Just One More Chance

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You tried your best to eat, you really did but that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach didn't subside. It had begun once Alastor received his food. He wasn't a glutton though. His dining skills were quite refined and polished.
No, it was what he ordered instead that turned your insides into mush. Including yourself everybody had ordered something rather simple and dare you say normal.
Charlie ordered a simple salmon dish with a side salad. It seemed fitting of the princess to order something so refined.
Vaggie ordered just a salad, claiming she wasn't hungry but really wanted to spend her time watching over the radio demon due to the discomfort she felt.
Angel ordered a burger and fries. You weren't sure what meat was involved and honestly you didn't want to know. At that moment all that mattered to you was that the meat was tender and well cooked. How did you know this? You ordered the exact same, wanting your first meal in hell to be as normal as possible despite the bleak surroundings.
Alastor however had his own unique tastes. You could smell the food from where you sat, every breath was agony as you were forced the breathe in the stench.
There was something far worse though. You found the smell pleasent and welcoming. Perhaps it was the time you had spent here or perhaps your new demonly body was able to stand such an aroma but all that mattered is that as you watched the blood drip from Alastor's mouth as he ate his freshly killed steak your own mouth began to water and what was left of your humanity had finally sank in. Reality disturbed you, unable to eat more then a quarter of your burger and a few fries.
It was a shame. The burger was actually pretty good. You clutch your stomach and begin to sweat slightly, Angel patting your shoulder softly with two hands when he noticed.
" Ya ok there dollface? " You nod, obviously lying as your mind and body battled it out for dominance. The human part of your mind told you eating a bloody steak was wrong and to stick to " normal looking food " while your demon body told you it was perfectly natural to eat something so raw and practically craved the taste, almost daring to lick the blood right off the the radio demon's face without hesitation. You had to fight it, for now at least.
Help came first and maybe Charlie could help you adjust if you told her about everything later.
" Well my dear Charlie I must say that was the best quality meat I have eaten in a while. Very tender " Alastor dabbed the last of the blood away from his lips, still smiling that sinister grin.
" Dad loves this place! If he didn't have things to do today we were all going to come here but this is still nice! " You caught a glimpse of a temporary sadness and sorrow in her eyes before she smiled sweetly again, like there was nothing wrong with the world around her. You wished more people in the human world were like her.
So optimistic and kind.
You watch Alastor as he rises from his seat, hands behind his back and tapping his foot on the floor at a steady pace.
" I have things to do. Are you done (Y/N)? Daylight is wasting " You look up, the demon's large red eyes gleaming like rubies in the dim light of the room. His smile was never changing and despite everything that told you to stay you felt inclined to join him as requested, not wanting to get on his bad side or even dare p**s him off. You stand to your feet also, pushing in the chair and watching as Angel leaned back and gave you a swift thumbs up.
" Good luck out there " You try to give him a reassuring smile as you walk over to the radio demon, able to hear the radio static and crackling the closer you got.
" Let's get going " You begin to walk away with the demon and with every step you took away from Charlie you feel that foreboding feeling getting stronger, wishing you to return to what safety you left behind. If you didn't do this though you may not get the help you needed. Surely a few hours in his care wouldn't hurt right? As long as you continued your undeath you were happy. You didn't like the thought of being the newest pavement bloodstain.
" Alastor..." You turn back to see the worry and pain in Charlie's eyes, obviously she didn't want this either.
" Call me if anything goes wrong " Alastor chuckles, summoning his microphone staff and turning to face her with the most sweet expression that someone like him could.
" Of course my dear. Though I doubt anything will happen to our friend here " He places a gloved hand on your shoulder, cashing you to yelp and jump in surprise, your eye darting over to catch a glimpse of the slight static look in his eyes.
" She's perfectly safe " What you felt told you otherwise but still you bid goodbye and followed after, a few paces behind the demon clad in red.
" Where exactly are we going? " You try to sound less nervous, still shaking slightly. Maybe things would be like that moment in the restaurant and you wouldn't have to worry. Maybe all this was causing you paranoia and you were overthinking. You sure as hell did that when you were alive so why stop now?
" I have a few errands to take care of today " You didn't expect much of a response.
" However, I'm sure you realize my inviting you along wasn't entirely business don't you? I think we need to have a small chat. So, how about some tea? " You stop in your tracks, your echoing footsteps falling silent against the cold stone floors.
This was all a trick?
What did he want to speak about?
" W..what did you say? "
" Tea, how about it? " 

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