Little White Lies

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All you could hear was soft mumbling from the other room as you quickly but cautiously put on the hired dress. The material looked fragile and you didn't want to ruin it by rushing, however you knew you had to be quick. You didn't want anyone to walk in on you changing. It may be Hell but who knows what would happen if someone found you like that. This world was filled with the worst of the worst and you wanted to be alive to tell of your tales here when you were heavenbound.
Dusting yourself off, you walk gingerly back into the dining room. Your hands trembling at the sight of Alastor. All that contentment you felt had been washed away like a shoe in a sea of blood. Your nerves flared up once more, looking over to Angel with a somber look on your face. He looked back with a smile and a chuckle, pulling out the chair next to him and furthest away from the deer demon as possible.
" Thank you Angel "
" No prob doll "
You all sit in silence for a few minutes, the time dragging like hours. What was keeping Charlie? You didn't think you could stay here much longer, not with Alastor's sly and patronizing glares. Your chest felt heavy despite the loss of a heart. Your breath became hitched, your palms sweaty. A gigantic tear formed in your eye, giving it a shimmering glow. You grab the spider's gloved hand without asking, gripping it tight.
" Owch! What'cha doing?! " You look over at him, sniffling gently as Alastor looked on from the corner, a brow raised in confusion. You try to stand, Angel keeping you firm on place.
" You ain't gonna get help by runnin' ! " You knew his words were true but you had to get away, away from HIS gaze and HIS smile. It felt like the deer demon had taken over your mind, forced his way in.
If Hell was like this then you didn't want to be here anymore.
You wanted to go home.
You wanted to go to where you belonged.
You wanted
" Oh dear (Y/N)! What's wrong? "
Charlie snapped you from your thoughts, calming you a little as Alastor diverts his attention to her. You wipe away the tear, letting go of Angel's hand. As much as Alastor intimidated you, you didn't want to show weakness. This was probably the worst place in existence to do so, keeping your trap shut for now was probably your best chance at survival.
Vaggie however, wasn't so easily convinced. She glared at the clad red man with her brow changed from quick concern to disgust. Unlike Charlie it would seem she had a knack for sensing trouble around her.
" What did you do? " The moth demon was sturn, her words spitting out her mouth like fire and if Alastor was more timid you were sure these words may have caused him some discomfort but since he was none of those things he sat silently, grinning and chuckling under his breath.
" Why I oughta..." You watch intently as Vaggie is pulled back, securely in Charlie's grasp. The pale demon smiles sweetly, her partners features somewhat softening as the two take their seats at the table. You stay looking downward. Trying to avoid eye contact with Alastor, who had by now turned to face the table's inner.
" Sorry! " Charlie was positively beaming, her grin more sickingly sweet appose to the sinister one placed just a little to your right.
" I had to make a quick call. Y,know how things are haha "
How did such a positive person ever exist in a place like this?
You begin to sweat profusely from nervousness, your hands shaking in fear. It was a fear that didn't waver, not even when Angel gripped you tightly to stop you running. If this was the overworld you would have run away by now, the anxiety and stress being all too much. This seemed almost like a bad date or dinner with friends, things you had never been too good at.
" Anyway, let's get started! A few things we..." Angel raises his hands, cutting Charlie off and rudely interrupting her.
" Sorry toots but we got a situation 'ere " Vaggie crosses her arms in anger, tutting and huffing under her breath.
" Angel what have we told you? It's bad manners..."
" Yeah yeah whatever dollface " The spider demon laughs, enjoying the misery he drove out of Vaggie, her agressive disposition seeming like something a kin to a toy. He acted like a child who got on his mother's verve's. A demonic child with four arms but a child non the less.
You smile for a brief second before letting it fade, realization hitting you upon catching up to what Angel was about to say. You spot Alastor looking over in interest, an ominous red glow around him that made you shiver.
" Ya see, this girl 'ere fell inta hell and seems confused as t' why she's 'ere. She's wonderin' if ya can help " You stay looking down, ashamed that you couldn't find it in you to tell her yourself.
Alastor's brow dips slightly in confusion or perhaps a rare sympathy.

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