||CHAPTER 23||

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Kim checks us in the Saku Guest House. It's the only standard hotel that I recommended. We arrived this morning after having driven our way here through the night. The trip was much more enjoyable than I had imagined it. Kim was hell-bent on making it outstanding in his own ways. It was even shorter than usual.

I was to come home yesterday for the hearing but Kim insisted on coming too. He didn't want to be left behind. He said he wanted to see this man who had made our lives hell in person. I did try to stop him. It was pointless. He has already made his mind. So I was left with no choice but to let him tag along. And what's more, I was getting a free ride with so much more.

He has enjoyed himself today. He said his experience with the camels was going to be documented. I know he is going to do that through painting. I can't wait to see how the paintings will look like. I am so eager. He also got to eat mom's pilau. He agreed it was much better than mine. It was not up for debate. Even I knew that. He forced her to write down the recipe for him. He said he is going to try working his magic on it. Another thing that I am looking forward to.

Mom wanted me to spend the night at the house but I couldn't. There was no way I could get sleep knowing that Kim was sleeping somewhere all alone in the bed when I should be with him. Tucked in his embrace. Like I have been doing the last two weeks we have been together. It annoys Kes whenever I bail out on her to go and sleepover at his place. He's addictive. And I am addicted to him. That is why I always find my way to him.

It took time to convince my mom. I had to reason out with her until she finally accepted. It was my joy. But also felt a little guilty. No, that it matters. We promised to pass by tomorrow morning. It makes me feel better. Then later we shall proceed to the city. A new job awaits me.

He is done with the check-ins. He pulls our suitcase on the slippery marble as he heads towards me. I'm tensed. There is a raw sexual desire burning in me. It's the beast wanting out. It wants him to take all of me. It's ready to let him completely in. He holds my hand and carries the suitcase with the other. We head upstairs. He's using the directions the receptionist gave him.

Soon we get to our room. He unlocks the door and pushes it open. It's pitch black inside. He pulls the suitcase inside as he works on his phone to light up the torch. He uses it to look for the switch. It's just by the door. I switch it on and the room lights up. It's neatly kept and quite beautiful. He places our luggage by the closet and loses his jacket on the one cushion couch. I bend and remove my shoes dump them next to the closet. Once done, I lose my jacket too.

I am working on my dress when I feel warm hands wound their way around my waist. My heart starts racing with anticipation. Seemingly the raw sexual desire wasn't one-sided. His breath is on my neck caressing it with soft kisses. I tilt my head to create more room for him. My hands cup his as my eyes shut to enjoy the blissful moment. He kisses it for a while before he turns me to him and takes my lips into a hot kiss. He kisses me into submission. I can and will do whatever he asks cause I can't think of anything else apart from him taking me. Right here, right now. He tears from my lips and locks his hooded gaze with mine.

"Take me," I whisper on his lips.

"Baby," he groans breathlessly.

"Take me," I say firmly.

He clashes on my lips again and tears my clothes off my body. I do the same to his. He doesn't tear away from the kiss when he lifts me to the bed. He kisses me to oblivion and he settles himself on my entrance. We won't bother using a condom. I'm on the pill and we did go to a VCT much to Kim's dismay. It was Neisha's idea of growing a healthy relationship. We are both clean. And all I want is to feel him. All of him with no barriers.

"Hold on, baby," he says as he holds my hands to the headboard and pushes his girth into me. It's painful but pleasurable. It takes him time before he gives me mind-blowing sex with double orgasms. I doubt I'll ever want to be pure again. Not with him. Because when I am with him, all I can think of is getting dirty and nasty. I don't think I'll ever recover from that.


After a few more rounds, we took a bath and now we are soaking in exhaustion on the bed. With me tucked in Kim's embrace. He is caressing the scars on my back. He does it to soothe them. They are a painful reminder that I once had a father. One who never cared for anyone save for himself.

"These scars will always be a painful reminder that I once had a beast for a father," I whisper. He lets out a heavy sigh and kisses my forehead. "Though they are the reason I met you. Perhaps if I never had them I wouldn't have met you," I reason.

Come to think of it. It was all because of my father that I met him. He must have been a ruthless connector angel. He connected me to him. If I never came to the city hopelessly seeking justice, perhaps we would have never met. I dread that thought.

"We are destined to be together. Even if we were far away from each other, we would eventually find our way to each other," Kim argues. It makes me smile. He usually has ways of justifying things.

"I'll always be grateful for having you," I say to him.

"And I will spend a lifetime making the gratitude worth it."

He pulls up taking me with him. He adjusts himself so that he is looking at me. We lock gazes. He has something that he wants to say. I'm eager and a little nervous.

"Adan, I have fallen hard for you. This love I feel inside me is growing so fast I can't explain it," he confesses. I smile at him. His albumen eyes shining with so much love.

"I can't explain it too. I have been growing madly in love with you," I too confess. He smiles holding my hands in his.

"Be a part of my life and let me love you," he requests. I can't refuse that. Though I want to be his life not a part of his life.

"I'll let you love me if I am your life and not a part of your life," I retort making him laugh lightly.

"Then be my life and I'll be yours," he says longingly.

"I will, gladly," I respond with sincerity.

He leans in and kisses me softly. Then he slides under the covers. Pulling the aside, he helps me slide in too. He pulls me to him and then covers us. We remain still as we listen to each other's heartbeat and breathing rhythm. Sooner than later, my eyes flutter and shut with sleep. No more dreaming of hellfire. It's Disney fantasies. Tomorrow, we await new dawn. Hoping that with it, comes brightness. Brighteness that will shine upon our blossoming love.

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