Goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Eight)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the second part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


The end of Abyss Order is neigh, Teyvat has come together to end their schemes once and for all.


"I think we should take experienced fighters to stall, or preferably take care of the Abyss Herald. Can I ask for your help Dainsleif?" Drainslief stands up straight. "I shall accompany you two to the end of this journey. I did get the compensation after all." Paimon cuts in. "But wasn't that long time ago? Paimon thinks you should..." "I am fine. So who am I going to be working with?"

Lumine lists up the people that thinks should go for the Heralds. "Alright then, looking forward to be working together." They all shake hands. "Okay the plan is..." Lumine gives detailed information on the plans. They all agree. "I will try my best not to hurt you that much." Lumine blasts them, the plan has started, everyone started moving accordingly.

"Tsk, we didn't hear about this!" "It's the Prince! We shall assist" Lumine and Dainsleif anticipated it. "No need, I can handle them myself. Go and get rid of the other rats." The Abyss mages bows before disappearing. The Abyss Herald is there, Lumine dodges and attacks her allies, but it only looked like it was hurting them from an angle. They all were sent flying. Lumine makes a small nod. Childe, Zhongli, Venti, Xiao and Dainsleif turns around and attacks the Abyss Heralds. They were not expecting it. Lumine's heart was beating loudly and fast. 'Calm down me. They will be fine.' Lumine lands, she also joins the battle.

"Y-Your highness!?" The Abyss mage was stunned. A fire bird was flying from the right. Lumine jumps back. "You're late... Master Diluc." Diluc with his usual clothes and his claymore. He smirks "Thanks for delivering this. Wearing the knight's uniform does not suit me at all. And that idiot would laugh at me if he saw me like that" Everyone wanted to be shocked. Lumine smiles "I'll explain later" Lumine punches Abyss Herald. "Now, like Noelle says. Clean up time" Lumine smiles ominously. Childe laughs "Yes Ojou-chan!" The team in charge of defeating or stalling the Abyss Heralds were doing their jobs.

Jean gives a chain of commands. The other Archons were guarding the representatives for the ones that slipped through the net. Klee was blasting holes in the Abyss. "It was a good idea to let Klee do her thing." "Yes, although after this incident, she won't be able to bombs things like she wants." "Ah yes, stress reliving and shaving off the enemies. Very good." Jean turns to Kaeya "Don't worry about me and go cover everyone" Kaeya shrugs. "As you wish Acting Grand Master, Jean." Kaeya smiles cunningly. 'Oh, they will be happy to see me'

Kaeya goes into the Abyss. "OH NO IT'S HIM" Kaeya smiles "Hello my old friends" The Abyss mages attempts to fly away. Kaeya blasted them with Cryo attacks. "You're short when finishing them off as usual. Kaeya" Diluc finishes the ones that was incompatible with his vision. Kaeya's eyes widen. 'She's so cunning. She learnt from the best' "Oh no, Diluc is alive. I was hoping to take Jean all to myself now you were out of the picture." "Over my dead body" Diluc and Kaeya glared at each other. The Abyss Herald attacks them "Don't you ignore me human." Kaeya and Diluc hits the Abyss Herald shouting "SHUT UP, I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU" The Abyss Herald was defeated. Childe smiles "Fight me later Maaaster Diluc" "I'll kill you later you Fatui, but for Miss Lumine's sake I will hold back" "Oh boo" Childe looks away for a second. An Abyss Mage shoots an arrow made from cryo element. Lumine grabs it with her bare hands. "Oh, you think it's funny to attack him. It happened once, not letting that happen." Lumine smacks Childe's head. "Focus or I will leave you behind on the next adventure." "Hahaha that punishment won't hurt me" "Oh, then. I will make you eat Bennett's food next time" Childe was even motivated.

'Is it that bad?' Both Diluc and Kaeya thought. Although they looked displeased when they thought of the same thing. "Master Diluc, I agreed with your plans. And Kaeya I will expose what Paimon saw when you were-" Kaeya covers Lumine's mouth. "Hahaha, what do you mean?" Childe destroyed two Abyss Heralds on how much he did not want to eat that soup Lumine casually pushed towards him. "DIE SO I DON'T NEED TO EAT THAT WHATEVER IT WAS!!" Lumine puts her hand together 'Sorry Bennett, thank you Bennett.' Bennett sneezes when was buffing his allies. "Bennett you okay?" Fishl asks. "I'm good!" Bennett wipes his nose with a ripped piece of Herman's Custom Adventure Map. When he realized, he was deeply upset. "I- I got this from Fishl... NOOOO"

"Wait that voice... Bennett?" Lumine could his screams of No from the area she was, despite quite a distance from each other. Pallad comes flying down "Ouch, where am I? W-why is so cold" At that moment, everyone thought 'Not this guy again...' Albedo came up from nowhere. "Great, we have a bait to lure Hilichurls. Ready Sucrose?" Albedo throws him in the direction of Sucrose, which blows Pallad into a swarm of Hilichurls. "Now is the chance! While the Hilichurls are distracted!" Childe thanks Albedo. "This is for her." The both thought, Childe destroys the Hilichurls. Albedo, Sucrose and Childe high-fives each other. "Eyy, his recklessness helped for once." Lumine knew it was from a grudge. She honestly did not care at all. "Oh well done you three. Who knew that item would distract them" "I know. I am proud of myself."

The last Abyss Herald, who looked. As well the Aura was different compared to the others. "Are you humans done with your comedy?" The others turn towards the Abyss Herald, who was crossing it's arms. Clearly upset it was ignored all this time "I'm sorry." Lumine apologizes. 'I hope everyone understands how that Abyss Herald is a bad news' Lumine turns to see others. They knew. 'How did it manage to stand there and we didn't even notice.' They all blink, it was a mere a second in the darkness. When Lumine reopens her eyes. Childe, Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Venti and even Dainslief was thrown against the stone walls. Lumine was frozen in fear.

- To be continued -

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