A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part One)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


Lumine finally gets this far, it has been so long, but there has been no moment she forgot about her brother. Her motive, was to find her brothers. But what comes after that? What is the life beyond that?


Lumine, Childe and Paimon are outside of Liyue. Having a small picnic while they were resting to move onto the next place they were headed to. "Hey Ojou-chan, where to next?" Childe casually puts his head on Lumine's lap. "Well thinking of heading to Inazuma for a quick trip." "Aww, but they hate the Fatui. I mean I am welcome to fight them" "No Childe. No fighting."

They get up, after Paimon managed to digest all the food she stuffed down. "For a fishy fatui boy, your food is the best" "Aww, I am glad I pleased the emergency food." "Hey Paimon is NOT emergency food!!" Lumine comes to a stop all of the sudden "What's wro-" Childe also notices, they head to the nearby cliff, they crouch down. What they saw baffled them.

"Isn't that way too many enemies in one spot?" "I agree, as much as I like to fight them... this is bad if they get to Liyue." "We need to report this to Nin-" "That won't be necessary." Keqing showed up next to them. "She knows what is happening. They are evacuating people around the area as well as Liyue harbor overall via boats." "That's great..." Then the ruin guards woke up all the sudden. "So, are they all evacuated?" "No, but we should be almost done." "Childe, we need to hold them off." "Do you need assistance?" "How many available to move right now?" "Most of the people who could fight are helping us evacuate the areas that it's hard for Millelith to go to, the earliest they could come back was a day." "Keqing, can you go back to Ningguang to report to make the evacuation faster by any chance?"

"I'll try, but I don't know when I'll be back." "Until then we will do our best to hold them off, at our best." Lumine wishes Keqing good luck. "Childe, can I ask you to help me?" "Hahaha, of course!" Lumine smiles "Paimon stay near us, but far enough you don't be caught up in the attack." Paimon agrees, the three rushes and drops down on the enemies. They fought off and got rid of the enemies as fast and efficiently as they could. "Childe, don't use Foul legacy until it gets really rough." Lumine blasted enemies. Lumine looked away for one second, then a ruin hunter sent her flying into the cliff. She manages to soften the attack using her geo to create a make-shift shield. She was having a slight hard time holding them off. She uses the Cryo and Electro to blast the Ruin guard. "Ojou-chan, are you having a hard time. That's weird you had no trouble beating me" Childe was speaking in a playful tone. "Hahaha, that's true. Guess I need to put in more effort I guess." Chile and Lumine laughs.

Lumine and Childe took care most of the fast moving enemies. Lumine used her cryo abilities to freeze them in place, before shattering them. "Next!" Lumine used her elements to take down thee enemies no matter what the enemies had in line. They had to be sure that not even one gets to Liyue. They had the pressure of keeping them in bay, make sure none of them got even close to Liyue, the weight and responsibility. 'Where is Xiao... I would really like him to show up.' Lumine was getting tired from fighting what seemed to be forever. "Ojou-chan. I'm going to use foul legacy." "Are you sure? We still have quite a few left even you would have a hard time. Especially it would take even a bigger toll on the condition you are in now." "If I don't use it now, we are going to tire ourselves even more. Thus even more bigger toll." "Fine, but I'll cover you after that." Childe takes a slow, deep breaths. He unleashes his Foul legacy form. Blasted and eliminated as much enemies as possible. 'I have only 1 minute to fight in this form. I took more damage than I anticipated. But I'll do anything to keep her safe, after all. I still haven't won a single battle against her. So I won't let her die until I beat her!'

Childe took about 50 enemies out before the foul legacy was undone due to the body's toll not able to keep up, but he forced it to come back, for a second, a minute longer. Child screams as he took out another five before he collapsed. Lumine ran in. Her sword was breaking from the toll. She manages to block and finish off a Mitachurl wielding a large blade. It roared, then a hidden Geo hatching jumped from behind Lumine. Lumine was unaware of the hidden enemy.

Childe shouts "Watch out ojou-chan" as he pushes her away from the harms way, the toll from Foul legacy. He could not get away in time. As Lumine watched as Childe took the damage. She was stunned, Childe was gasping for air, in a fit of rage. Her body glowed, wings sprouted. The almost broken sword, also glowed in a golden color. She swung her sword, in a mere one swing, the whole army was annihilated. Childe looks at Lumine, thinking 'Ah, so beautiful... so bright and warm... like a sun.' Childe passes out. Lumine hunts down the remaining ones that manages to dodges. She struck fear into the enemies eyes, as she cut them down. She runs back as they turn into ashes.

"Childe? CHILDE?" Lumine throws her broken sword and slides next to him, holding his large and gentle hands.

- To be continued -

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