A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Ten)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the second part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


Lumine now know that they're safe. But the fight to destroy the Abyss Order once and for all was yet not over.


Lumine took slow, deep breaths to calm down. The Abyss Herald chuckled "Oh, are you going to take me serious now?" "Maybe. Let's see shall we?" Lumine's eyes glowed. Aether, looking at Lumine. 'I need to stop her...' Aether squirmed out of Noelle's arms. "LUMINE DON'T DO IT!" Aether throws himself on top of Lumine. "You can't!" "Let go of me brother! It's the only option left to beat him" "You idiot, if you force yourself to rip that seal open your body won't hold!" Lumine takes a deep breath. "Don't worry..." Lumine pushes Aether aside. The golden glow was focused on the sword. "I'm not that reckless like you, big brother" With one wing of the sword, Lumine defeats the Abyss Herald.

"Bravo, Bravo-" Someone was clapping. Aether and Lumine froze, they knew the voice too well. "A touching reunion of the two outlanders." They look up. Venti and Zhongli, who was now conscious. They saw her too. "It's her... it really is her. The one who brought almost an end 500 years ago..." Lumine and Aether make their stance. "Like your brother has mentioned. Unless you decide on leaving Teyvat, and let it fall into ruins. I shall not release the seal I have casted on you." Lumine laughs "If you are thinking that I will say. 'Yes, sure destroy Teyvat. Just give back my powers like you promised.' But I'm sorry to say this but I refuse. I'm not leaving my friends to die just because I want my powers back!"

"So... what... you're saying... you're the one who-" "You were so obedient. Playing right in my hands. But I was honestly surprised that this world accepted your sister. Granting her powers just within in this world. I would like to congratulate for exceeding my expectations." The unknown god claps. Lumine was not happy at all. "I'm not happy, but glad I ruined your plans." The Unknown God smiled. "Hahaha, what do you mean you ruined my plans? It's only started. Right Paimon?" "Paimon? What do you want from my friend?" "Thanks to her keeping an eye out on you. Outlander. You have just gone within my expectations" Lumine turns to Paimon. "Paimon?" "Paimon... Paimon doesn't want to do this anymore, Paimon is Lumine's friend."

The Unknown God's eyes widen. "Why do you choose her?" "Although sometimes Lumine calls Paimon emergency food, we travelled. We met so many people, living out their lives to the fullest." The Unknown God breaks into laughter. "This, this is what I did not see coming at all! I'll admit my loss. I'll cut ties with Teyvat" "You're giving up that easily?" "I like to pick what my fight is. Outlanders. I shall return your powers. You choose what to do next." The Unknown God takes out a single cube, it looked like it was going to break anytime soon. "Your powers grew, so large I could not contain it. It was going to break loose soon, but I like my cubes, so here." The Unknown God tossed the box. Lumine catches it, the moment it landed on her hands, the cube was clear, as if were purified. "You are very interesting outlanders."

Lumine looks up. "From the sound off that tone, I feel like we are going to see each other very soon. But..." Lumine uses her wings and grabs the Unknown God's hand. "I'm not letting you off that easily." "Let me go, Outlander." "Shut up and travel with us." The Unknown God looks at everyone. "To see the world that you two nearly ended. To see if anything has changed over the years. There's so many things to see." Aether nods, the Unknown God let's out a sigh. "Very well. I shall accompany your travels." Lumine looked a little down.

Lumine went back to everyone. "We defeated, destroyed Abyss Order. ONCE AND FOR ALL!" The roar of cheers. Lumine was all injured. "MY CLOTHES" Aether screamed. "Sorry big brother..." Lumine rubbed back of her head. "Is this your brother?" The people Lumine and Paimon met on their journey asked about Aether. "Yes, this is my probalmatic big brother that we just reunited and now we are friends with... oh yeah, your name. What should we call you?" "My name is not relevant." "What about Sonar?" "Yeah Sonar is great" 'I give up.' "Okay from today, your name is Sonar, former Unknown God!" Aether taps Sonar on the shoulder "My sister is quite stubborn." "Yes, in a mere few seconds of interating with her, I have immediately understood that."

After everyone was patched up to a point they could walk, they all went their separate ways. "Childe, what are you going to do?" "Hm? I want to continue travelling with you of course!" Aether was clearly not happy with Childe being close and touchy with Lumine. "Um, Childe?" Childe turns to Aether. "What is it, my dear brother?" It struck a nerve in Aether. He smiles, attempts to grab his shoulder, he fails so he grabs the scarf. But lets go moments later. "Sir Childe. I am sorry for the pain I have cause. In the case of our attack on Liyue few days ago. Lumine, I am sorry for causing you that much emotional pain. Although I thought you never changed. I was so wrong..." Aether was in verge of tears. "You changed, in a good way. Although you, Teyvat may not forgive me about this... I want to redeem myself." Dainsleif was standing there. "Aether." "D-Dainsleif?" Dainsleif fast walks towards Aether. He punches Aether in the face. "Okay I deserved that. Ouch. I'm sorry Dainsleif for disappearing on you without telling you anything." Dainslief took a deep, long breath. "Welcome back my travel companion." Aether, wiping his face. "I'm back..." Aether smiles, with tears running down the face.

'What should I do... lots of people know who Aether is, I can't make this thing like nothing happened.' "Hey Lumine?" Aether tugged on Lumine. "Can you please give my clothes back?" Lumine looked at Aether. She broke into laughter.

- To be continued - 

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