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Months Later...


"Where are the damn keys?" I ask myself fumbling inside my bag.

I am hoping that I didn't leave them back in the glove compartment. I already feel exhausted in my heels to go back to the garage. Ever since Kim found out that public transport was causing me problems getting to and from work, he decided to send me back to school for driving lessons. It took me a month and a half and after I was done, he gave me his Audi since he prefers his beloved truck. Since then I have not been having trouble with transport save for the ever heavy capital traffic.

In the last few months, our lives have been changing in turns. It's been a ride and we're still on board. Immediately after my father was jailed, I officially started my job at the Boabab Hotel. I've been working there as the catering manager. I took the spot from a woman who was proud enough to leave it for a better one that she felt fit her standards.

Salima is doing well at University. She's very happy pursuing a course in Corporate Communications. Sometimes when she visits me, she shows me her prowess in news reporting. You'd think she was born for it. She's also joined mom in acting. She's doing it so well and I'm happy it keeps her occupied. Her mind doesn't have to keep on thinking of Hussein who is currently on deployment in Somalia. I know she misses him. But she has to live her life until he is back.

Well, Kim and I have had our fair share of experiences. We got married in court. This was decided long after we had a rival with our mom's. Both wanted a wedding. We didn't. Precisely because of our diverse cultures. It would have been a hustle and we wanted simple. To make them feel better, we settled for a family occasion. Where no many traditions were involved. After the celebrations, we ran off to Samoa for our honeymoon. We spent a whole two weeks there. Neither of us wanted to leave after they were over. Too bad you can't run from responsibilities forever. So we came back and started a life.

The day has been quite exhausting but bearing good news such a being pregnant makes it worth it.  I have been getting sick lately and Kim being Kim gave an order this morning to have the doctor check on me. He was not going to entertain it if I didn't. After work, I made my way to the hospital. While there, they ran a couple of tests on me. Most of them unnecessary.

It took them almost an hour to finally bring me the results. The female doctor had a hard face you'd think you had a plague or something. She called me in and told me everything was okay but I was six weeks pregnant. The news left my mouth agape and body in shock for a whole minute. When it registered I was going to be a mom and Kim a dad, my heart burst with happiness. It was an exhilarating moment the doctor almost thought I had gone mad. It was foolish of me to not have put the pieces together. I hadn't received my periods last month and they were way too late. Didn't have time to see that. That little one forming in there took them away. Goodness, gracious!

Kim will be going mad when he hears this. I'm thinking of surprising him but that may not happen cause I feel so happy I doubt I'll be able to keep it to myself. The highest probability is that I will blurt it out. Which I don't want to happen until I figure out a way to surprise him.

He isn't home yet since the door is locked and I can't see any lights on. I'll have a minute or two to compose a lie. Hopelessly hoping that he won't realize it. Till today, I haven't been able to lie to him without him seeing through me. No matter how well practised the lie is. Sometimes I may get away with it but not for long. He always figures it out. And it always annoys the hell out of me.

"Damn you, keys," I cuss as I stick the key to the lock. It unlocks the door. I pull it out and pull the door open. My hand flickers on the switch. The lights don't come up. It's as if there is a blackout.

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