A goodbye letter to Teyvat (Part Seven)

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*This is a Fanfiction of a GENSHIN IMPACT, all characters belongs to the rightful owners, MIHOYO. This is my interception of an ending.

This was based on a idea; [Please don't make this canon | Childe x Lumine]. The video belongs to Jizy.

The ships in the story includes: Childe x Lumine and Diluc x Jean.

*Warning you are reading the second part of the Fanfiction of "A goodbye letter to Teyvat"

You have been warned.

Characters in the story:
Aether, Amber, Albedo, Baizhu, Barbara, Bennett, Childe (Tartaglia/Ajax), Dainsleif, Diluc, Diona, Fishl, Gui, Jean, Kaeya, Keqing, Klee, Lisa, Lumine, Millelith, Mona, Ningguang, Noelle, Oz, Paimon, Razor, Sucrose, Venti and Zhongli.


Aether is caputred, but Inazuma is attacked. It was now time to destroy the Abyss Order once and for all... The end of their journey was at the horizons...


"Look, there they are." "Just like the intel, now we just wait until the others come." "Was it a good idea to leave Childe behind? Paimon thinks..." Lumine hushes Paimon. There was a large movement around the entrance. "Stay low Paimon, we can't be afford to be found." "What are you doing here your highness?" Lumine froze 'Keep calm... act like my brother' "Nothing, just was lying down on the grass. Mentally preparing myself." "I see, the others are waiting for you." "I will be right there" 'Glad I took an advice from Zhongli to dress up like my brother.' "Pst, Paimon. Tell the others who at the Assembly point that we ran in trouble and I will be in there. Just be ready for when things get ugly."

Lumine left with the Abyss mages. Paimon flew fast as she could to the assembly point. "Where is Ojou-chan?" Childe was here with few of the fatuis that he could drag along. "She ran into trouble. Told me to get things ready for when things get ugly, where are the others?" "We're here. Sorry we took so long to get here. It is a cold climate and had to prepare." The others joined. Paimon was happy many people got together. "Honorary Knight helped us, with Stormterror and the recent events..." Amber smiles "Hi Paimon." "It is our honor to return the debt. I, Kamisato Ayaka will assist our friend." "I see she has helped many of us, she has too helped us. It's time to help her in return." More than a hundred showed up.

"Your highness" "What is it?" "The Abyss Heralds wants... to see you." A chill ran down Lumine's spine. "I see. What is their matter?" "It seems they caught a rat" "Oh, a rat. Who is darling enough to come in." Lumine follows the Abyss mage. "Let me go-" Lumine turns to see. She tries to not make a shocked expression, she takes a deep breath. "Oh, so this is a rat." Lumine jumps in front of the rat. "You highness, he bites. Be careful" Lumine comes face to face with a covered, bagged face. She was hesitant to remove the bag. "Your highness are you alright?" Yes I am. 'The clothes belongs to Knight of Favonius. is Jean aware of this?' 

"Leave that rat alive. I want to know why the Knights of Favonius wanted with us, the Abyss Order. I am in a good mood, if you ever dare to harm him." "Yes your highness" 'Ahh, this is so tiring... was I good enough? Ahhhh I am worried.' Then a big metal hand touches her shoulder. Unfazed she turns. "What is it?" "You seem a little off, your highness." "What if I told you I met my sister, made her cry. As a brother it pains me, I told her to come with me. But she has refused. Although I was try-" Lumine coughs "Sorry, I talked for too long. Keep up the good work." Lumine walks away.

Lumine soon gets lost. "Okay this place is a maze. It would be awfully conveniently if there was a map..." Lumine ends up in the place where they kept the prisoners. "H-hello?" Lumine turns to see a familiar face. She looks around, uses her vision. 'Okay no one around.' Lumine crouches down and whispers "What are you doing here, no... how are you still even alive? Master Diluc..." "Who are you. I don't know you." "It's me. Lumine, just ignore what I am wearin-" "Your Highness? Where are you?" "I'll keep it short, use this key when you hear a disturbance. I'll see you soon"

"I am here, sorry I thought I should see a miserable rat rotting away. What is it?" The Abyss Mage was clearly disturbed by something. "The Heralds are accusing you to be the fake" Lumine didn't express it on her face, but her heart skipped a beat. "Oh, so they think I am my sister. Intriguing." "T-They said if they fight, they would know immediately. If they were wrong, they would..." Lumine was hesitant. 'Dainselif has told me how much of a monsters they were, I would like to avoid this, but-' "You highness?" "Oh, very interesting. But it seems we will be having guest soon so I would like them to be in a top shape. Wouldn't want to hear miserable excuses later."

"Thank you for your kindness your highness" Another Abyss mage reveals themselves "Y-Your highness! We are being attacked!" 'Good they are on time, but they wou-' The warmth that Lumine knows well. "Your highness!" An Abyss mage uses itself to shield Lumine, it did not have time to protect itself. "Oh, so this is the Prince of Abyss." "Oh, this rat is very clever." Lumine draws her sword, Diluc had a rusty Claymore in hand. "It would've been interesting to keep going, but unfortunately I must keep in command. But a worthy praise for going for my head first" Lumine claps her hand before leaving with two of the Abyss mages

'Okay what now? I'm separated from Master Diluc right now.' "Your highness, we must get to that room. Oh you must not remember, it is a project few people have come together to do so." "Could you lead me there?" Abyss Mage opens a scroll that seems to be a map. "I am new Abyss Mage, I am sorry that I can't remember a mere layout of the Abyss." "No need to be worried" Lumine swiftly takes care of the Abyss mage, takes the map. 'Map acquired. Need to go to the rendezvous point.' Lumine runs off to meet with the others. Jean and others were taking command. "Lumine!" Lumine took a moment to take a breath. "I got the map." 'I shouldn't tell her about Master Diluc right now.'

"Alright everyone, just as planned, stay in groups!" "Leave the supports to us Adepti" "Ganyu, Xiao, Madam Ping, Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper and Moon Carver glad you made it!" "Lumine!?" Ganyu was surprised. "I would appreciate your back." Lumine briefly explains what is going on in the deeper parts of the Abyss. Dainsleif was standing with his arm crossed. "Oh yes, Dainsleif. It seems we have all the Heralds in the same place. It's pretty bad." Lumine and Dainsleif also briefly explains what they are. "Are we going to have a chance winning against them?" Everyone was drowning in thoughts of something so terrifying was yet to follow. "It will not change the fact that we must come face with it. Eventually."

Jean continued to give out commands, Adepti was supporting everyone. Ganyu and Xiao joined the battle after a while.

"I think we should-"

- To be continued -

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