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My visitor has finally arrived. I have been waiting for her impatiently. She is sitting across from me on my client chair. Busy changing the atmosphere of the room. I haven't said a word since she entered the office. Neither has she, even if it is a sound. She is just sitting quietly and patiently. But expectantly as I can see from her eyes. She better not be expecting good things from me because it will only hurt. What I have in mind is anything else but good. Especially to her. She seems not to be the kind to like what I'm going to propose. Regardless, I'll give it a shot. We see how it goes.

I observe her a little more. She doesn't like it. The fact that I'm watching her too much and maintaining silence instead of getting this unofficial meeting started. It makes her feel uncomfortable and nervous. However, she is trying her best not to show it by giving a fake smile every time her eyes turn to me. Damn, even her fake smile is beautiful. Her light blue dress fits her like her second skin. It was the first thing I noted when she came in. That's because it makes her look hot and sexy. Innocently though, she looks exquisite. I couldn't and still can't stop the dark images running through my head for a while.

Her unnaturally long hair is tied in a ponytail.
I imagine my fingers wrapped on it as I pound into her. But it looks too soft for my hands' roughness. Loop earrings dangle from her ears, eyes glitter from the little mascara she has applied. And lips, glistening with lip gloss. They make me feel as if they are calling upon my name. Her neck is long and smooth. It would feel soft and warm on my lips. I'm making her more nervous. I can see it through her pulse and the way she swallows. Perhaps I should stop checking her out. It gets worse when she stares at her open file on my desk for the tenth time now. I can only imagine the questions she has on her mind. She will be lucky I will get to answer some of them. The rest she can try and figure out on her own.

I came to learn that she is a home escapee. No idea why and would very much like to know. I would think of it as rebellion but when it comes to her I can't be so sure. She doesn't look like the rebellious type. But innocent looks don't get to tell you that. They have made men fall into pits. They cloak the devil inside. You must always grow a third eye when it comes to that. Although I haven't said that she is a devil though. She doesn't look like one. In fact, there is a certain voice deep inside me telling me that me this temptress is not faking her innocence. But even if it is real, I do not care. After all, it is just a matter of time before it goes flying out of the window and she'll become like the rest of us; christened. If you catch my drift.

Jason thinks I want to lure her into bed with me. He is wrong. I do not plan on luring her. I can't risk her turning me down. So I plan on making her do it. More like forcing her. I have leverage that is not going to let her win this little fight I am about to put on. Jason hates me for wanting to exploit her. But he hates me more for putting him in a dilemma. He promised Kes to protect her best friend but he broke that promise when he handed Zawadi to me. I pushed him into it though and I feel a little guilty. Although I can't turn back now. Not when she is sitting right across from me.

"Welcome, Miss Adan," I cordially say.

"Thank you, sir," she humbly says. Her face is grateful that the conversation has started.

"So, how are you handling the new job so far?" I ask, watching her keenly.

From the little psychology I can remember, her facials will let me know if she is speaking the truth or not. Her lips pat. She doesn't say anything. Seemingly, she is trying to figure out what to let on. I let her, patiently waiting for her response.

"So far so good," she says with an assuring voice. Keeping it as simple as possible.

"Have you worked in a club before?" I ask.

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