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I knocked on the door, pushing it open a little bit and poking my head in.

"Surprise!" I cheered, smiling at Aizen who looked away from his computer and just smiles at me. I walked into the office, holding on to the white bag as I made my way towards Aizen. It has been months since we started dating and more and more, with each passing day, I keep falling in love with him.

Can you believe it?

Me. In love.

It isn't scary and it has to be the safest that I have ever been. I'm not scared of anything, I have stopped overthinking everything since Aizen and I have began to date. Aizen doesn't even yell anymore and when he is upset, it is very easy to tell. 

"Baby. . ." Aizen greets, immediately pulling me into his lap.

"I got you lunch. You said you were craving something sweet." I said as I placed the white bag on the table before turning to press a kiss to his cheek.

"You didn't have too, baby. I could have sent my secretary or ordered it myself." Aizen said, nuzzling my cheek, causing me to giggle. I really liked when he calls me that, it makes me all warm and gooey inside. Like I was a teenager experiencing my first love again. "So. . . how did it go?"

I wrapped one arm around his shoulder, the palm of my left hand, pressed against his chest, fingers playing with the buttons. I had an interview this morning at the city's library about doing some sand animation for story time in the evenings. They had also asked for a demonstration to see how good I was and thus I ended up animating Red Riding Hood with sand, my hands moving fast against the board.

"I got it! I got the job!" I smiled brightly at him.

"Yes! I knew it!" Aizen cheered loudly, staring at me with those blue-green eyes of his. "I am so proud of you."

"Thank you." I said, shyly. Heat spreading up to my cheeks.

"You're welcome." he said. "So when is your first show?"

"On Saturday at five."

"I'll be there." Aizen said and I knew that. He didn't even have to say the words because I already knew it. He was always there, right by my side. Like there was nowhere else he would rather be.

"Thank you." I ended up saying. "Come and try this. I got you a bit of everything."

In the white bag was a box filled with macarons, some eclairs, croissants, crepes, crème brulee, and cinnamon rolls. I had also wanted to get cheesecake but they didn't have the strawberry one and that's the one Aizen liked the most, even though he wouldn't admit it.
"What do you think?" I asked, once I had open the box, laying the sides flat so Aizen could properly see it. "They're all handmade and homemade. It's from this qauint shop, like a bus stop away from your office."

"It looks and smells really good." Aizen replied.

With one last kiss pressed to his lips this time, I got up from his lap and sat in the chair across from him, the table between us.

"Coffee or tea?" Aizen asked, lifting the office phone to his ear.

"Decaf coffee, would be great."

Aizen asked his secretary to drop off two cups of coffee in his office before going for her break. A couple minutes later, my man and I were laughing, polishing off the last of the last of the eclairs. It had been really good.

"You've got a little. . ." Aizen points at the side of his mouth and I raised my fingers to mine, trying to clean off the chocolate stain Aizen was trying to point out to me. He reached into his drawers and pulled out a tissue, getting up and stretching over to wipe it off my face.

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