Three Little Words

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A deal? What kind of deal could this demon want to make with you, Hell's fresh meat and newborn demon? You hadn't been here long enough to have anything of interest to him. He stares at you, awaiting an answer as the silence settles around you. His smile gleaming under the moonlight and sending shivers down your spine as fear suddenly ran through you.

"Hmmm" You didn't like him staring but all the same you couldn't avert from his gaze, those deep red pools that sucked you in with glee and wonder. Almost as being willed to, you reach out your hand to him. Your hand hovered over his gloved ones, a bright green fire covering them in an eternal flame. Still, no eye contact was broken. Not until you hear Alastor slyly chuckle under his breath, bringing you back to the undead world and causing you to pull your hands away when you were but inches from his fingertips. The demon's golden smile twitches at the corners in slight annoyance, placing his hand back on the table as the flame begins to die. You finally look away, unable to face his gaze again for fear of his controlling nature, grasping your hands together and placing them in your lap safely and tucking them away. Your words are but a whisper, soft and almost drowned out by the sound of the cool breeze that passed you by.
" What kind of deal?" Deep down you knew it couldn't be good, a pit in your stomach telling you to just leave it behind but your curiosity wouldn't let you. Your curiosity glued you to your seat and no matter how much you told your legs to move they did not obey.
The red clad demon chuckled, the world around you slowly vanishing till only you and he sat in what seemed an endless black void. Devoid of life or light, a place meant to insight fear into lowly demons and the nervousness that took hold of your being was enough to tell you it was working.
" Think of it more as an offer of protection my dear. I'm offering you my protective services"
" I don't think I need protecting" Alastor upraored with an uncontrollable laughter, a laugh you could only describe as someone hearing the world's most hilarious joke to ever exist. It lasted longer then it should and was filled with pure joy. Your misery was humerous to him, enjoyment for the wicked.
The laughter died down, replaced by tormented screams from the void around you. You look around but see nobody in the darkness.
" You see my dear I know your kind. You think you can get by but in actuality your probably the first to be exterminated in the yearly purge" The smile on his face was enough to assure you he could see the fear in your eye. You grip your dress tightly in your palms.
" So your saying I can...die here?"
" Why of course my dear!" The enthusiasm in his voice shook you to your core,the screams around you doing no help to quell your fears. In life you had always thought that death was the end, nothing more and nothing less. You thought death was the final stop. Everything you knew was shaken,leaving you unable to think and not knowing if anything you knew about the afterlife was true after all. So far nothing was like you were told in life.
You could feel the tears well up in your eye, treating to gush down your face.
" I... I.."
The features of the radio demon softened slightly, his brows narrowing in what seemed to be a unmistakable sympathy.
" You won't if you accept my offer. You will be safe from the beasts this hell contains" You knew you shouldn't. You knew this was a mistake but what other choice did you have?
Try and survive on your own and potentially perish or accept the deal and live long enough to find out what's going on. Maybe if you accepted you could find out how you ended up here in the first place. You sigh deeply, looking deep into the red eyes of the demon. You reach out your hand, shaking slightly from the nerves. You try to steady yourself with your other hand.
" We have a...a.."
Alastor sniggers, grabbing your hand tightly as the fire once again consumes his hand, the green flames dancing gracefully and illuminating the demon's face. It casted a shadow, allowing his jagged teeth to shine through the dark.
" We have a deal hehehe"
A shiver ran down your spine.
Too late now.

My Heart's Already Sinned ( Alastor X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now