A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Five)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the fith part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


Lumine finally reunited with her brother, but...



"Alright one last enemy, it may be strong, be wary when attacking." Lumine gets to the hooded figure faster than anyone. "This is... the..." One word crossed her mind 'Brother?' She misses her attack. Everyone was about to get their piece of the enemy. "B-brother?" Everyone who knew her situation stopped the other's attacks. "Thank you, eye patch and red rabbit. I honestly do not want to be cut down when I was about to have a moving reunion with my beloved sister." He takes his hood off. Ragged and old. "Hello, Lumine." Lumine's eyes widened. She nearly throws away her sword, to hug him. Kaeya yells "Lumine! HE'S A ENEMY" Aether grabs Lumine by the hand, she showed an expression of pain.

"A-Aether... you're hurting me. AETHER" Aether pulled Lumine closer. "Indeed I am" Lumine tried to get away. Aether grabbed her harder. "You don't need to fight anymore. Come" Aether opens a portal. Aether pulled Lumine, trying to get her in there. Childe drops in, pushes Aether away from Lumine. "I don't kn-" Childe looks at Aether. He was a split image of Lumine. "So, you're the brother. Are you okay Lumine?" Childe sees the bright has mark on Lumine's wrists. "You know, I am a brother myself, and you know who I hate the most?" "What is it?" "Big brothers shouldn't even be hurting their youngest! We are supposed to keep them safe. NOT like this!" Child points to Lumine's wrist. "I am trying to protect her. From you. From Teyvat."

Dainsleif finally shows himself "I promised you Lumine I shall not get in your way to save Aether. But I really want to know the answer." "Oh, what answer would that be?" "What did you see. What did you see that day, 500 years ago? What made it join the Abyss order?" Aether sighs "I saw the war, Archons fighting over the seven thrones. While we sat in our eighth throne all this time." Aether smiles, but Dainsleif confused "This isn't you Aether. What happened to the kind and sweet brother I know?" "You know, those 500 years was a living hell. The world... is so ugly. I need to change this world" Lumine shakes her head. "Brother, you are doing the exact same thing, the people that took away our home. What you are doing is taking away their worlds now."

"No, Lumine..." Aether reaches for Lumine's hand, but she instead pointed her sword at him "Why are you point that at me Lumine?" "We promised that I'll come and save you, no matter how big the trouble." "You don't unde-" Lumine just realized something. "Wait... Are you saying... you're the one who commanded Abyss mages... to..." "I know what you are thinking. Yes, it's all true, to get that dragon to come under my command, the planned attack on Liyue. You name it, I am behind it."

Jean comes back. "What is going on?" Everyone is witnessing something. "Does any-" "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS AETHER?" Lumine yells at Aether. "So you're the one who hurt Venti's friend. Threatened Diluc to destroy Mondstrat!?" "Yes and Yes. I indeed did that." Childe gets between Lumine and Aether before she loses herself and ends up killing Aether. "So, you're the boss of the Abyss Order. You know, our ruler wants to meet you. And possibly, no more likely to kill you. It's good that you are the person I really hate." "Good, I hated you too." Venti was angry "You hurt my friend... just for your greed?" "Oh, did I make you angry? My oh my, I have caught a wrath of a Ameno Archon. Venti, no Barbatos right?" "Stop talking." Childe grabs Aether's collar. Aether takes out his sword, it was too fast. Lumine stops the attack. "Even you are my brother. I won't forgive you."

Lumine and Aether faces each other. "Fine then. Aether takes out his sword again." Lumine took her stance, they clashes swords. Lumine switching her elements to fight Aether with the power which Lumine's was sealed. "Why aren't using your original power?" "Well I'll fight you with this world's power. Besides I can't use it anyways." The fight was so fast that even the experienced fighters could not track or see what was going on. A small splash of blood got onto half of Paimon. "B-blood?" Childe tried his best to see, he could just barely see it. Lumine was in a slight disadvantage. Childe knew if he stepped in, he would only get in her way. 'So, this is how strong she really is... but she's going to be even stronger than this? No, I need to stop this... but how?'

Zhongli drops in, Venti also steps in, stopping the two, they were equally wounded, but Lumine was the most wounded. "That is enough." "Zhongli-sensei? What are you doing here?" "I sensed a tremendous force coming from here. Thought that a fallen god has come back." "Fallen. Hahaha not that off." Aether grew wings. Venti kicks him back to the ground. "Oh no, you are not going anywhere." Venti was angrier, he made an expression that made everyone have a chill down the spine. "We will be taking care of him." "No, he is my brother as well... we should come clean about us. Then consider what to do to him. Please."

Jean agrees, that the meeting to be held in the center under a careful watch of the archons. What do to with the Abyss Order overall. Venti gets off Aether. "You better keep him away from me unless he wants himself to get killed." It was quiet. Lumine was looking down. "Okay everyone, to keep quiet about this." Jean asks everyone, which everyone agrees. "Zhongli... I would like to make a contract under Lumine. I want you to keep my brother safe. Keep him under the radar until the meeting. I don't like it..." "What do you not like?" Dainsleif asks, he looked upset, Lumine could tell surprisingly even with half of his face was covered "I feel like he is being used. If the Aether you knew was a kind, overprotective and amazing big brother." "Yes, he was like that when we met and traveled together." Zhongli was cut off, during the contract, but he continued like nothing happened. ". . . I see. I will keep him under the radar and protect him until the meeting."

Residents of Mondstrat went back, keeping about her brother a secret. Zhongli went back to Liyue holding Aether in one arm. "I requested Xiao to meet up with me near Liyue so don't worry." Zhongli leaves soon after. Venti was already gone. Childe, Dainsleif, Lumine and Paimon was the only one. "Um, so wh-" "Are you going to follow us?" Childe didn't like Dainsleif. "No, I will leave shortly after sorting what has happened." "Well let's go see Jean and Master Diluc since they did asked for us. Hey what don't you join us Dainsleif? I'm going to drag you with us anyways." Lumine tugged Dainsleif into the gates of Mondstrat.

"So, where's Jean, Acting Grand Master?" The two knights looks at each other. "Have you not heard?" Lumine's eyes widened, she ran towards the cathedral not looking back. "No, it can't be true.."

- To be continued-

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