||CHAPTER 15||

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He brought me to his mansion misnamed house. An exquisite mansion that deserves all the praise it can get. I had never been to such a posh place before and I felt so...out of place. He noticed my uneasiness and he urged me to get over it. He said I could do anything I wanted. The house was mine and everything in it for the night. He wasn't taking a no so I figured that the only way I could survive was to embrace it all. That would make it easier for me to adjust and feel comfortable.

On our way here, he ordered take out. Both of us were tired and I doubt Kim would cook. So we settled on it. We ate together in his dining. Comfortably than I had envisioned it. There was more talking and sharing of secrets. More connecting. I loved it. It kept drawing us together.

When we were done he took me upstairs showed me to the guest room and explained where I would get anything I needed. Then went to his room, did whatever he did and came out looking all glorious in dark jeans white hoodie and white Sneakers. He said he was going out to take care of something.

I was a little scared about being left all alone in the house but I tried to show a little courage. Before he left, he pulled me into a warm embrace and kissed my forehead. He said it was goodnight as he would return home late. The gesture left me plastered in the guest room. It took me minutes to figure out that he had just kissed me. On my skin. I couldn't comprehend anything after that. And I needed something to grab my focus.

I left the guest room and sneaked into a room next to it. It wasn't locked. Upon opening it, my eyes met with paints and brushes neatly packed on shelves, paintings hanged on the wall and some properly arranged on the floor. There was one in progress. It was more of a draft cause I couldn't get anything from it. When it comes to painting, you can never understand the magic that happens. One minute you think the painter is painting a dog the next the dog turns into a donkey.

I walked in, carefully not to touch anything and stared at those on the wall. Some were of nature, other real human beings but I could only recognise two of his mom. I saw her in the club and her face hasn't left my mind since. There was one of Jason and Kes too. Both in a lavender farm. I wonder where that was taken or it was just his creativity. I studied them for almost an hour before I decided to go back to the room and to call Kes.

I had already missed her and I just wanted to talk to her. I needed to hear her voice. I needed to hear from her that she was okay with me going back to her place. That things were going to be okay. Our call lasted more than thirty minutes. And it ended up being a fulfilling one. We are now okay. I wanted to ask her how she came to know that whatever she and Jason were doing was right. But if I did so, she would question me. Things are already complicated and I would hate to complicate them more. So I chose to keep quiet.

After the call, I tried to figure out why one man would stir so much in me yet a few weeks ago I hated the gender so much. One look at them almost made me gag. He makes me see things differently. He may have started by showing me a dark side but I guess it was a pacesetter for me. It allowed me to see more than just that dark side. If he had started nicely, perhaps I would have had a hard time trying to figure out if he was just clowning it. And I am happy it started that way. But I still couldn't figure the magic that happened to change me.


I was finally able to sleep. For a few hours I guess. I have been woken up by some noise coming from downstairs. Either Kim came back and started watching a movie or listening to music. I switch on the bed light. Take my phone and check the time. It's one am. He must be a hard-core when it comes to sleep. I swing my legs off the bed and debate on whether to go downstairs stairs as my heart is compelling me to or just remain in bed until another waft of sleep sweeps across my eyes.

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