Chapter 28 ~ Gone

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"You didn't have to do that." You whispered, closing your eyes.

"But I loved you too much."

Your eyes snapped open. Hiro was staring at you sadly. After a while, you rolled yourself out of bed. "This is weird." You say. "Why'd you come to my bed when you had a nightmare?"

"Habits, (AN: haha) I guess."

You shrugged and walked away, hoping Hiro would give this whole thing a thought and remember the rest.


Hiro's POV

I stared at the ceiling, thinking over what I had just said.

But I loved you too much.

What the ell (that was on purpose) was that supposed to mean?! I had this thought in my mind and a huge, and I mean HUGE feeling of déjà vu, but I don't remember what the thought was, and the feeling was gone. I flushed at the thought of saying I love you to (Y/N).

Was this really my true feelings? Was I really in love with this girl, who moved in with me? I sighed. The scent of (favorite_scent) was overwhelming, but the smell of (Y/N) was interlaced with it, making Tadashi's bed now belong to (Y/N).


I hadn't really thought of him since (Y/N) came. I felt a twinge of guilt. Was I so obsessed with (Y/N) that I had forgotten about Tadashi?

Well, I guess-

"Hiro!" (Y/N)'s sweet but bitter-tinged voice called out to me. "Are you still on my bed? Really. You'd better get off of it. If you're really that tired, go on your own bed. We're not together yet, remember? Besides, we're supposed to be somewhere right now."

I blushed, glad that I was blocked by the partition separating our beds.

I flung off (Y/N)'s (favorite_color) covers and swung my feet off of her bed.

"Okay!" I yelled, and I was surprised by how much bitter was in my voice after I had remembered that (Y/N) had given herself to-

My chain of thought was broken when I realized what I was thinking. I suddenly forgot what I was thinking. I stomped my foot in frustration.

I grabbed my charging phone off of my nightstand and looked at the screen. It was almost 8. And it was Monday. I was going to be late. That's what (Y/N) meant by 'being somewhere.'

I felt a rush of adrenaline in my chest, and I quickly pulled on a change of clothes, my phone, and ran downstairs. (Y/N) was standing at the counter, talking to Aunt Cass. I grabbed a pastry from the racks (or whatever they're called.)

(Y/N) looked my way and smirked. "Finally realized, huh?" I looked down.

I noticed that she had said nothing about us being together last night. I flushed a bright red.

"Let's go." (Y/N) grabbed my wrist and led me out, causing butterflies in my stomach. There was something wrong with me. Really wrong. I've never felt this way before, even in front of (Y/N).

I took a few deep breaths and hopped on my bike. (Y/N)'s hand turned rigid against my wrist and she suddenly let go.

Without looking at me, she swung her leg over the seat and rode away. I looked after her mysteriously.


We were late to our labs, but none of our friends cared. They greeted us like they usually did.

A loud bang happened outside the window. (Y/N) glanced over nervously, and said, "I'll go check it out, okay?" Without waiting for a response, she walked over and opened the window. "There's nothing wrong outside, I don't know-"

(Y/N) fell out of the window. Except she flew upwards, not downwards, and defied the law of gravity. "(Y/N)!" I screamed, running to the window and looking up. She was nowhere in sight.

I turned back to the rest of the team, who were all wearing shocked faces. "Guys, suit up. Please. We need to help her."

GoGo was first to unfreeze. "Got it," she nodded, running to her lab.

One by one, they all left, leaving me there alone. I then ran towards my own lab, not realizing that I had left Baymax at home.


Your POV

I didn't scream. My voice was gone. I was in complete darkness. There was a person pacing in front of me.

"You're dead." He muttered. "Literally."

I did not like the sound of that. My body was frozen. I couldn't struggle. But the man's voice was familiar.

I closed my eyes.

Please save me, Hiro.


Hiro's POV

Hiromi appeared before me. "Uhh, I don't have a suit, and just sayin', Baymax isn't here." She said matter-of-factly.

I realized she was right. I paced in my lab back and forth. What should I do?

I was panicking, and by a lot. But I couldn't help it. (Y/N) was just... Too important to me to die.

Hang in there, (Y/N). We're coming.

I came up with an idea. It was quite easy. I called Aunt Cass. As soon as she picked up, I said, "Hey, I'mabitinahurrynowsocanyoupleasebequickandbringBaymaxtoSFITforme?" I blurted in one breath.

"What, honey? Can you speak slower?" She replied. I nodded, forgetting that she couldn't see me, and I took a few deep breaths.

"So, I'm in a big hurry right now. (Y/N) got kidnapped, and I am in need of Baymax right now. Can you please bring 'im over?"

"Sure, whatever you need to save (Y/N)!"

I muttered a thanks and hung up, turning to Hiromi.

"Hey, I make your suit after this whole thing," I gestured with my hands, "is resolved, 'kay? I'll make yours alongside with (Y/N)'s."

Hiromi nodded.

"Give me a list of things you would want on a suit, and after that, keep on working on whatever you were working on. Pretend nothing happened. If anyone should ask, tell them we all went out together to get supplies, okay?"

Hiromi nodded. "Got it."

I took another deep breath, feeling like jelly in my knees. (Y/N) was kidnapped, and I hadn't realized now that she held me together at times of stress, kept me calm.

But she's gone now.

^*%*^ ^*%*^ ^*%*^

So, sorry for the extremely late chapter, but whatever. It's hard trying to handle so many books at once, y'know?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote, comment, and share!


1) Cat or dog?

2) Early worm (lark) or night owl?

3) Extrovert or introvert?

Word count: 1091 words

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