Sing You Sinners

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How long had you been blacked out? You had no idea. You thought you had been looking around Hell's streets, walking beside Angel as Charlie lead the way. You never even noticed your eye lay a single gaze on the deer demon, twirling your (F/C) hair in embarrassment as a slight blush dusted your cheeks.
" Heh...your adorable " You turn to Angel, scowling a little and digging your sharp nails into your shoulder, causing a deep gash. Could things honestly get any worse?
You were in Hell.
Entranced by a demon.
Lost and almost alone.
You sigh deeply, thinking that at least the worse was behind you.
Little did you know, things were about to get a little more complicated then needed.
" Here we are! " You finally look up from the floor, seeing you all had halted in front of a rather expensive looking eateree. Very fitting for the princess of hell and her family. You look over to Angel with a look of astonishment. He was practically drooling at the thought of what awaited, obvious redemption meant nothing to him. You found that rather humorous, seeing how comfortable Angel was in his skin and current predicament. It made you feel somewhat better about your own circumstances, knowing someone who had such a bright outlook on life despite his bleak surroundings. He made you feel safe, weird to say considering he was a demon and among the living you were taught not to trust them. If only you could tell people the truth and prove them wrong.
You all step through the large double velvate doors, watching closely as Charlie presented the tickets. The restaurant looked stunning. Deep red wallpaper, black carpet and fine sliver utensils. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine you could dine in such a place, dead or not.
Charlie turns to the group, eyes filled with glee and her smile bubbly. Vaggie stayed close by her, Alastor doing the same but instead grinning in your direction smugly with wide devilish eyes.
" I just need to go and ring my father outside. Alastor, did you catch the table number? " The deer demon chuckles under his breath, bowing down to meet the princess' height.
" Oh course I did haha! I'm always listening " Radio distortion assaults your ears upon Alastor's claim of always listening, like he could control it to envoke fear.
It was working.
You began to shiver slightly, watching with fear as Charlie and Vaggie left to make the desired call. Angel keeps close to you, placing a hand on your shoulder in comfort.
" Let's get seated shall we?! " You follow after Alastor as he leads the way into the back of the restaurant, demons cowering in fear at his mere presence. They moved away from his path, clearing the way and some even left the establishment completely.
Seems he had quite the reputation, as expected. You just didn't expect it to be this serious. You keep your head down, averting eye from the crimson demon in hopes of keeping your composure and by the feeling of the sweat dripping down your brow it wasn't working.
You feel Angel let go of you, shouting behind him about needing to use the little demon's room. He was gone pretty quickly from sight, leaving you and Alastor alone. The room was now empty and silent, except from someone who sat silently in a dark corner paying no mind to the situation. You take a deep breath, watching as Alastor pulled out a chair for you to sit on. You obligated, watching in horror as he sat next to you with his usual cheerful smile.
" So (Y/N), what are you down here for? " You smile nervously, not knowing how to respond. You tap your nails on the glass table, sitting in silence.
" Your not much of a talker my dear " You sigh, averting your gaze and running your hand through your hair nervously.
" I'm down here for murder and canabalism. I was shot by deer hunters, hence my appearance "
Your blood runs cold. You never asked so why did he....? Probably another scare tactic.
You look over your eye at him, seeing deep inside those crimson pools a deep sorrow that was bubbling behind that smile.
" Alastor....? " Your eyes meet for a split second , your breath hitches, almost haulting.
" Yes my dear? " He edges closer to you, the smell of blood deeply lingering in his clothes. It was strong but pleasent. For a mere second you felt closer to Alastor. You didn't fear him anymore.
Was this part of his powers?

My Heart's Already Sinned ( Alastor X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now