I Got You Under My Skin

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You knew deep inside that Alastor's warped but kind smile was too good to be true, his offer for a quick drink perhaps being a test of some sort. You expected nothing else from him. Once a demon, always a demon but as hard as you tried you found you couldn't stay mad at him for long. Perhaps it was as Husk said and his so called " charm " was having an effect on you. His suave ways and faux naivety purposely causing you to underestimate him only to find yourself being knocked back, blaming yourself for not noticing the signs. More cunning then you gave him credit for, not to mention violent. 

You would have to watch out for him. 

You sink further into the chair in a futile attempt to escape the demon in the smooth fabric. No good. He just stared at you, unblinking. Small symbols floated around his head and from what you had learned in life, being into all things occult, you knew that these were symbols of voodoo. Images drawn on the ground while summoning  a Loa. Okay. This guy was sketchy as f*** and clearly bad news, best to keep your distance. You edge away from Alastor, falling over the chair arm and onto the floor, a chuckle from him filling the room's once silent air. He loved the fear you felt and to you it seemed somewhat exhilarating. Something new and you loved it, unable to hide a small smile. 

You feel yourself being pulled up by your underarms, Charlie's soft hands bringing you back to your feet. In her hand she held what looked like tickets, just enough for everyone. 

How convenient. 

" I have an idea! " Her smile was positively beaming as she waved the tickets about in the air.

" My Mother and Father bought these tickets for a family meal but...y'know things come up..." You could see small tears in the young demon's eyes, on the verge of spilling over at whatever thought perpetrated her mind. You wanted to comfort her but having only met her, coupled with the fact she was the daughter of Hell's ruler, meant you didn't know what she was capable of. Best to keep a distance from such brash actions for now. Charlie wiped the tears away, continuing to smile and explaining the use of the tickets. 

" I thought we could all go together. Get to know each other some more. The first step to rehabilitation is understanding after all! "You didn't understand what Charlie meant by rehabilitation but what choice did you have but to go along with all this. Angel had brought you here, thinking this young demon could help and perhaps he was right. All you needed was the chance to explain your circumstances. Maybe this was it. You put together the biggest smile you could, nodding slowly as to not worsen your pounding head from Husk's strong liquor. Angel seemed more delighted then you though, able to see the excitement in his eyes.

" Hell yeah! Free food! " You chuckle gently at his enthusiasm at the concept of free food, a feeling you knew all too well in life. You attended numerous parties for the free food, saving yourself a few pounds in the bank. It was always a good time. Perhaps your sin, if one , was gluttony or greed. You didn't know and this is what you hoped Charlie and Vaggie could help you find out. If you had sinned then what was your crime and if you hadn't they could perhaps help you get into Heaven. That was the goal right now but there wasn't any rush, best take things slow. You did want to see more of Hell and perhaps this was your chance. Imagine what you could tell the folks in the clouds about what you saw here, that is if you ever got there. 

" Let us leave then. We have lots to talk about! " With that Charlie and Vaggie made their way out the front door, stopping for everyone else to catch up. You and Angel walked together to meet them, Alastor walking behind you both rather closely. You could tell because it felt like radio static was practically in your ears, permanently humming. You try to ignore it, keeping close to Charlie as she closed the hotel doors. She was so peppy and cheerful, her looking out of place as you all wandered down streets filled with blood and sin. She didn't fit in here, much like you felt yourself. You smile as you watch the two talk, the smile fading as Alastor pushes past you roughly. 

" Pardon me " You watched as Alastor made his way to the front, chatting to Charlie as Vaggie looked at him with every disapproving expression she could muster. You wondered why. You mindlessly continue walking, catching Angel's attention with the lack of life in your eye and the small blush on your cheeks. You were staring again, watching as Alastor's ears swayed in the gentle breeze. Red and black fur danced almost hypnotically and entranced you. The spider demon giggled, putting a hand on your shoulder and causing you to snap back to reality. 

" Your not the first to be entranced by him, doubtfully the last either " You didn't understand him. Entranced? You were just observing the world around you, or so you thought.


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Just a little reminder!

I'm going to be writing a one shot Hazbin X reader to celebrate 500 followers. The story will be quite long. If you haven't seen my original post but you see this then feel free to vote here. The character with the most votes will have the story written for them when I reach 500. Also comment where you want the story to be posted. Either in my Odds book or a book of it's own.  You may vote for:


Sir Pentious

Angel Dust




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