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I fucked up!

I went too far this time. Or at least that's what I am thinking. I eye the hard rigid on my jeans. She made me like this. Without much of a try. A random girl will try to seduce me into action but she need just walk right up to me with a tight garment and I'm screwed. I thought she was like other women. But she is not. She is somehow different. And I hate myself for almost destroying an innocent woman. A freaking virgin. I have fucked and fingered women before to know who is a virgin or not. She is a freaking virgin!

Damn it!

Getting Adan to bed was a clear motive in the beginning. But when complications like seeing her naked scarred body trembling in front of me and knowing she is a freaking virgin made the motive a blur. She lied to me the scars were nothing. As far as I know, no one is born with such scars as birthmarks. They must have come from something like a beating. A ruthless beating. That raises my curiosity, leading me to ask myself who this girl is. What her story is and why it looks like a dark one.

Normally it is not in me to get carried away by an employee's life story but with her, I feel attracted. I need to know what her story is. And I got so many reasons that push me into it all.

First, she came back to accept my deal. Even though I took a bet on her return, I knew she was confident in her decision of not wanting anything to do with the one-night thingie. But when she came, she sounded vulnerable. Like she wanted it so much along with the twenty thousand. I saw through her, she lied that she wasn't thinking right. She was in her damn straight mind and that leads me to think something motivated her. And that is what I want to know, the motivation.

Secondly, she was ready to sell her virginity at twenty thousand. A mere twenty thousand. Sure some have given it for free or with a lesser amount of money. But this is my club. Ladies know better than just drain twenty thousand from a man's pocket when it's their virginity they are auctioning. They will demand more than that for a night. So, either she still is unfamiliar with how everything works or she is ignorant as long as she gets the money.

Thirdly, she looked happy when I accepted the deal. If she was a regular, she would have negotiated the deal after seeing how easy it was for me to accept. Trying to raise the money. She didn't. She was content with it as long as I gave it to her.

Last but not least, she was more worried about the money when I went to the room even though she was still worried about whatever we were going to do. Or rather I was going to do. She said it was for survival. Crucial survival. It made me smirk. But she was serious by the look of her honey eyes.

Zawadi isn't a rebellious home escapee.
She is an escapee, yes, but a refugee. She ran from home to escape something. And I will do whatever it takes to get to know what that thing is. It may take me time but it doesn't matter as long as I get to the bottom of everything.

The bottom of everything.

I realize that I don't even know anything about her save that she is a pretty woman, a virgin for that matter, Kes' best friend and she has a mom and sister. Oh, and she is an employee in my club. Just that. Very shallow and big for me to start thinking of getting to the bottom of everything. Regardless, I'll still get to the bottom.

I kiss Jane, hard and demanding. Bruising her lips as she does the same to mine. She is drunk and horny. I am mad and super horny. And she is the one woman available for me to use to cool off the steam and clear my head a little. She likes it when we go crazy and tear each other's clothes off to get one hell of a fuck.

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