Let's Make Up

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" I take it this arrangement isn't an issue? " What could you say? Alastor had proven quite quickly he was a deceptive fellow. Husk wasn't joking when he mentioned how much charm the radio demon oozed, finding yourself drawn in at first before finding out he just wanted to see you in pain.
Or at least suffer from your experience in hell.
Luckily this place was public and the chance to decieve you again would likely not arise due to the crowd. Or so you hoped, your mind however told you otherwise. It was like a nagging thought that wouldn't let go.
With a heavy chest you shake your head, letting Alastor open the door to what you assumed was a cafe. You didn't get to see the sign, Alastor having shocked you enough at what he  had proposed that you ended up following him blindly, not noticing where he was leading you.
You felt foolish for letting him get to you like that.
" After you my dear " You walk past the copious amounts of radio static and into the building, many eyes laid on you that soon looked away in fear when Alastor made his way in. You could see the other demons, the cafe staff and even the owner visably sweat from fear. The poor attendent manning the register at the time had tried to get away before the clad red demon saw him but he wasn't quick enough, Alastor's sharp and wide smile sending a shiver down his spine as he shakly picked up his pad and pen, taking the order carefully as you assumed he was fearing for his afterlife.
" W..what can I g..get for you Mr R..Radio Demon? "
" Hmmm I think I will have the usual kind sir! Just add an extra tea if you will? Oh..and this time could the drink be hotter? I want tea not a cup of milk " The sound of a laugh track echoed throughout the room, ominous and sarcastic. The crowd seemed to laugh nervously alongside, watching as the subject of their fear left the room. You watch, still stood in place at the counter, as Alastor's tattered tailcoat ends vanish past the doorway. You sigh for a second, meeting the cashier who had tears in his eyes.
" I'm sorry " You felt deep down to apologise for the way Alastor acted, not like you were shaming the way he was. Everyone has their own quirks and individual personalities but something deep in your gut told you to apologise for the helplessness that the radio demon's personality made them feel.
" You know who that is right? Watch your back out there "
" Thanks " You take a deep breath, heading out into where Alastor resided, able to see him sitting in a small garden the closer you got. You could feel the judgement the other demons gave you, their stares hot like hellfire. You could feel the burning. At first the feeling was nothing more then an annoyance, nagging at you but when you see the door close in front of you that feeling turned to scolding. Almost like a bath without cold water. You look up to meet the gaze of a large and very p****d looking demon. A deep scowl on his face and a gentle growl as he looked into your very soul, if it still existed.
" What ya doin' bringing him here? "
" I'm sorry but...he brought me h..here " You let out a small yell of surprise as your grabbed by the shoulders and shoved into the wall,heavy hands pushing your bones until you swore you heard them crack. Despite being dead the pain you felt was very real and you soon found yourself crying in pain from the throbbing that ran through your body, spreading the pain to every nerve it could.
" Yeah right! You know what he's like?! He hurt our friends! The only people we had left! DEAD! and you have the nerve to bring him here! Your no better then that scum and if we can't get to him, we will get to you! " Both you and the crowd look on as the demon raises his fist to you, ready to knock your lights out for a second time. Some onlookers were concerned, some looked pleased. They smirked and sniggered but still not a soul helped you.
You were in hell.
Nobody cared here and nobody ever would.
Why? This place was the foulest of foul and people here only cared about one thing, their own selfish desires.
You close your eyes tightly, naively thinking that if you didn't see the punch then the impact wouldn't hurt as much. You wait, nothing comes. Your heavy breathing was soon accompanied by murmurs from around the room.
" Now now. No need for violence. Let go of the poor girl "
You feel your body drop to the ground, opening your eyes now and grappling your arm for support from the everlasting pain. The radio demon stood behind your attacker, staff dug deep into the demon's side as blood ran onto the floor silently.
" Perhaps you have forgotten who your dealing with. This fair lady is my special guest. While in hell she's as untouchable as I. She's under the protection of The Hazbin Hotel and by extension...me "

My Heart's Already Sinned ( Alastor X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now