Over The Rainbow

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Charlie did indeed catch you off guard, nothing like you ever expected from a princess who helped rule the most sinful place ever created. She was like a breath of fresh air in this toxic wasteland. Perhaps she could help you after all. You manage to pull your hand away, in just enough time too. Your palm was turning red from Charlie's relentless grip. She giggles to herself, pulling forward and linking arms with another female demon. This demon had long silver hair with grey skin. She wore a bow in her hair and a white dress on her slender frame. An eye patch was covering one of her eyes and this made you wonder if it had something to do with how she died.You tried not to stare, turning away from them both shyly. 

" My name is Charlie and this wonderful person beside me, is Vaggie " Charlie smiles widely at you, holding Vaggie close to her person. Perhaps the two were in a relationship of some kind, their closeness giving away a sense of something bigger between them. You smile awkwardly at the pair, silence settling in the room as the sound of Alastor's cane echoed down the halls.
" Ah..there you are Angel " You feel Angel jolt beside you in fear, him shivering once again. Alastor walks casually up to the spider demon, a sinister smirk on his face and a glimmer of sadism in his crimson eyes. You turn to meet his gaze upon feeling him edge closer to you both, placing your slender hands on Angel's shoulders in reassurance. You look on, surprised and concerned all at once for what soon transpired.
Stopping in his tracks, Alastor just stares at you, his smile wavering slightly and his eyes wide and amused. Deep inside you something seemed to shake like an earthquake, rattling your being and what was left of your soul. You feel your grip on Angel weaken slightly upon the deer's gaze.
Maybe it was fear.
Never did you think at that time it could be anything else. He was powerful, creepy and intimidating but at the same time enchanting, interesting and almost breathtaking. His form was perfect, his manners were impeccable if not slightly warped.
Why did you feel yourself crumble under his presence? You feel your mind drift away, along with Charlie trying to shake you back to reality.
" Are you ok?! "
You shake your head, feeling a small migraine coming on from the sheer and utter chaos your mind was currently in. You look up to Alastor as you bow your head to the floor, despite the pain you felt in your eye. He chuckled, finally moving away to sit in a nearby velvate chair. Your gaze didn't follow though, instead closing your eye to block out some of the light that made your migraine worse.
" F***! You scared me! " You wished Angel wouldn't yell, smiling softly and gently. He was concerned and you appreciated that.
The noise was still too much though.
" So...hon..what are we going to do with this new customer? " Vaggie turned to Charlie with a slightly concerned look on her face, irritation and worry laying in her exposed eye, slightly out of place by her scowling lips.
You watch Charlie with a heavy soul as she paces around the room, like a child looking for a lost dog. She was deep in thought, walking around before quickly running from the room with a large and sweet smile, quickly followed by Vaggie. You sigh, looking around the room gingerly. Your need to sit was overwhelming, not having done much so since arriving in Hell.
Slight problem though.
The only other seat was next to Alastor. You exhale deeply, weighing up your options. Sit or to not sit, that was the question.
You needed to take the weight off your feet, fearing you could topple from the pain you felt deep inside your skull but Charlie may only be a moment. You begin to pace yourself, turning to the deer and inhaling before wandering over to the chair beside him, sitting gently as the demon hummed to himself amist the crackling that surrounded him.
" You look peaky my dear " You shake your head, regretting that action immediately and trying to stay silent.
" Husker's beverage must have been too strong for you! My dear I should have warned you "
It would seem Alastor knew the cause of your distress but would rather leave you to suffer. You lay back into the chair, temple between your fingers.
He really was a demon after all.

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