Chapter 32 ~ Can't Wait

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Third Person View

"A-Ashes." Hiro stuttered, still dizzy.

"Yes, it's me." Ashley smiled. "Did you forget already?"

Hiro laughed sheepishly. "Uhh..."

Ashley had a wistful look to her eyes, and then she started crying again.

The sky was cloudy, and there was no sign of the sun. (Yes, I know, it's cliché) It was oddly humid. The alleyway was gloomy, and it seemed to make the atmosphere more tense.

Hiro walked to her and sat down beside her, and he thought it was extremely weird that he couldn't feel her warmth.

"Hey, tell me why you're crying."

Ashley hiccuped a few times, and she stuttered, "Ki-Kiyoshi... I-I n-never thought he'd," she hiccuped, "I just-" she broke down in tears.

Hiro tried to comfort her, but he didn't know what to say.

"Do you k-know where he i-is? I-I wanna t-talk to him."

Hiro stood up. "Yes, I'll go look for him. I think I might know where he is. Stay here, don't move." He walked a few steps, then turned around. "Actually, can you come with me? Kiyoshi won't believe that his girlfriend's here."

It started to drizzle, the rain increasing steadily.

Ashley stood up, following Hiro.

In the rain, he heard her silent sobs as he led her to her revenge-taken boyfriend.


"Kiyoshi?" Hiro peeked into the hole in the ground.

"So you've come to kill me at last, huh?"

Hiro stepped in. "No, I'm not."

A shape in the destructs of the room shifted. "Then what? Try to suck me into the portal to apologize to your stupid girlfriend?"

Hiro turned red. This is no time to be blushing! He told himself. "She's not my girlfriend, thanks to you."

A sniffle was heard behind Hiro, and Hiro had to remind himself to be less harsh.

Kiyoshi laughed a raw laugh.

"Hey, uh, I want to tell you something." Hiro said.

"What? That my life isn't worth living?"

"No. Uhh.. Ashley's here. She wants to talk to you."

Hiro's POV (for some reason I switched, but I was too lazy to change it XD)

A wrench was thrown towards Hiro's face. I dodged it just in time.

"Don't." A piece of glass flew towards me, and I blocked it with my arm, cutting it in the process.

"Talk." Another piece of junk, but I blocked it, making another horizontal cut along my arm.

"About." Another cut.

"Ashley." I now had three cuts horizontally along my arm, and it looked like I had been cutting.

More pieces. This time, it was a shower of glass, and I couldn't block them entirely. My face and arms were now cut horribly, and more pieces were coming, non-stop, until:

"Kiyoshi?" Ashley's clear voice rang through the empty room. "Don't hurt Hiro. He's our friend."

The shower of junk immediately stopped, and my arms looked like I had been cutting and torturing myself crazily.

Third Person View

The shadow moved, and stood up.


Ashley stepped into the dark room, glowing slightly.

Kiyoshi finally showed himself. He wasn't taller, or fitter than Hiro, but his expression was hurt and shattered.

Ashley stepped up to him.

"But- I thought you were-"

"Technology." Ashley interrupted. She looked down.

"Look, I heard what you've done to (Y/N). And- I never thought you'd do something like that. I never would have wanted this."

Kiyoshi suddenly felt guilty. He remembered what (Y/N) had yelled to him.


"And I just wanted to tell you that I'm still here, that I'll always love you. Please. (Y/N) was my best friend. And now she's gone. I- I wish you could've been less... I don't know. Just remember."

Ashley turned around, beckoning to Hiro. "I love you, Kiyoshi. I'll always be with you."

With that, Ashley turned into a swirling mass of light, and disappeared.

"You did not imagine that." Hiro turned and stalked away.


(Y/N) carefully removed the reflection surface, making sure not to shatter it.

She placed it on the ground next to her.

"Okay." She breathed, dusting her hands off.

"Time for the magnets."

(Y/N) walked over to her desk, where she had her magnets. She carried them to her working space, getting ready to install them.


Hiro sat in front of his desk, thinking about (Y/N). He wondered what she was doing right now. Probably working on a prototype of something fun.

He wished he could be with her, but he didn't know how to make a transporter thing.

Hiro's arms and face was bruised and cut up, but Aunt Cass had helped him clean them up. Now they looked like mere scratches, but Hiro knew they would scar up.

Blood had been dripping down his arms and face when he walked into the café, but he didn't feel them. Aunt Cass had been so creeped out.

He laughed at her horrified expression. "Hiro! What happened?!" She had gasped.

Hiro didn't say anything. He now had his jacket back on to hide the cuts.

Hiro went back to thinking about (Y/N).

I can't wait 'till I can see her for real again.


Sorry for the short filler chapter :/ Anyways, thanks for reading, remember to vote, comment, share, and most importantly, ENJOY!!


Would you prefer...

1) Discovery or Nat Geo?

2) Being high in the sky or deep into the earth?

3) Vegetables or meats or fruits or all or two of them?

Word count: 916 words

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