A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Nine)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the second part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


When they all blinked, for a mere second...Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Venti and even Dainslief was thrown against the stone walls. Lumine was frozen in fear, she was not able to move...


"R-Run Ojou-chan" Childe calls out to Lumine. But she was unable to move. Her head was filled with fear and trying to comprehend what just happened. 'W-what just happened... the others... they- they were defeated that easily... move... MOVE BODY, I need to help them...' The Abyss Herald spoke "The Prince told me not to harm you." Those words allowed Lumine to look up, into where they were supposed to be eyes. Lumine was trying to speak, yell for anyone. But no words came out. Her heart was racing, her hands were shaking. This Abyss Herald made Dvalin look like a lizard. "Oh good you remember." Aether was leaning against a pillar.

Lumine looks up. Aether's eyes were cold and empty. Her jumps from the pillar in front of Lumine. Her eyes widen. Aether's temporary clothes were stained in red. 'Jean... everyone... MOVE, WHY WON'T YOU MOVE!' Lumine was trying to win against her fear. Lumine slowed her breaths. Her body was slowly able to move. 'I need to act fast, I need to grab as many as I could...' "I know what you're thinking Lumine. But if you don't want your precious friends to be finished off, I suggest you don't move." Lumine looks at Aether. "I won't move then. Why should I do then." "Well for starters. Come with me, I will protect you like I promised. Why else do you think you haven't encountered them until now?"

"Ojou-chan... leave us... run" Aether steps into Childe's wounds. Childe warps his face in pain, but he smiles to hide the pain. Lumine heart ached in pain. "PLEASE STOP BROTHER!" Lumine falls to the ground, covering her face with her hands. Childe was unable to do anything. He grabs Aether's feet. "ISN'T SHE YOUR FAMILY!? IF SHE IS IMPORTANT TO YOU, THEN DON'T EVER MAKE HER SAD, OR EVEN CRY!" Childe was too upset he forgot about the pain. "WE BIG BROTHERS NEED TO PROTECT THE YOUNGEST, HOW DARE YOU MAKE LUMINE CRY!" Childe pushes Aether over, punching his face. "Shut up! I know how to protect her!" "No, you don't!" Childe continued to punch Aether in the face. Aether punches back "Then what should I have done then! How could I have prevented this if I didn't promise to let her go in exchange for Teyvat!" Childe, bleeding, he grabs Aether by the collar of his shirt.

"YOU COULD'VE SAVED BOTH OF THEM!" "Like hell you don't understand my feelings!" Childe headbutts Aether. "Ow!" Aether headbutts Childe back. "If my family was taken like that, I would've probably done the same! But I should've gone to seen them. Even though I might drag them in! Lumine travelled this far to find you! Even though you tried not to get her involved. Here she is. IN THE ABYSS. TRYING TO HELP YOU!" Aether bites his lip. "Your highness. Are you hesitating?" Aether's eyes widen. "N-" Lumine runs over. Uses her own body to shield to protect the two. "I found my brother. I won't l-let you take him away!" "L-Lumine..." "S-stay away from my brother!" Lumine was still scared.

"You three stand back!" Mona and Scaramouche blasted the enemy away. Ayaka, Xiangling and Noelle grabbed the others. "Honorary Knight!" "Go, I'll be fine." Noelle nods "I will come back to assist you!" Noelle and others escapes 'Good everyone is out.' Lumine takes a deep breath. Lumine draws her sword. "Now that nothing can hold me back. I will defeat you!" Lumine dashes in, unleashing element bursts to block and attack. But it was still not enough. 'I'll have to risk it a little.' Lumine uses two elements at the same time. The backlash of using two elements were not heard of. It was painful, but Lumine stopped being afraid of the Abyss Herald.

"Acting Grand Master Jean! Where are you! Call out!" Jean regain consciousness, she was buried in rubbles. 'W-what happened... how did this happen...?'

"Now, Lumine's plan is in progress and so far sucessful." "Hey, can I drink some water?" Aether asks. Jean looks at Aether. "Although you are Lumine's brother. I still cannot come to trust you." "But I am so thirsty. Hungry..." Jean sighs. "Diona, sorry to ask, could you get something to drink and eat for him?" Diona nods. "I can, just let me whip it up really quickly" Diona cooks some food for Aether to eat. "Here, eat" "But I can't eat with my hands tied. You wouldn't treat your guest like this?" There were dissatisfied voices. Jean stops them, she smiles. "That is very true. Although this is not Mondstadt" Jean signals one of the knights to at least undo his hands. Aether smiles. Jean sees it. "GET BA-" Everything went dark.

'That's right... Lumine!' Jean was concerned. Her body was pinned down by the debruises. "ACTING GRANDMASTER JEAN! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Jean knew she had to yell "I-I'M HERE!" "That's Jean's voice!" "Are you hurt?" "N-No I don't think so-" Jean could hear some mumbling. "Okay, we are going to lift it up. If it hurts anywhere please tell us." "Move aside." "Miss Jean, it's Ningguang. I'll be using my vision to get you out. Your men will drag you out as fast as they can!" Jean takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'll trust you!" Ningguang lifts up the debruises. "Take me to Lumine." Ningguang reluctantly agrees. She hold Jean up using her shoulder.

"Lumine!" Jean shouts. "We are fine, do not worry!" Lumine's eyes light up. She expressed that she was glad she saw them alive, after seeing the blood stains on Aether. "Eight people are injured! Can you get someone to treat them!?" Lumine talked while barely dodging the Abyss Herald's attacks. She had shallow cuts here and there. "I will, so stay safe!" Lumine smiles. She turns towards the Abyss Herald. She takes one deep long breath.

- To be continued -

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