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It's the first of November.

Another month with Mason.

Lately I have been thinking more and more of just walking out that door. It's something I could do but the repercussions would be too much. I leave and my friend, Tommy, gets hurt or his children and I know it's not an empty threat. Mason was a man of his word. Always has been.

So I can stay. I can take the beating and correct the error of my ways and everyone stays safe. It's been a month since I saw my friend. Mason wouldn't let me, he keeps saying Tommy was a bad influence on me. He keeps saying Tommy was always trying to take me from him and he wouldn't allow it.

It's been days since I returned home. It didn't look like the bruise was fading but it honestly didn't hurt as much.  I haven't seen Aizen either. Every time I'd go for a walk, I'd stop and stare at the stairs leading to Aizen's apartment and I always, always, for some reason think about going up there and knocking on the door.

But what would I say? What would we talk about?

We were strangers and I was just his neighbour that he helped once, there was nothing more to it. I didn't want to be a burden to him. So I stayed in my lane. Mason hasn't touched me in days either, he has been sweet. Kissing my cheeks, pulling me in for a cuddle or a hug. I don't even remember the last time that we had sex. And even then, all I remembered about it was pain. Pain. Pain. Pain.

It seemed that was what made up my life lately.

Shit. I remember when I used to be happy and now I don't even remember the last time I laughed.

it's seven thirty and Mason had just left for work. I had to clean up the house and get ready for the day. I already had my shower and was dressed in a comfy large baby blue jumper and faded culotte jeans, my red hair falling past my brows in it's usual fluffy fringe and my ever present sunglasses.

I had woken up with a headache and it was a persistent little thing. I rubbed at my forehead as I made my way to the little basket we keep on top of the fridge where we keep medication. I took some paracetamol and pushed it down with some water.

Cleaning the house took longer than it usually did because the headache didn't go away. Once I was done with that, I had to take the bin out. I made sure the door was locked before making my way down the stairs. One of my neighbours was coming out the door, just as I was walking down the stairs and she didn't even look at me. She just shut her door and walked away.

People sucked.

I went over to the large bin outside and dumped the black bag in it. When I turned around, a range rover pulled to a stop right beside the building and Aizen walked out. He had on an all black suit, black shirt too, his hair was styled off his face and a ray of sunlight bounced off the shiny cover of his expensive looking watch. There was a frown on his face and phone pressed to his ear.

I looked away from him and walked towards the doors. I climbed the first of the two steps there and  was about to step on the other when I tripped. I flailed my hands, trying to keep myself from falling but it was no use, I was already falling.

I put my hands out, ready to break the fall, when someone grabbed my jumper and pulled me back. Their hands settled on my waist. I was breathing hard and my sunglasses were on the floor, the same place my face would have been if I wasn't saved.

"I just watched you trip over air." My saviour said. It was the same voice I have heard a couple of times. It was Aizen. His hands were still on my waist and I tried to calm myself down. I turned around, pulling his hand away from my waist.

November (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now