Chapter 8 ~ Promise

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We stood there awkwardly for a few minutes. Hiro was muttering under his breath while playing with his fingers. Once in a while, he'd run his hand through his hair. Darn, he was cute when he did that.

I couldn't help but stare. "What?" He asked, looking over. I shook out of my daze. "Oh! Uh, nothing!" Hiro didn't look convinced.

A doctor in a long, white lab coat burst through the doors.

He beckons me over. "Ms. _____, I need to discuss something with you. Mr. Hamada, stay until instructed."

I walked over and followed the doctor down a long white hallway to the very end. He pushes me into a room and shuts the door behind us.

"Ms. _____, we have eliminated the chance of cancer in your brain, however, that means there is an object implanted on your head. We did not find any medical records of implanting an object on your head. Is this something you know of?"

Great. Straight to the point. "N-no, sir." I stammered.

"Our computers suggest that this device is a neurotransmitter. Would you like a scan to figure out what it really is?"


"Very well." The doctor walked out of the room, leaving me by myself in the bright, uncolored room. I was really confused. Who plants neurotransmitters on people's heads?

A few minutes later, the same doctor -- Dr. Smith (AN: I know, really creative) -- came in with a machine that looked like a cross between a store scanner and a gun. Except it was white.

He made my sit down on the bench thingy while he scanned me. The red light spilled from the hole on the scanner, creating a line that felt hot. He drew it across my head, and near the middle, there was a beep. He stopped and looked at a miniscreen on the scanner.

"It is confirmed. You have a neurotransmitter on your head. There is also a new, undetectable type of technology picked up from the scan."

"Can you figure out what it is?"

"Maybe someday, but not today."


"Wait. So let me get this straight. There's a neurotransmitter on your head." Hiro asks as we make our way back to SFIT.

I nod.

Hiro places a hand on my shoulder. My heart skips a beat, but I don't show any hint of that on my face.

"We'll find out what this is, _____, we will. I promise."


Thanks for reading! I'm really tired, so ✨Bye🌟⚡🐶🐬🐠🐳🌹🌺🎁🎈🎂💝! Vote, comment, share, and enjoy life!

~Me ( T_T)\(^-^ ) <--- comfort a friend! I had to do that today cause she was getting bad grades....

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