Chapter 27 ~ Habits

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Your POV

You woke up, and saw that it was already night. The clock read 12:08 am.

There were snoring sounds coming from the other side of the room, where the curtain was drawn. You felt relieved that Hiro was safe, and not at the other side of the world being tortured.

You sat up, and walked to the edge of Hiro's bed. He was murmuring words, unclear words. "Will.... Go.... Me.... Sorry... Un-..." You listened closely, and realized that those words sounded familiar. But from where?

Hiro's face looked red, but it might've been a trick of the light. It was midnight, after all. You sat down on the edge, next to his head, and swung your feet onto his bed.

Hiro. Such a beautiful name. You remembered the time when you, Hanna, Ashley, Kiyoshi, Sota, Haruki, and Hiro would all stay over at your house, how in the middle of the night, if you couldn't fall asleep, you'd roll off of your bed and run your thumb over Hiro's hand over and over again. You remembered the first time you met Hiro, and thought that he looked like a little kid with that cute gap between his two front teeth. You remembered that Hiro was always there for you, until your memory got erased along with his.

Hiro shifted, and you realized that you were holding his hand, stroking it with your thumb. "(Y/N). I remember." He murmured.

Your heart skipped a beat. He remembered?

He shifted again, placing his head in your lap. You smiled at his calm expression, and ran your hand through his hair backwards, and watched it spring back into place. You sighed. If only he remembered. If only he was awake. You set his head back onto his pillow, and walked back to your own bed, pulling the curtain behind you. You covered yourself completely with tour blankets, and closed your eyes.

Not long later, you heard the swish of the curtains, and footsteps. You poked your head out of the covers, and saw Hiro heading onto your bed. You scooted to the side. "Nightmares." He whispered to you, half-asleep. He laid down, and you covered him with your blankets. He hugged you closely to him, and you sighed. You turned around, and saw a tear on his face. What was he dreaming of?

You shut your eyes, and fell asleep to the steady rhythm of Hiro's heartbeat.


In the morning, you woke up to find Hiro's arms still around you. His arms were a bit too tight for your liking, and you tried to loosen his arms, but it didn't work. His grip was like iron. You whispered:

"Hiro. Hiro! Let me go."

Hiro slowly opened his eyes, and he yelled, springing back from you, blushing furiously. You rolled away, and back facing him, told him, "It was your idea, y'know? You told ne you were having nightmares."

Hiro sniffed and stayed under your covers.

"Can you tell me what your nightmares were?" You asked.

"I... Don't remember." His voice was guarded, carefully hiding something. "Say, do you have a scar above the part where your liver is supposed to be?"

You flinched, remembering the knives. "Y-yea. Why?"

"It's just- nothing." He replied.

You turned around. "Tell, me, was your nightmare about me? Was it me throwing myself in front of you to save you from knives? Was I injured badly?"

Hiro looked at you in disbelief. "H-how did y-you know?"

You stared at his big brown eyes sadly. "It happened."

He wrenched backwards. "But then- how come I don't remember? How come-?"

"My memory was erased because I was hallucinating. My liver, head, and a bunch of other parts of me were injured badly, so the doctors gave me medicine to lose my memory, along with surgery to help repair my organs. I don't know why yours was also erased, but-"

"I think I told the doctors that if your memory would be erased, then I wouldn't be able to bear to live without you. So I asked the doctors to do the same to me."

"You didn't have to do that." You whispered, closing your eyes.

"But I loved you too much."

Your eyes snapped open. Hiro was staring at you sadly. After a while, you rolled yourself out of bed. "This is weird." You say. "Why'd you come to my bed when you had a nightmare?"

"Habits, (AN: haha) I guess."

You shrugged and walked away, hoping Hiro would give this whole thing a thought and remember the rest.


It's been a week, I feel so guilty 😰😨😫...

Especially since this chapter was so short and uneventful.

But my birthday is tomorrow, and I probably won't update tomorrow. Today was my dad's birthday, the day after my birthday is this dude in my class's birthday, and the day after that is my friend's birthday. I'm so busy, but I'll try to write, okay?

Forgive me for updating so late...

~Me 😁

1) Light or dark?

2) Sports or arts?

3) Science or social studies?

Word count: 853 words

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