Sweet And Lovely

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" A lost soul huh? " You felt somewhat ashamed, your body shaking and quivering.
What if you were meant to be here?
What if this was all a waste of time?
Would they laugh or sneer?
Alastor, that was someone you didn't want to think about. He would probably chuckle at you and try to patronize and belittle you. You hadn't known him long but you knew him well enough. You keep looking down for now, mistaking the rare sympathy on the radio demon's face for amusement and not wanting to look into those deep red pools just to give him some sort of sick kick.
" Angel. We specialize in redemption, not misplacement. Do you really think we can help her? " Charlie spoke the truth and you felt it cut you deep like a knife, hurt as much too. You begin to sniffle, seeing Angel's somewhat displeased face from the corner of your eye.
" See?! Ya made 'er sad! You said you wanted t' help people right?! She needs your help! "
" Angel..." You had stayed quiet for long enough, looking up to meet the princesses soft, gentle and pure gaze. She looked almost as upset as you, maybe more so. She too was trembling and her hands shook as Vaggie tried to calm her nerves. Maybe if anyone could understand you it was her. She just had to hear it from the source. You take a deep meaningless breath, glancing at Alastor for a second before continuing. His seemed distressed but also to be enjoying the suffering. He looked torn and this was the window you wanted. A chance to speak without his remarks.
" Miss Charlie. I fell into this world not knowing what to do. I don't have any proper memories of my death or even my life but I know deep down I don't belong here. It's just a feeling I have. Please, find it in your heart to help me " Silence settles in the room, only the crackling of the radio demon to be heard.
" I..I..."
" THINK ITS A WONDERFUL IDEA " You shoot your head round to look at he who interrupted Charlie. Alastor sat there, any sign of weakness now vanished as he smiled devishly and drank his tea which you swear wasn't there a moment ago.
" You really think so Al? " The radio demon nods enthusiastically, crossing his legs and placing his hands on his knees ever so gently. Maybe..just maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all.
" Yes! What is more amusing then to watch someone suffer through no fault of their own with no escape? "
You take what you just said back. He was as bad as you thought.
Angel scoffs picking up the menu in front of him, deep in focus.
" Now dats done with can we eat? I'm f*****g starving over 'ere! " Charlie smiles, reaching over to grab your hands gently in her petite ones. They were almost like doll hands, soft, pale and perfect.
" Ignore Al he's a little..out there. We will do all we can to help you but I would like to talk one on one later " You let a tear of appreciation fall down your face, finally feeling a sense of relief you hadn't since you arrived in this cursed place. The feeling didn't last though. Your non existent heart sank upon hearing the radio static in the room pick up, Alastor chuckling and fixing the red monocle on his face.
" I will take her with me on my errands and discuss all we need to discuss. You have your hands full with Angel. Let me lighten the load! " Charlie looks slightly apprehensive, looking to be in deep thought for a moment before agreeing to let you go after the meal. You knew that look. The look of someone who didn't fully trust a person. That look of doubt. It was so familiar but you quickly shrug it off, feeling like you were no longer going to enjoy the meal you had been treated to and thus shuffled closer to the spider demon was some temporary safety and companionship.
" Enough being soppy! Let's eat already! "

My Heart's Already Sinned ( Alastor X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now