The Way You Look Tonight

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The streets of Hell were rather chaotic, fights and sin lining every corner. It was a sight that truly scared you,another sure sign you didn't quite belong here as you found yourself clinging to a radio demon a couple choice times, causing him to twitch and shake in nervousness. He did try to pry you off but your grip on him was too tight, unable to pull your eye away from the blood that sprayed the curbs and the dubauchery Alastor was insistant on passing. You had pleaded for him to avoid the sights the second you left the cafe but a short scoff from the demon as he began walking assured you he wasn't going to listen. You hold tightly to the bag of leftover devilled eggs in your clammy hands, nerves shot and your instincts on high alert. The radio demon looks over to you, seeing your whole being shake and bringing you closer to him as demons of all shapes and sizes on look with inreigue and fear.
" Now now I promised to keep an eye on things didn't I? I'm a man of my word. Smile as you have nothing to fear my dear" You try to muster up a grin, sharp teeth nipping at your lip. You grimice slightly, trying to keep up your smile as blood drips down your face.
" I will give you a pass for being unable to muster a genuine grin. After all this IS your first day as a hellion"
You nod slowly, listening to the static emitting from the demon. It was soothing, calming whatever qualms and nerves you felt, feelings you knew were natural but couldn't stop despite the reassurance. You felt safer in Alastor's presence and that finally allowed you to break from him, looking in more detail at the world around you for the first time since your arrival. The sky was crimson, the clouds slightly darker. Buildings lined the streets like they had in life, almost like nothing had even changed. In the center of it all was a gigantic clock, three hundred and sixty five days adorning a plaque above the face, glimmering under the light of the pentagram that shone down from the sky.
You were terrified but in awe of the sights, Alastor grinning widely and chuckling as he saw the gleam in your eye from the wonders around you. He grips his staff tighter, almost seeming to bang the wooden bottom on the ground with each step to snap you from your dreamlike trance.
Your mind obliges, pulling from its previous state. You ruffle your hair in slight embarrassment upon noticing Alastor's eye slightly twitch in annoyance, wide smile still plastered upon his features.
" Sorry"
You both walk on, Alastor less chipper and suddenly more quiet then he had been before. You hadn't known him long but you could already tell he was the chatty type and his sudden quietness made your heart sink, feeling deeply at fault for the state he now found himself in. You were beginning to feel like this whole deal was a bad idea but not for the reasons some may expect.
You felt undeserving of the help of such a powerful demon, a burden to him in the long run and fearful of ruining what reputation he had by being an annoyance to him. You sigh, watching from closely behind as the ends of the radio demon's tailcoat sway in the gentle, warm breeze of hell.
Maybe you should just walk ahead, save upsetting him any more then you were doing. You quicken your pace, getting ready to overtake the red clad demon in an attempt to reach the hotel before him, only to have your shoulder pulled back as you eventually pass.
" Why did you grab.." The radio demon had stopped in front of a window, small cat like creatures in the window. Deep red fur, patches of white across their entire bodies and piercing yellow eyes.
" Marvelous creatures aren't they my dear?"
You nod in agreement, taking great notice of the cat that had a rare case of heterochromia, one of its eyes was a striking blue next to the already bright yellow of the other.
They truly were as marvelous as he said.
Alastor chuckles before continuing to walk quite brashly and suddenly. You weren't too sure as to why he decided to stop in the first place but you decided not to question it.
Don't question a demon stronger then you, much stronger then you. You eventually catch up, turning a corner and watching as the hotel came into view, sheer size of the building now more obvious as it seemed tucked neatly away just off the main streets. Catching your breath you notice Angel stood outside the doors, face like thunder and the closer you got the more annoyed he seemed.
" Ah you will catch your cold out here Angel haha!"
The spider demon lunges forward, grabbing you tightly and causing you to nearly drop the food you held. He pushes you inside without so much as a word, face now more worry stricken then angry as you both left the radio demon outside. The white noise in the air picked up gradually before being blocked out by the closed doors of the hotel.
" We gotta talk"

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