A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Eleven)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the second part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Sonar, Venti and Zhongli.


The Abyss Order is destroyed. Unknown God lost to Lumine's stubbornness. Their journey has begun.


Lumine catches her breath. Childe looks at Lumine, he smiles. "I'm so glad you reunited with your brother" "Ajax, I need to get changed." "I don't want to let you go..." Childe rubs his face in Lumine's golden hair. "It will only be few moments." Lumine breaks loose from Childe's arms. She kisses his cheek. "If you wait here, I will do it here" Lumine puts her thin finger on Childe's lips. Lumine blushes, happily walking into the tent to get changed. Then a big slap could be heard. It was Jean, Diluc's face was red. Jean broke down in tears. Diluc was unsure how to comfort her. "J-Jean" "You have no idea... how- how scared I was. YOU IDIOT, STUPID!" Jean was whacking his chest with her hands.

Lumine steps out from the tent, changed back into her usual clothes. "Here big brother. Your clothes. Don't worry, these are you actual clothes and not a replica." Childe looked like a puppy, Lumine thought she saw a tail and ears of a fluffy dog. "I'll be right back" Childe's nonexistent ears and tail dropped down. The guilt weighed heavy on her heart. Jean continued to whack Diluc's chest. Lumine takes a deep breath. "Jean, please don't be that mad at him. We decided on doing this so Diluc could move around freely. Me and the few others agreed on this plan. I can't tell you the names because I formed a contract in front of Zhongli-sensei. Although it was quite distasteful. He was the reason the surprise attack was even successful. So I am partially to blame." Jean's eyes were red from all the tears. "I'm sorry Jean." Lumine nudges Diluc. "I-I'm sorry Jean... for making you this sa-" Jean jumps and kisses him. "There, I kissed you when you're still alive." Diluc froze, his face was bright red. Lumine and Paimon smiled. Diluc kisses Jean again.

Jean's eyes widen, closes her eyes. Childe was waiting. Lumine rushed towards him, jumped and kissed him. Childe embraces her. "Yummy Lumine" Childe makes a hickey on Lumine's neck. "You're mine, Ojou-chan" Lumine blushes. "Then you're mine." Their noses touches each other. Aether was curled up and sobbing. "You're over reacting big brother." "I'm not... my baby sis is growing up..." "We are like, few mins apart." Aether turns. "Jokes on you I am 500 years older than you. Why are you looking at me like that!!" Lumine looks at Aether with disappointment. "Lumine!" "Hey Keqing! Huh didn't you already leave?" Keqing catches her breath. "Ningguag wanted to relay this message. 'Dear traveler from afar. We always welcome you and your brother, see the world, both ugly and beautiful. Oh and come and visit once in a while. Will be waiting at the Jade palace' that's it" Lumine smiles. "Thank you" Childe hugs Lumine.

Jean fell asleep, Diluc put her on the back, after putting his jacket on her. "See you Lumine. Oh yeah, come visit us once a while, after all. You officially started your journey here. The Bard will welcome your brother. Don't know about the dragon though." Aether's face went pale "Y-yeah" Lumine was trying hard not to laugh. "My journey has ended, I will go home." Lumine pushes Aether into Dainsleif. "Nope, you're joining us too."

The journey of the new group, Lumine, Childe, Paimon, Aether, Sonar and Dainsleif has begun.

"Look Aether, this is the world." The strong, reliable wind carried the petals from all around Teyvat. "First up, Snezhnaya!" Lumine points to the direction. "Why Snezhnaya first? Well it's close and Mondstadt need their time to heal. It's going to be freezing so we need to pre-" Childe smiles "Already got that covered! We can go right now." Childe looked so happy. Their breaths, their feet sinking into the white snow. Sonar has cut her long hair, hoping for a new start. Aether looked around. The place, that seemed the snow continued forever. "We should get moving before it gets dark!" Aether's nose red from the cold. He rubs his hand together to keep them warm. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Aether turns to Lumine, she was holding hands with Childe. "It's only one part of the world. We still have so much to see, even I haven't seen it all!"

They climb a hill made of snow and ice. Aether helps Sonar get up after seeing she was having a hard time ascending. "Here, take my hand." Sonar hesitates for a moment. She takes his hand. "We're here." Teucer opened the door. "Teucer, what did I tell you about leaving the door open!" "Sorry sis! It's snowing- BIG BROTHER!" "Hey buddy!" Teucer ran into Childe's arms. "I missed you big brother!" "Ajax!" Tonia waved towards them. Childe and Lumine waves back. "Onee-chan is here too! Big brother who is the man behind her that looks like onee-chan?" Childe pats Teucer. He grabs him and puts him in the shoulder. "Your onee-chan's fingers will freeze Teucer, let's go inside then talk shall we?" Teucer giggled and laughed. Lumine smiles, Childe sees her smiling. He was bewitched by her smile. His ears turn red.

"Here you go." Tonia passes them tea to drink. "Teucer, I know you're happy that Ajax's home bu we have guests." "Ehh but I want to play with Big brother." Lumine kneels down to his eye level. "Hey, why don't you hang out with my big brother. He'll like to hang out with you!" Teucer's eyes glowed with wonder. "Really!? Onii-chan is nice like Onee-chan?" Lumine pats Teucer "Of course he is. After all he is my big brother." "But my big brother is better" Aether chokes on tea. "Oh no you did not say that." Aether puts down his tea and goes to have fun with Teucer. Lumine asks quietly to keep an eye out on Aether and Teucer. "Hey Teucer, Mr Dainsleif is going to play with you too!" "P-Play... Lumine I do not know how to ha-" "Come on, it will be fun!" Aether smiles. Dainselif has not seen that smile for a very long time. He couldn't help by grin.

- To be continued -

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