Chapter 25 ~ Exasperation

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Hiro's POV

Oh gods, oh my gosh. (Y/N) fell as if she was in slow motion, and all I could do was sit. Just sit there and watch helplessly.

Suddenly, at the last moment, I sprang into action, as if someone had given me a push. I leaped under her, and she fell into my arms. "(Y/N)!" I yelled, but she had no reaction.

She was limp in my arms, and I looked down at her. What had happened?

"(Y/N), (Y/N)!" I whisper-yelled. She did not even move a muscle, and I started to panic. I looked up. "Ouch! Ouch! Baymax! Come here!" I yelled desperately.

An inflating sound filled the room, and Baymax appeared.

"Hello. My name is Baymax, your personal healthcare-"

"Baymax! Stop! We don't have time for this!"

"-companion. I was alerted by a sound of-"

"Baymax! Stop now! Scan (Y/N)!"

"-distress. What seems to be the trouble?"

I facepalmed, and told him again: "Scan (Y/N)."

Baymax looked up and down at the both of us, the machinery whirling inside of him.

"Scan complete. She appears to have sustained no physical injuries. However, her heart rate is dangerously low, and she seems to be unconscious.-"

"Ya think?" Hiro muttered.

"-Although her heart rate is low, I sense that she has just experiences a period of high emotional stress. I suggest taking (Y/N) to the emergency room. Diagnosis: syncope."

"What the heck is syncope? And no, I am not taking her to the ER!"

"You seem to have sustained no physical injuries either, but your heart rate is elevated."

"Baymax, I don't need to know about myself!" I threw my hands up in exasperation. Finally, Baymax realized what I had said earlier. He tilted his head.

"Why don't you take her to the emergency room?"

"Just 'cause." I responded. "Tell me, Baymax, what would help (Y/N) right now?"

"I suggest taking her to the emergency room."

"I already said, I am not doing that!" I growled, annoyed.

"Okay. Then I suggest lots of rest."

"That's all?"


Ding! My phone rang, and I jumped. Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I read the screen. It was a text from Fred:

Fred: Hai Hiro, I need u to suit up immediately and meet us at SFIT ASAP.

Me: Y?

Fred: Emergency.

I stared at the screen and then at (Y/N). Who or what comes first? I decided it wasn't (Y/N), or that I was protecting her.

With the help of Baymax, I placed her in her bed and made it look like she was sleeping. Then, a leaned down over her to look at her face. "I like you, okay? No, like isn't good enough. I- I might love you, then, okay?" I whispered, even though she I knew she couldn't hear me. I pressed my lips to her forehead, straightened up, and left the room. Well, almost.

"Hiro, your heart rate is elevating and there is blood rushing to your face. Are you alright?" I stopped at the door.

"Yes, yes I am. Baymax, watch over (Y/N) while I'm gone. Okay?"


I jogged all the way to the garage, and pressed on the button the opened the secret storage space for my suit. In the wall, two slabs slid apart with a rumbling sound, revealing the armor I would wear.

Slowly, I pushed everything on, and realized that I actually needed Baymax. I facepalmed again. "Baymax!" I yelled. "Come down!" I came to the conclusion that (Y/N) didn't need to be watched over. After all, she only needs rest.

A few minutes later, Baymax appeared at the door. "What's the matter, Hiro?"

"Baymax. Suit up." I helped him put my armor. "Will this make me a better healthcare companion?"

"Yea." I muttered. At last everything was ready. "Ready, Baymax?"

He tilted his head. "What are we doing?"

I nodded at him. "You'll find out sooner or later." Then I pushed him outside, jumped on him, and zoomed away.


Thanks for reading, I had HUGE writers block. Sorry it's short, but I had to upload for you guys.

How was Mother's Day? What did you do? Just asking.

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, share, and most importantly, ENJOY!

~Me ^_^

1) Day or night?

2) Sister or brother? (Or both?)

3) Water or juice?

Word count: 724 words

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