood on it. Wait! Did he say three am? What time was it right now? I turned my head to the left and found the clock. It was four thirty am. Oh shit.

"I also took pictures of the bruises on your face." The man said and I stilled. He made his way towards the kitchen and grabbed the Nikon sitting on the counter.


"I thought you might need documentation of these injuries." The man said and my grip on the mug tightened. What did he mean?

"Why?" I asked, my voice small and in the small room.

"Your partner came up to look for you a couple hours ago and I saw his fists." The man said and I blanched. I almost dropped the cup of hot chocolate as I looked up at the man so quickly. "Calm down. I told him I didn't know who he was talking about and shut the door in his face."

There was a sinking fear, I could feel it down to my bones and my eyes darted all over the room.

"I'm only going to ask you once." The man said and I just blinked up at him.

"Ask me what?"

"Are you going to press charges or not?" The man asked and I stared at him, my lips parted in surprise. He was so blunt and straightforward with his question. I hadn't thought about that. I hadn't thought about this option at all. I could do it. I could go to the police and press charges, the bruises are clear as day all over my skin and it would work. They would lock him away.


But everyone would know. Everyone would know what I had been through, they might call me names and not understand why I never left, Mason might be locked away for some months but he might still come out. I'd still have the fear, I'd still have to look over my shoulder. I'd still have to leave with the shame.

Was it worth it?

"No." I said and the man didn't say a word. He walks away with the camera, going in the direction of the bedroom. I drank the hot chocolate, getting up to put the cup in the sink. I was on my way back to the couch when the man walked back in.

"You really shouldn't be standing." the man said. He walked up to me and helped me back to the bedroom. I slid back into the bed and he made me drink another cup of water. My thoughts were all over the place but one thing that kept ringing in my head.

"You're the new neighbour." I said, trying to smile at me.

The man didn't smile in return but there was a tiny tilt to his head. "And you're my neighbour."

"I'm Deri." I said.

"Aizen Greer." The man said and I smiled again. That was such a nice name and it suits him.

"Yeah, you look like an Aizen." I said and this time he raised a brow at me. His hands were crossed this time, they were stuffed into the pocket of his sweatpants. "Sit down, you're too tall and it hurts my head having to look up at you."

Aizen sits on the bed, leaving enough space between us. I was so grateful, so thankful. He was the first person to help me. Cleaned me up, called a doctor and gave me an option. He kept looking at me with those blue-green eyes of his. There was a familiar burning sensation behind my eyes.

"Thank you for helping me. Thank you."

"You've got to stop doing that. It's what anyone would have done." Aizen said and this time, the tears slipped out. I raised my hand and for the first time I saw one of the bruises, my hand was littered, it was dark and even extended towards my fingers. Aizen said it's what anyone would have done but he was wrong. He was so wrong.

I don't remember how long I cried for but I eventually fell asleep. Aizen wiping off my tears with a towel.

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