||CHAPTER 11||

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The soothing warm water sprinkles on my skin, nourishing every pore to its satisfaction. I have had a crappy time but there is a new feeling in me. An excitement I have discovered that only Kim can bring. It's different from the one I felt when I saw Kes and the one I felt when I was finally out of that crappy place. This one feels more powerful and fulfilling. It feels like a missing vital was finally found to complete a missing part in me. Honestly, it feels good. Illusions have been known to be true. And I am finding myself praying that it isn't all an illusion.

I am done freshening. Kes and Jason are yet to return. They may be having serious discussions out there or spilling everything about my father to Kim who I apparently failed to tell anything about him. No, that he would care anyway. "Would he?" I ask myself. Perhaps he would. But it's not good to jump to conclusions or be expectant. I sit on the bed, pick my phone from its dump and dial Hussein's number hoping that he will answer. Luckily, it's answered on the third ring.

"Zawadi," he calls calmly.

"Hi," I greet.

"Hi to you too," he responds.

"How are you?" he says he is fine. He asks if I am okay and I tell him that I am. "Have you talked to Salima, lately?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes. I was with her this morning. She is doing fine. Though she enjoys the limited freedom you have managed to give her, she tells me she is still worried about you," he says.

I painfully shut my eyes imagining the thoughts that might be going through her head. Salima may be an ordinary girl but her extraordinary life has ensured her rapid growth in knowledge, making her way wiser for her age. And probably, she has a hint of whatever I did.

It's a shameful act. And I should feel ashamed and guilty for doing it. Yet I feel none of them, save for the guilt of finding pleasure in it. Oh, and the fear of knowing that a beast in me is struggling to take control by pushing me into lengths I do not want to venture. The lengths of sexuality. It's strong and it's easily tampering with my will power leaving me defenceless.

"I'm glad to hear she fine. Tell her not to worry about me. I am fine and happy to hear that she is fairing well."

"I will. She will be happy to know you called. Once I see her again, I'll make sure she calls you," he says in a promissory tone. It makes my heart swell with happiness.

"Thank you, Hussein. I owe you a lot," I say meaning every word.

"No need. I owe it to Salima," he mentions her name with so much love.

Their hearts must have been threaded with love from the beginning. Destined to be together. Never separable. Not even by distance or time. Rare and admirable if not enviable.

"Thank you for being there for her," I appreciate.

"You're welcome even though you didn't have to mention it. Did you do what I asked?"

"Yes. I did," I tell him.

"Good. Keep doing it," he advises firmly. "We need to solve the issue as fast as we can. Salima's birthday is approaching. Things are not going to be beautiful unless we do it fast," he says in concern.

"I will keep it up. I believe you also have something on your end," I say hopefully.

"Yes," he responds.

"That's cool. We'll talk later, then."

"For sure," he says before I hang up.

If things go our way, we'll achieve what we want; freedom. If they don't, we might as well kiss our hopes and dreams goodbye as we prepare to live the hell that was created for us by a sadistic blood father. But I am not going to let it all go down easily. Especially not when I have help from Hussein, an army officer in training.

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