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Mason didn't go to work today.

He was in the room and has been on a phone call for . . . actually I didn't know how long it was. The tv was on and they were doing reruns of Love Island. I didn't know what exactly was happening on screen either.

It's a thing that has begun to happen to me. Spacing out.

I looked away from the television, to the clock hanging above it. Mason had hung it there when he said he wanted to redecorate the house. That was earlier today, at eight in the morning but that, like many other things, didn't last long.

It was almost twelve and I was wondering if Aizen was going to come over and knock as usual.  After our argument yesterday, I haven't heard from him. I didn't even have his number so I couldn't text. I already think too much and overcomplicate things with Mason but this friendship with Aizen is new and I didn't want to think too much about it.

When the clock struck twelve, I held my breath and waited.

One minute past twelve and there was no knock.

Fifteen minutes past twelve and there was no knock.

I looked away from the tv to the door, teeth digging into my bottom lip, air going out my nose. I could go? I could just make up an excuse and go out, quickly make my way up the stairs and check if Aizen was there.

The door to the room was pushed open, letting out the usual squeak.  I could hear Mason's footsteps and turned around to look at him, my lips pulled into a smile.

"Hey, honey."

"Deri, I have a lunch meeting with an executive director and I might be home late. Do you want me to leave some money for takeout?" Mason asked. Meeting? I thought today was his day off. I thought he was going to stay home and play some games on his Xbox or something.

"No, it's alright. There's still some leftover chicken in the fridge, I'll heat it up." I said and he nodded. He rushed back to the room and came out five minutes later fully dressed. White shirt tucked into black pants and black shoes, a slim tie around his neck. He had parted his hair to the side, and I could smell the fancy cologne he uses for very important outings. This must be serious then.

I got off the couch and made my way to him. He looked good.

Better than I had ever seen him look in a while.

"You look great." I tell him, running my hands down his arms, looking up at him.

"Thank you." he said. He ducked down and pressed a kiss to my cheek, taking a step back afterwards. "If I'm not back by seven, don't wait up and lock the door."

"Okay." I said. "I hope the meeting goes well." I said and he didn't reply. He just rushed out the door and I walked towards it, turning the key and locked it. I looked around the open room and sighed.


Alone at last.

What does it say about our relationship if I preferred being at home alone than spending time with Mason?

I shook my head. I didn't have to think about that now. I made my way towards the room, picking around at the empty wrappers of kit kats that Mason had tossed to the ground, there were even two on the bed. I put them in the trash and walked back to pull away the duvet.

There was a loud thud sound and my heart jumped to my throat. I immediately bent down, looking for what had made that sound. I almost passed out from freight when I saw what it was. Mason's phone was lying face down on the ground and that thud didn't sound good. If I had broken the screen, I would be beaten so badly. Like the time one of the plates had slipped from my hand.

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