Cocktails For Two

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You follow Alastor down the halls of the hotel, taking in ever sight you could. The deep purple walls, the portraits of what you assumed where Charlie and her mother and father as well as many covered pieces of furniture. It was like they hadn't even finished moving in yet. Must have been eager to get started, with whatever this place's goal was. You look forward once more, your (F/C) hair flowing behind you gracefully as you walked. Alastor's staff tapped on the floor softly, the crimson carpets softening some of the sound. From behind you could see his clothes were slightly tattered at the ends, the swaying of the fabric almost hypnotic. You keep your eyes on the pinstriped material, bumping into Alastor after having not noticing him having stopped. Radio static became louder as the deer looks down at you, his smile ever wide and his eyes irritated but also amused.
" You should watch where your going my dear. Would be a shame to ruin that pretty smile of yours " You jump back a little, having not expected such a compliment from such a intimidating being.
" Before I show you to your room, allow me to show you the recriation room " With that Alastor opens two double doors to a room containing a bar and gambling area. The room was simple. A small blackjack table, enough to seat four and a dealer and to the right of that was a small bar. You look on in awe of such a room, it was indeed beautiful. Perhaps you could come by for a drink later, a good whisky seeming appropriate right now.
Alastor chuckles, taking your hand and leading you to the bar. His staff vanished into thin air as you entered the room.
" Al you don't have to..." Alastor places a finger to your lips to hush you.
" Oh Husker! Where are you? "
A figure pops up from behind the counter, a bottle of vodka in hand and chugging it like it was water.
" The f*** do you want Alastor? "
The creature looked like an overgrown cat, with almost red sparkling wings and monochrome fur. His voice was raspy and always had an undertone of anger.
" Two cocktails please my good friend " Husk just seemed to grumble curses and he sifted around the bar for what he required. Gracefully, he poured the components into the mixer, creating the desired concoction Alastor had asked for. The smell was sweet but also sour, pungant but also pleasent. Perhaps it was hell but the smell that lingered seemed pleasing to you, knowing that full well a smell like that would have made you gag in the living world. Watching Husk make your drinks was almost enchanting. This was a demon who was good at his craft. However, you are caught off guard after hearing the deer demon's voice ring through your thoughts.
" Isn't Husker a fine maker of alcoholic beverages? " You nod in response, turning your head downward to face the bar's wooden counter. Husk just huffs in response to Alastor's comment, sliding the cocktail glasses across the table roughly.
Gently and gracefully, the deer demon manages to catch the glasses as they fell off the counter, the thin stems of the glasses between his fingers. Not a drop was spilled. You stare in awe at him, your eye wide with wonder and your hands shaking in excitement.
" Here you go my dear " You hold out your hand to take the glass, your trembling fingers unable to get a decent grip. You blush gently in embarrassment, causing Alastor and Husk to chuckle at your expense.
You turn away from them both, finally remembering where you were. You were in Hell , everyone was there for a sinister reason and it lead you to think why Alastor and Husk were there. Murder, thievery? You had no idea but the thought caused you to shake a little in fear.
Husk turned back to his vodka, picking up the bottle and leaping from where he left off, chugging down the bottle's remains, Alastor however was the total opposite.
He drank with dignity, sipping at his drink and not knocking it back. You look into your own glass, the purple liquid almost twinkling under the hotel's dim lighting. You take a small sip, finally getting your slender fingers around the top.
The flavour was something indescribable.
Sweet but also bitter.
Overwhelming but not mind rotting.
You continued on, finding more courage to take bigger and longer sips while Al and Husk talked about business and before you knew it your glass was empty. Placing it on the counter, you turn to face Alastor and give him a warm and thankful smile. This caused his own grin to widen as well as his eyes.
Did this guy ever frown?
The thought still persisted about why the deer demon was in hell to begin with. He seemed so gentle, sinister but gentle. He had been nothing but kind to you and perhaps getting to know him better would be a good idea if you were to be staying in this " Hazbin Hotel ". You open your mouth to speak but before you could utter a single word a loud crash interrupted you from the hallway.
" S***! " It sounded like Angel had knocked something over in the lobby. Alastor sighs, still smiling though , and turns to Husk as he rises from his seat.
" Keep (Y/N) company will you Husker? I will be back very soon " Without another word Alastor exists the room, his staff summoning as he left your sight.
You turn to the cat demon, mustering up a nervous smile and you chuckle shakily.
" A smile won't work with me. Not a chance "

I hope you are enjoying the story thus far! If you are then please consider voting and commenting!
Also a little fact about this story. Each chapter Title is the name of a song from the 1930s, the year of Alastor's death. Thought it would be a nice touch :)

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