Chapter 26 ~ Live for Me

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Your POV (finally :P)

He sat next to me in class, and our teacher, being a really nice one, was telling a story up front. We were faced towards the side of the classroom, so we had to twist our bodies to be able to see the teacher. But I wasn't listening. I stared at the back of him, longing to be able to hug the shoulders, to stroke my hands through his messy hair. But I knew I shouldn't. We were only 13.

The teacher finished telling the story, and she gave us some work time to work on our group projects. My friend, Ash, who was in my group, sat down in front of me, even though her actual seat was all the way across the classroom. I pulled out my school iPad, and put it on photo booth. She looked awful through the stretch effect.

I laughed, hard, and looked up breathlessly to see his big brown eyes staring at me. I quickly looked away. "(Y/N), stop laughing! Your face is turning red! Besides, it's not nice to take pictures of me without me being able to see it." Ash protested.

I smiled at her and turned my iPad over to let her see. Then I deleted it. I looked over to the other side of the classroom and gestured for Hana, who was also in my group, to come over. "(Y/N)! Watch out!" Ash yelled, and I looked back to see his hands withdrawing from my iPad. "Hiro! What the heck!?" I yelled at him. He smirked at me, and pulled out his work. Hana sat down next to me, and pulled out her iPad. She entered the shared document between the three of us, and typed me a message. I think Hiro likes you, it said. I nodded at her, ignoring the butterflies in me.

After school, Hiro pulled me aside. We were standing in a recess that just happened to be in the wall. Hiro was flushed completely, and I was at the verge of blushing too. We had never been alone together like this before. I looked at the ground, avoiding his gaze.

"(Y/N), I-"

"Hiro-" We burst out together. I laughed and looked up. "You go first."

He blushed even harder. "I- I hope you don't reject me. I-" he looked down, quiet.

I stood there in suspense, mystified of what he was going to say. Suddenly, he looked up. "(Y/N)! Willyougooutwithme!?" He shouted, his face completely red. I backed up, looking at him in disbelief.

Hiro looked down again, embarrassed. "I- Sorry- That wasn't-"

I cut him off by hugging him. "Yes." I whispered in his ear. I'd love to."

I felt him smile, and he hugged me back. He was a bit taller than me, but it only felt natural.

He pressed his lips to my forehead, and I smiled. I ruffled his hair, like I've always wanted to. Then I stepped away, grabbing hold of his hand, butterflies in my stomach. "C'mon." I said. "Let's go."

We stepped out of the recess and walked off of school grounds together.


"(Y/N)! Run!" Hiro yelled, pushing me forward.

"Hiro! No!" I yelled back, as Hiro turned to face the people who were pursuing us. I fell down scraping my knees and hands against the concrete. I looked back, ignoring the pain. The people were holding knives, advancing on Hiro. But Hiro didn't back up. "(Y/N)! What are you doing!? Hurry and move!" He yelled, desperation raw in his voice.

"I can't." I said quietly. The people raised their knives, and Hiro fell backwards. He looked at me, his pupils wide with fear. And then they threw.

I launched myself at him, over him, so that I would take the damage. I jumped right over him, and landed on my head, hitting the ground. Pain exploded through my body and my head. I immediately rolled over, but the dark sky was already pulsing with dark spots. "(Y/N)!" I heard, but the voice was fading away. With my last ounce of energy, I looked at Hiro. He was covered in blood; whose blood, I didn't know, and told him: "If I die, you have to live for me, okay? Don't make me go through all this pain for nothing." I was gasping for breath. And everything blanked out.


"She's been hallucinating." I heard. But that didn't matter. For me, there were floating objects and animals in the air, and I felt as if hands had just grabbed my feet. I screamed. "Help!! Please! Someone's grabbing me!" A dark figure with a hood jumped out at me, and I screamed again, closing my eyes and squirming myself free of the hands' grip.

"Of course. The knives pierced through her liver, lungs, and kidney. She also suffered a concussion. These all contribute to hallucinations."

"(Y/N). (Y/N)." I heard a voice whisper, alongside with the sound of fingernails tapping against a window. I flinched away.

"Is there any way to cure this?"

"No. Unless you want her memory erased."

"Anything to fix her."



I was laying on a hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. There was a doctor, a woman, and a nurse to the side of the bright white room, talking quietly. "The only way for her to be able to heal from this incident is for us to erase her memory. Completely. Have her start off her life like a baby again. Her memories will start coming back in a few years, or maybe even a few decades."

"But it's too dangerous!" The woman argued.

"It's the only way."

The doctor came over and hooked me up to a few machines. Needles were injected throughout my body. Then the world went dark.


I gasped awake. I was sleeping on my own bed. What had happened?

Was all that I had just seen real? Was that why my memory was erased? But what about Hiro? Why was his memory also erased?

My head was bursting with questions. I sat up in bed, and lay back down.

But where was Hiro? One last question popped into my mind. My eyes were closing, my mind exhausted from learning all this information.

At last, my eyes closed, and I slipped into darkness, hoping that this time, I wouldn't have nightmares.


Hey! Did you guys like this chappie? Sorry for not updating for so long, but I had writer's block, and I had to do lots of research on hallucinations. But whatevs.

Remember to vote, comment, share, and hope you enjoyed! (Well, maybe not, 'cause you were having nightmares the whole time :P)

Anyways, ✨Bye🌟⚡🐶🐬🐠🐳🌹🌺🎁🎈🎂💝!"


1) Sweet or sour?

2) Black or white?

3) Warm days or cold days?

Word count: 1135 words

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