A goodbye letter to Teyvat (FINAL 1/2)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the fith part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


Childe ran towards Lumine. While at the same time, Lumine is faces with Sonar, with her true colors revealed


"Aether! Aether!" Lumine shook his body. "What are you doing Sonar!?" "What am I doing? I was waiting for a moment to end you both. Expose your dead bodies to the world so the world would despair that their common friends has died brutally. You really think I gave up?" Lumine gripped Aether's sword. "Why now then... no... Childe is sharp when it comes to bloodlust. You thought he will get in your way. So that's why you told me to let him go so he wouldn't be upset when we leave the world. I should've listened to Childe and be wary of you. At least. I feel so dumb."

Aether grabs Lumine's leg. "N-no... run..." Aether's hands were getting cold. Paimon and Dainselif were sent somewhere else. No one else was close. "Abandon him, at least it will save you. For now at least." "Leave this idiot brother of yours and run... she wants you..." Lumine shakes her head. "I'm not leaving you, you suffered long enough. Even though some people might not ever forgive you what you have done. But as a sibling. I won't let you shoulder it all!" Lumine uses her powers. Then a sharp pain ran through her body. "You know I wouldn't give your powers back that easily. It was hard hiding this trap without your brother noticing."

Lumine collapses in pain. "Lu-Lumine..."Lumine fought to stay awake. But the pain, even the small pebbles on the ground felt like knives stabbing her.  "Aether, thank you but you're useless now. So bye bye." Last time it was Aether taken away from Lumine was now being taken by the Unknown god. But this time, Aether was the one seeing her sibling taken away. "GIVE BACK MY SISTER!" The two disappears. Dainsleif and Paimon was returned. "Lumine!?" Paimon flew everywhere. Aether was bleeding out. Dainsleif tried to stop the bleeding.

Childe ran, he saw red cubs. "XIAO, PLEASE. Throw me towards that direction with all you got." Xiao didn't question it. He could smell the blood. He uses his polearm to launch Childe into the air. There he saw Lumine being taken away. "LUMINE!" Childe shoot a arrow but it was too late, they were gone. Childe lands, unlike his calm composure self when he lands. He landed awfully. "Th-they went to Mondstadt... near... the statue... of Barba-" He ran after the direction he could just barely sense Lumine. "I will bring her back. I prromise, so don't you dare die on me. Brother in law." Aether made the angriest face. "Then I won't die so I can prevent the wedding ever happening." Xiao followed.  The Adeptis met up with Xiao. "Get on Childe. We must hurry. There's an ominous intent coming from that direction" Childe gets on the Adepti. "We will cooperate with you for now."

The screams could be heard from Mondstadt. The Barbato's statue was upside. The knights, Kaeya, Amber, Lisa, Jean and Diluc. The knights were evacuating the people. But some were froze in fear, Childe wondered why everyone looked shocked and in complete fear. The Adepti sees the cause of the complete fear. "Childe do-" Childe looks up to see  Lumine pinned upside down, her blood staining the statue. Childe's eyes were wide open. "Calm down Fatui. If you go rushing forward. That's what she wants. To give Lumine equal despair." Childe was basically gripping his arms trying to calm his anger down. Lumine sees Childe. 'Why, why are you here... after all the things I said to push you away. Why...'

"Look Miss Honorary Knight. Your love is here? Oh dead did you lose conciousness? We can't have you doing that." The sharp pain woke Lumine again. Her screams were louder than the wind that seemed to be no sign of. "Lord Barbatos... please... please save our Honorary Knight..." Everyone wished, prayed as they were lead out of the town. Childe unleashes his Foul Legacy, but unlike few years ago, he was more in control. His mind still there. His anger, still there. 

But he saves lumine. Her small hands, her thin legs were bleeding. Ganyu, Jean was healing the badly wounded Lumine. Barely alive. "Miss Lumine, hang in there. Talk to me..." Lumine turns to Childe weakly, she began to cry. "I'm sorry Ajax... I'm sorry- I'm sorry for hurting you." Childe holds Lumine's hands tightly. "I'm sorry too, I will say this right now. I want you to stay in this world with me. I don't care you come from another world. I Ajax will swear to love you forever. Until we are torn apart by time." Lumine smiles. "I-I lo...ve... you... to..." Her small hands fell to the ground. "Lumine?" Jean and Ganyu was till healing her. Slowly her hands recovered, her feet, who looked like they were about to fall off.

Lumine dreamed of the Golden field. This time her parents were there. "It's not your time yet. Please take care of each other." Lumine looks to her right. Aether looks to the left. "We will. Guess we won't be seeing you anytime soon" Their mother whispered something in Lumine's ear. Lumine nods. They both wake up at the same. "LUMINE!" "AETHER!" Childe is about to charge. Lumine taps him on the shoulder. Her golden wings. To Childe's eyes, he thought Lumine became an angel. "I'm alive, don't worry. Leave this to me and my brother. But we might need some help" Lumine reached for Childe's hand. "Gladly."

"Ahaha, do you think I would let you do that?" As Childe reached to grab Lumine's hand. Xiao pulled him back. "Ow why did you do that for?" Xiao points towards an empty air. "Lumine, gone. Your fingers would;ve been gone too human." Lumine blinks. 'This feeling... the loss of the feeling of time. Am I back in the cube again?' Lumine feels like the air was make like a water almost. She swims, she goes through the memories that her brother went though while Lumine was basically taken hostage. Aether falling into despair. Lumine unable to confort him when he really needed it.

She turns to see him on a stone chair she briefly saw when she was where the Abyss Order was taken base. "You highness. An intruder." "If it's just one, why not get rid of him?" "B-But your highness. It's a human Child...  we have witnessed him fighting one of our Milichurls. It would be unwise for his parents to catch on. If I may voice my opinion" Aether thought for a moment. "That is very wise. Indeed we might have trouble if we are found out that soon. Take me to him." Aether walked. The scenery went dark for a moment. A childe, the hair color, the clothes he wore. The photos Tonia showed to Lumine secretly. Lumine's eyes widened. "Why did you not run from this beast?" "I-I'm a big brother... no matter what happens to me... I need to protect my siblings." Aether's heart swayed.

"Your highness, his is quite weakened." Aether kneels down. "Human Child. I shall let you go. In promise that you shall return to this Abyss to... one day..." Aether smiles brokenly towards Younger Childe. "Be strong enough to protect your love ones, and to never let them go. No matter what." Aether clenches his fists. The scenery goes dark again. Lumine and Aether reunite. They both looked at each other, seeing what their lives were like when they were apart.

They both held hands as they flew where it all started... and where it will all end.

A goodbye letter to TeyvatWhere stories live. Discover now