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"And how did it make you feel?"

I looked down at my hands and I couldn't stop smiling. "It felt really good. I felt really happy, like my heart was going to burst with the joy of it." I said, smiling at the good doctor. The elderly man smiled back at me. It looked really genuine and I was so happy that I found him.

"I am very happy for you, Deri." Dr. Fletcher said and I just couldn't stop smiling at him.

Therapy had reduced to once a week instead of a usual two and earlier today, the good doctor had asked if coming every other week would be alright and I. . . it made me even more happy. Could. . . do people graduate from therapy. I would miss talking to Dr. Fletcher.

The buzzer went off and I got to my feet. Feeling happier and lighter than ever.

"Can I. . . give you a hug?" I asked Dr. Fletcher. He doesn't give me a wordy reply and held his arms out towards me, his smile matching mine but I doubt he was happy about some of the same thing I was.  Like kissing Aizen, for example.

Dr. Fletcher hugged me tight and then pulled away after a second or two.

Once I walked out of the office, I knew I was going to meet Aizen even though I told him countless of times that I could come for my appointment and leave myself. I just knew it. It was like part of my body or senses knew Aizen was in the building before I did. I came in a cab because I thought I had convinced him but there he is. He's seated at the waiting room, dressed in a fancy three piece suit, a chain connecting his button to the breast pocket of his suit. His hair was styled back and he looked like he just stepped right out of a photoshoot.

He was flipping through a magazine and the two students, an elderly woman, one pregnant woman as well as the receptionist were staring at Aizen.

"Zen. . . " I called out, stopping so I could wave at him.

Aizen looked right at me, closing the magazine in his arm. He doesn't stand but instead smiles at me, so brightly, his gaze moving all over me. Like he was committing me to memory. He stands and I made my way towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling his chest before looking up at him.

"Surprise. . ." He said in greetings and I chuckled.

"It's not a surprise if I know you're going to be here." I said, sticking my tongue out at him. Aizen blinks at me, his hands reaching up to cup my face as he leans down and softly kisses the breath out of me. It's soft and chaste but sweet. We pull apart a couple seconds later.


"You look absolutely gorgeous." Aizen said, nudging his nose against mine.

"Thank you." I said. "You on the other hand, look like you're going to a ball." I replied, blinking up at him. Aizen softly strokes my cheeks.
"Thank you, petal. I had am impromptu meeting with a client." Aizen replied and I nodded. "Come on , let's get out of here."

"Yeah. I'm in the mood for parfait." I said, sliding my left hand over the hand he had on my face, pulling it down so I can hold his hand. Our fingers interlocking. Aizen leads me towards the doors and it was then I realized there were people present, and openly staring at us. I didn't want to make eye contact with anyone of them and walked out the door, holding on to Aizen's hand.

"Do you know a good parfait place?" Aizen asked and I nodded.

"It's actually not far from here. I saw it on my way, this morning."

"Great. Then you can drive." Aizen replied as he held the car keys towards me. I looked at the sleeck ink blue Mercedes Bens in front of me and back at Aizen. The excitement was blooming but knowing Aizen . . .

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