Who's Afriad Of The Big Bad Wolf

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" Is something wrong?"
Angel looks to the door worriedly, almost like he could see the radio demon smile beyond the crimson wood. You could see the fear and worry in his eyes, body shaking and shivering as he held you close in an attempt to protect you.
" Angel... "
The spider demon finally averts his gaze, looking down to meet your shimmering (E/C) eye. His grip loosens, dragging you quickly away from the door in an attempt to quell any attempts Alastor may have had of eavesdropping on the conversation.
Many hallways and empty rooms passed you by, the tugging on your arm as Angel pulled you along becoming more painful the longer it went on. You held back pained gasps, not wanting to upset the demon who had the best intentions for you.
The only thing you could consider a friend in this twisted world. He was clearly worried and you didn't sought to exaggerate it, finding the strength to surpress the pain in your quickly numbing arm for his sake.
" Tell me, what did he want to speak about?" Angel's voice was harsh and impatient, tones of anger bubbling up under the surface. You didn't know what to say, unable to speak back. You could feel the tension around you both as you ran, it stalked you with every step you took. You wanted to reassure the spider demon that Alastor hadn't harmed you in any way, that all was OK. You take a deep breath, Angel slowing down as he finally heard you respond and break the ever growing silence.
" Alastor..he.."
Your suddenly cut off, following suit of the pink demon in front of you and tripping. You fall onto the ground with a thud,landing on your hip as you do. Rubbing your hip to quell the pain you look up from the carpet, noticing a pair of cat like claws stood in front of your gaze.
" Watch where yer goin'!"
The anger on Husk's face was immeserable, eye twitching in annoyance as he took a long drink from the bottle in his hand.
" Sorry 'bout that Husky"
The speed at which the cat demon drank sped up, soon throwing the bottle away due to lack of contents. He looks over to you, fury in his eyes. He extends a claw out to you, pointing in your direction as Angel looks on slightly concerned but trying not to let it show too much.
" You! I want a word with ya" Looking over to the spider demon you try to send a sly pleading look, Husk noticing and making sure to quickly rectify it. A small rare smirk spread across his face, his fangs shining menicingly under the light, his wings out spreading to block you from any form of exit you could attempt to make.
" I meant alone Angel"
Standing to your feet you watch as Angel walked ahead, looking back occasionally before turning the corner regrettably.
You may have had Alastor's protection but that didn't make you less paranoid and terrified that someone may try to harm you. You were far away from him after all and you weren't sure how far his instincts reached. You just hoped he would keep up his part of the deal.
Hoping a demon would keep his word.
How trusting, maybe too trusting.
You move your hair behind your ear, trying to avoid contact with Husk, feeling his glare burn into you like fire.
" I.. I'm sorry for bumping into you.."
He scoffs.
" I don't give a damn about your apology"
Your stutter, unable to think why he may have wanted a private word. You take a few steps back, listing as the tone of the demon became more irritable the more he spoke.
" Ya see.. Alastor doesn't like people knowin' about deals, especially not right now and what you nearly did there..big no go! "
You tremble viciously, almost crying out in fear when your pinned against the wall, claws digging into your arms as your held in place. You knew that showing weakness in a place like this was probably not the best idea but you find yourself unable to stop the tears falling, quivering under the grip of the feline.
" If you f**k up it's my a*s on the line! "
You sniffle slightly, closing your eye tightly in order to drown out the situation. If you couldn't see it you hoped it would stop the terror that ran through your mind.
Not a chance.
Not even close.
The anger in Husk's eyes subside slightly, causing him to loosen his grasp somewhat.
The air grows silent, Husk loosing his grip fully as a faint static picks up in the air.
It gets closer.
" My my Husker that's quite rude of you"
You finally open your eye, smiling with a gleeful relief as you gazed upon the red clad demon before you. He chuckled slightly, pulling Husk into a embrace.
He laid one arm around the lesser demon, like old friends and spoke with such cheer it became slightly unnerving.
" You need not fear this kitty my dear! He's harmless really!"
You rub your wrists, noticing that the marks were quickly vanishing like they never existed to begin with.
" May I have a word Husk?"
He sighs deeply, scowling before answering in a rather disheartened tone.
" Fine"
You watch the two walk away, knowing deep down now that the two were working under the same operations.
Alastor had indeed protected you, even from his own underling. Surly he couldn't be all bad, not even getting enraged upon you almost spilling details of the deal.
Perhaps the once human in him was shining through or perhaps this was all based on gain.
Only time would tell and at that moment all you knew is that Angel was probably worried sick.
You better find him.

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