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Skye Adebiyi, the man every girl in my dance class at Boabab Conservatoire wants. Including me. He's a highly trained dancer and instructor. He is our instructor. He has the looks, the moves and everything else a man should have to make him perfect. Every girl wants to hang by his sleeves. Though I like him very much, I don't act desperate like some of them and go crawling my way at his feet. That would be absurd. I'm the girl who admires him from afar. Somewhere he'll never notice.

Every night I clasp my pillow to watch his iconic dance videos. He's also a powerful inspiration. He challenges you to keep on moving until you can reach his level. Getting there myself will take me all the effort I can gather perhaps even from the neighbours. In the dance class, there are six rows. He grouped us according to potential. If you improve, he shifts you to the next group. I'm in the fifth row. You can see why I need even the neighbours' efforts. The front row is for the veterans. His girlfriend Priscilla is there. She is sick when it comes to dancing and I envy her if I am honest.

Sometimes when my jealousy gets the best of me, I find myself praying that things go my way so that he can start noticing me. But it never works. Cause if it worked, he would have noticed me by now. I hate it. I also hate the fact that I still look like a little girl. It makes it worse. It makes me look like a child compared to the girl he is dating and also his female friends. They all look mature. And him being a mature young adult, he's likely to go for mature young ladies. Therefore, it's hopeless romantic for me. He can never notice a baby.

My twin brother Asahd is in the third row. He managed to bypass the last three in four days. I'm sure by the end of next week he'll be in the second row. The ladies won't stop swooning over him. Particularly because he too has the moves, the looks and the body of a twenty-year-old. Except perfectly sculpted. The rewards of following dad to the gym. Most of the ladies are older than him. Some even with over five years. He's just but seventeen but his body gives him the credit of going out with them without being noticed. He says he is thankful for it cause it helps him to gain the experience he needs. He's lucky he can easily get his way around women. But that's with utmost care. He has to remain under the radar.

Dad cannot know. If he does, he'll be angry and he will be grounded. None of us likes dad's punishments. They are the worst but still helpful if you're clever enough to see the bigger picture. He cannot know about Skye too. He still thinks I'm his little girl and I am not supposed to have a boyfriend until I am eighteen. It's not even up for debate. Asahd too shouldn't have a girlfriend till he is eighteen. Dad says he would hate it if he started corrupting the minds of little teenagers. He'd surprised if not shocked once he hears about Asahd's adventures with older ladies.

It's a lazy Saturday and everyone else is at the house. By that, I mean mom and dad as we are the ones that remain at home mostly. No work for them today which means Asahd and I don't have the freedom we usually have on weekdays after classes. It's not a bother though. We always love having our beloved parents around. They are a blessing that I never take for granted.

I swipe the phone to move on to the next video. It takes a while to load. Just as I am watching, the door clicks open. It's the sneaky brat again. He walks in slowly. I quickly try to hide my phone under the pillow but he's already caught me.

"Of course you're still watching his videos," he grumbles.

He may be my twin but he insists that he is my big brother just because he's older by a minute. A damn minute that he claims gives him the crown and the right to be protective of his little sister when it comes to men.

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