I'm Getting Sentimental Over You

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You walked quickly away from the hall in which Husk had cornered you, the image of his claws digging into your skin still fresh in your mind. The marks may have vanished but it felt like they resided, able to feel pain pulse up your arm violently enough to cause an audiable hiss pass your lips.
You keep walking, your pace getting faster as you hope to catch up with Angel sooner rather then later.
You couldn't explain it but you felt safe in his presence, almost making you feel alive again despite the fact your heart stopped beating long ago.
Angel was all you had and all you knew in this world. You entered with nothing but your name, memories having vanished like smoke in the wind and at this moment you felt like the spider demon was the only one who truly understood that. Maybe he also felt like a husk of his former self, unable to find himself among the smoke and temptations of hell.
Maybe, just maybe you and he were one in the same.
Halls and corridors a many pass you by, paying little attention to where your feet were taking you. You just walked, slowly turning into a jog as you desperately tried to find your way in this maze of a hotel and hoping that Alastor nor his " friends" would corner you again.
Before you could ponder the thought further you felt many familiar sets of satin coated hands pull you quickly into a nearby room, locking the door when you were safely inside.
The room was bathed in a soft pink glow, many satin robes hung on the wall in a verity of colors with a clean large mirror desk close by. Makeup, skin products and a few wigs littered the dressing table, making it look brand new and used all at the same time. The floor was covered in a prestine red carpet, small hoof imprints just visable in the dim lighting.
Angel turns away from the door, pulling you into his imbrace with such force you swear you heard a few bones crack.
" He didn't hurt ya did he?!" You knew you couldn't tell him the truth, not after such a harsh confrontation. You solomly place your arms around Angel's slender frame, returning the hug in which he tightly held you, sobbing silently you lie as a few tears made their way from your eye.
" No. Not a scratch. I'm OK"
Pulling away you see tears adorning Angel's eyes, drops of pink streaming down his snow white fur and onto the carpet.
" If I find out he's touched ya I swear I'll..."
A faint noise from inside the room quickly grabs the demon's attention, allowing you to swiftly wipe the tears from your own eye before focusing on what was going on.
You could have sworn you heard the faint oink of a pig but no such creature was anywhere to be seen.
Not in this room and certainly not as of yet in the hotel.
Trying to look past Angel you watch as he picks something up from the floor. He was gentle, almost like picking up a precious vase. The noise from before was now much louder and prominent.
" Don't worry Nuggs. I'm OK"
You were intrigued as he seems to cradle and cuddle whatever he had in his many arms.
As Angel turns you are met with a sight you never expected, not even in the absurdness of hell had you even imagined something like this.
A small pig laid in the arms of the spider, covered in patches of black and a few small spikes adorning it's back. He squealed with delight upon laying his black eyes on you, breaking free from Angel's grasp in order to jump up at your feet.
" Looks like Fat Nuggets likes ya. Never seen 'im take so quickly to someone before"
You felt honered, a small flutter in your chest almost igniting your cold heart back to life.
You watch as Nuggets runs around your ankles almost in a cat like manner before taking what seemed to be his rightful spot among the fluffy and plentiful pillows on the bed.
Angel chuckles, turning to you once more. You tense up slightly upon feeling him place a hand on your shoulder, an involuntary reaction due to your encounter with Husk earlier.
" You can tell me anythin'. You know that right?"
You smile and nod, only wishing you could tell him what happened back at the cafe with Alastor. For now all you could do was hide behind your smile, much like Alastor did and hope someday you could come clean.
Flashing a toothy grin the spider demon pulls a phone from his pocket, seemingly dialing a number before making a call.
You sat gently next to Fat Nuggets as to not spook him as Angel went ahead with whatever business he had.
No matter what happened you had one friend in his world, someone to lean and rely on.
At that moment this place didn't feel like hell. Despite the demon pig beside you and the spider creature in front of you, despite the fact you yourself had become a one eyed creature void of memory you felt at home here and a small smile graced your features at the thought.
" Hey.."
You look up to meet Angel's gaze.
" Ordered us a pizza. Saw that ya didn't like the food from before. New demon jitters. I got em when I arrived. This should be something you can handle"
You laugh softly.
"Thanks Angel"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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