A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Thirteen)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the second part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Sonar, Venti and Zhongli.


Childe had a gut feeling he did not like at all. Using his foul legacy, he made his way to Tsaritsa.


"LUMINE!" Childe pushed opened the heavy doors after knocking out the Fatui's that got in his way. "Hm? What are you doing here? I have not summoned for Lumine to come here if you are wondering." Childe took deep breaths "I see." Childe ran back out. He was continuing to try and find Lumine. "No, NO NO!" Childe looked for her frantically. "She must be here... some where... Please... please don't leave me Lumine... Please..." Childe was in verge of tears, he was worried. "Hey you!" Scaramouche calls out to Childe after he came home after a mission. He was completely ignored. "I'm killing that tall bastard later."

"Are you sure it was okay?" Aether asked. "Yeah, I mean... we almost at the end of the travels here in Teyvat. If I fall in love with him even more... I won't be able to leave this world." Lumine, Aether, Paimon, Sonar and Dainslief was walking off the lands of Snezhnaya. "Thanks Sonar, without your help, we wouldn't have gotten here that fast." Lumine smiled. She stretches. "This ship's destination is to Natlan. Natlan." Lumine grabs Aether's hand "Come on brother, that's our ride so don't stay frozen in place or we will miss it. Oh we're getting on!" The five step on board on the ship. "Come on guys, let's drop our things in the cabinet." The children were running around on the boat, Sonar and Aether's face was covered with a hood.

Lumine unlocks the door to the room that they will be staying for the ride. "Okay you can take off the hoodies now. But only either I or Dainsleif will leave the room. I got the room with a bathroom so you don't need to worry." Lumine steps out "I'll go and grab something to drink. Will be right back." Lumine closes the door. "LUMINE!!!" Ajax was at the harbor, shouting for her name. He could no longer use foul legacy after a big toll, most importantly he used it was too many times. "LUMINE WHERE ARE YOU!" Lumine froze. Tears begin running down her eyes. "I'm sorry Ajax... I want to see you... but I can't..." She falls to the ground, covering her face as she silently cried. Childe continued to shout for her name until his voice gave up before his body too has collapsed.

They all arrive in Natlan, it was a short stay, Lumine and others walked around Natlan. Seeing what this part of the world is like. Lumine greeted everyone she met. "Thank you for helping me save this idiot brother of mine." "Are you visiting again?" Lumine became silent. "After what my family has caused in this world. After we look around for the final time, we will be leaving." They had a disappointed look on their faces. "Hey were is that ginger boy? Is he not with you?" Lumine looks down. She takes a deep breath. "I already said my goodbyes to him. Do not worry."

They all left after few days. Fontaine and Sumeru were visited and they both greeted each other. "Finally Inazuma, just a little more walking and we should be there." They spent days in Inazuma. They leisurely enjoyed the hot springs and the food there. The scenery of the forever spring in Inazuma was breathtaking in their own ways. "Oh hello Lumine" it was Ayaka. Lumine sees through the steam. "It's a very nice night to enjoy the onsen." Lumine agrees, the two talk as Sonar drank sake, which she loved and enjoyed. "Oh Sonar if you drink that much the boat tomorrow will be harsh on you." Ayaka turns to Lumine "You're leaving already?" "Well we've been here for a few weeks. We came back to the town few days ago." Lumine smiled as she looked up, the clear moon. "Then, I Kamisato Ayaka will hospitalize your few hours of your remaining time in Inazuma. First up, have some wagashi I made with others" Ayaka smiled. Lumine ate the wagashi. "It's delicious. Thank you Ayaka. Paimon is missing out on this lovely sweets."

"Paimon wants to eat some" Paimon shows up from nowhere. "Paimon you scared me." "There be food, Paimon will be there." Lumine breaks into laugher. "Paimon, you never change do you?" After laughing and sharing some sweets from Inazuma. Lumine and others fall asleep in the inn prepared my Ayaka. "Good night Lumine." She closes the sliding doors. "Miss Ayaka. Should we tell the boy where they are?" Ayaka shakes her head. "She must have a reason to be keeping him in the dark. We must respect her feelings. Make sure none of this gets into his ears." Lumine was still awake. She covered her head in futon. Before falling asleep.

"Wake up everyone. Breakfast is here!" Ayaka came in, with the innkeepers with food. Everyone was wearing yukata. Lumine fixed her's, Paimon and Sonar's. Dainsleif showed Aether how to do it. They ate in silence. "Was the food not to your liking?" Aether shakes his head "It's delicious." Ayaka smiled. "On the behald of the cooks and innkeepers. We thank you for your stay." The group left. "Come on, we will be late to board the boat." "Paimon, you didn't have to eat that much." They ran to the boat and boarded it. Sonar was a little motion sick from the sake she drank too much of. "I told you so, hang on. Let me get something to help with your sickness." Lumine stands up. She goes to find the crew. A hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into the dark. "Lumine..." Lumine froze. She didn't want to look at him. Her will would shake. "Please look at me..." Lumine turns away. She takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I don't know you. Please let me go."  Lumine breaks out of Childe's arm. Running off to catch a crew to help Sonar ease her motion sickness and hangover.

Lumine left Childe in the dark.

- To be continued -

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